Monday, May 19, 2003

i've just been labelled the 24-hr non-stop radio. hahaz. is it a sin to sing? lol. but actually... my singing is good... as in... id any robbers come near me. i just haf to sing. then they all go deaf. LOL. hahaha. k. crap. so wu liao. tmr gg to play bball. either at dawn hse or tiff hse. budden.... jq seem SO against the idea of gg to tiff's hse. haha. cuz of sume incidents tt happened few days ago. sigh. she should learn to let go... LOL. Let Go. reminds me of my Avril CD tt is, until noe, NOWHERE to be found. hahahahaha.

btw. if u got a sweet stuck to ur tooth... wad would u do?
a.) use a tooth pick
b.) wait for it to melt
c.) slap yourself...

HAHAHAHA. how lame can a person get.... slap himself to get a sweet out...!!!!!

kk. enough of crap. anyway. mrs clara tan said tt i cannt do my art exam. sigh. nvm nvm nvm..... n to think iw worked SOOOOOOOOOO hard for it. my efforts all gone.

anyway. dun noe wad to write liao. hahaz. yup.

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