sigh. today was kinda.. not very smooth. i finally gone through what everyone will go thru someday. just... i dun noe. like i dread to go home. hate everything. i mean. i dun noe la. have this sudden mood swing. i was with grace at tbp. everything was still bright and gay. i mean. happy. not THAT sort of gay. but the very moment she turned her back n left, i... dun noe. the world just seemed so dark. my smile faded away. somehow. i just thot tt maybe everything will be fine if 'm dead. or not alive. i dun noe lah. its not the usual me. maybe what i told grace at tbp just brought up the unhappy memories. i dun noe. this feeling had gone away for a very long time. n it just came back. i hate it. but i cant control it. maybe i can. but i dun noe how to. i dun noe. everything just pisses me off. i cried for very long. my eyes became red n sore. every one at home thot tt its bcuz my brother read my writings. i mean. my thots. actually. its not. tt was only an excuse to cry. i cried becuz i suddenly thot abt all the happy n unhappy times i had before with that someone. n how she always used to be with me. always by my side. giving me support. i even rmb what i said in her birthday card. telling her tt in my whole life, i nv had a better best fren. n how she changed my life. i mean. part of the reason y i changed since sec 1 was bcuz of her. i wanted to show her tt i'm the new me. n accept me. n stop ignoring me. i dun noe. i'm really confused. when i was down bcuz of my 2.4... yangling passed my a pckt of H20. she din tell me who gave it. at first, i guessed it was frm the whole clique. but then. when i asked thm... nearly everyone said it was from her. i dun noe. i seriously dun. xiao min said tt she gave it to me. not her. i dun noe. i wished tt it was her. even if she din mean to give it to me. i would still be happy to know tt its from her.
i dun think she knows how i feel towrds her. maybe she just think of me as another fren. another of her ordinary frens. of cuz i hope i mean more thn tt to her. but... after all i did to her.... sigh. i doubt she's even aware tt i still like her. AS A FREN lah. i just suddenly feel so confused. like... my world tumbling down. its weird to sound like tt... but. sigh. it'll be over soon.
sigh. after what happened last night. everything. just seems so not right. i dun feel so happy anymore. i mean. even the slightest thing would irritate me. sigh. i'm such a b*tch today. i quarrelled with my brother, my mum... n my sis. i din quarrel with my sis. i just.. i was rude n mean to her. I HATE MYSELF! arghs! quarrelled with thm. thn saw my mum secretly shedding tears. i felt so guilty. really guilty. but i dun noe wad to do. i had my pride. i cried again. like a maniac. i havent said sorry yet. i dun noe wad's with me. i feel guilty. but i continue to be mean n sarcastic to her. she just got me a new sim card. got new hp no. but i was so rude to her. evn in front of the dealer. i dun noe wad's with me. i said this:"can u for once dun embarrass me?!" i guess i'm just... not in the right state of mind. maybe its just wad i said to grace n wad happened last night tt's affecting my whole attitude. another vicious cycle. hope everything will be fine in a while.
so anw. today after sch went to redhill market. 11 peeps went. me lydia grace one table. riana wanqi dawn another table. clarice chi hui rosemary germaine jamie another table. hahahah. the fried carrot cake uncle got lots of business. hahahaa. thn the rest left. dawn grace lydia n i went to support maznah for her hockey match. well. i wun say the results. u know what happened lah. n maz disappeared right after the game. the rest... were outside the sports complex... talking to the coach. maz told me tt she din do her best. i dun noe. maybe its her fault. maybe its not. but seriously. i hope she's not reading this. but evn if she does. well.... she was..i dun noe. doesnt seem concentrated. sigh. n worse. being defeated in frnt of her best fren... u all know who lah. i shant say... wasnt exactly wad she had in mind. i mean. sigh. no one likes the feeling of failures.
sigh. eyes hurting like no one's business now. no one cares abt me at home. i mean. at least for today. maybe its just my incorrigible attitude today. sigh. i deserve it. tomorrow shall b a better day.
Thursday, July 31, 2003
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
hey ha! hm. today. kinda interesting. ms chia didnt come. mrs rama didnt come either. n mr chan gave us free half a period. so our class peeps practised their dance. hahaha. n i danced abit with sophia n maznah. hahahaha. thn after sch went to hall. got the 'Sing Singapore'. Joey Swee, Nick Shen, Tay Bin Hui and... i forgot the other guy's name came to our sch. Tay Bin Hui only came to crescent nv go other schs. reason? bcuz his cousin was studying here. so biased!! joey swee so ke ai. hehehehe. like her the most. amongst all of thm. every crescentian all seem to be crazy abt only bin hui n nick. sigh. dun they see tt joey is much better? arghs! hahahahahaha
grace now bathing her dogs. so cool. hahahahahahhaha
after sch, yangling n i went to grace's hse. grace packed her swimming stuff. n set off for delta swimming complex to have her test. n she reached there. N THERE WAS NO TEST!!!! thn we checked the board. crescent girls not evn on the board!!! arghs. i think the course is over liao. sigh. so we went to bukit merah interchange. n they ordered sliced fish bee hoon. hahaha. at first i din want to eat. but... cldnt resist temptation. arghs! i'm such a failure. hahahaha. no lah. i'm a genius. so i ate. waste my money. so expensive!! $4 ok... sigh. i dun need to eat recess for another 4 days liao. sigh... nth much to blog liao. today's entry quite short. hahaha.
grace now bathing her dogs. so cool. hahahahahahhaha
after sch, yangling n i went to grace's hse. grace packed her swimming stuff. n set off for delta swimming complex to have her test. n she reached there. N THERE WAS NO TEST!!!! thn we checked the board. crescent girls not evn on the board!!! arghs. i think the course is over liao. sigh. so we went to bukit merah interchange. n they ordered sliced fish bee hoon. hahaha. at first i din want to eat. but... cldnt resist temptation. arghs! i'm such a failure. hahahaha. no lah. i'm a genius. so i ate. waste my money. so expensive!! $4 ok... sigh. i dun need to eat recess for another 4 days liao. sigh... nth much to blog liao. today's entry quite short. hahaha.
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
this morning- mass run.
thn PE-2.4km. i was actually very excited abt it. but i acted as if i was very nervous. ok. i was abt nervous. but well. more of excitement. BUT IT ALL TURNED OUT BAD!!!! my aim was 12min30sec. its possible. i've done it before. i swear!!! n today. my timing is DEFINITELY more than tt. i knew i could have done it at tt time. I DID IT BEFORE. I SWEAR I DID! i dun noe wad happened to me today. bcuz i was left with half a round to run when it was 12min, i got so... i dun noe. couldnt control the anger. as well as disappointment. i told myself i couldnt run half a round in 30sec. so i stopped n sat down. looking at ppl run past. i dun care. i watched ppl run pass... one by one. until cherlynn. the only person who decided to stop n ask me wad's wrong. dun noe la. somehow. when she showed her concern. i just felt like crying out. but i din. i cntrled my tears. so i ran. afterall, i cant be sitting there until the end of the world right? so i jogged. until left with 7-8m.. i stopped again. to sit down. in frnt of mr samat. he even shouted to me to continue running.i ignored him. thn he walked over. n so. i stood up. n jogged. until i completed everything in THE LOUSIEST TIMING. i suck! i know. alot of ppl keep telling me tt as long as i got grade A can liao. but. its not abt the grade. its me. its all abt me.
ok. so anw. forget the 2.4km. anw. i sorta gotten over it liao. had lit. so fun. hahaha. mdm kala asked us to act out the Antigone play. haha. i was Ismene. hahahaha. so kewl. thn i leaned on the door n the door open n i fell. wow. clap clap. so embarrassing. the whole class laughed. thn to hide my embarrassment, i laughed with thm. bleahx. thn i read wrong line. hahahaha. felt so embarrassed again. dun noe if my face turned red. but it felt hot. hahahaha. thn i pretended to laugh n smile with the class. hahahaha. actually, wad i really felt like doing was to dig a hole n bury myself in it. after tt i volunteered jq to do the "miming in horror" expression. n she told mdm kala she must see me thn do it. arghs. so i went up. relunctantly. afraid of embarrassing myself even more. but anw. i went up lah. n while walking up, i hit her boob in frnt of mdm kala. hahaha. thn stood there. n i said:"jq, u do the expression u did in the photo lah" n she said:"u do it lah. we did it together what" n i was like: ARGH! wad was she saying. we did it together. the whole class laughed. hahahahaha. we did it together!! can u imagine??? yuck lor. sound so obscened!!
k. thn after tt. got austalian maths competition. thn after tt went to canteen. ms chia trea us to pizze. way cool. hahaha. so we ate. thn go back class. me grace n jq stayed in class for a while. thn went down for canoe. today for canoe pt, we stretched, work at the gym, played less thn 5mins of bball. thn went to run again. hahaha. josef tan so... arghs. seperate me frm jq n grace!!! thn huiqin n i were the only sec 2s in tt team. arghs.
thn after tt went back to class. see the ppl dance the teacher's day dance. haha. thn sophia no partner. i partner her a while. learnt a few steps of the dance. kewl eh. hahaha. sophia dance very cute one. hahahah. really. must see for urself. thn after tt go home. n do the usual things hahaha. okok. nth else to add on. bye!
thn PE-2.4km. i was actually very excited abt it. but i acted as if i was very nervous. ok. i was abt nervous. but well. more of excitement. BUT IT ALL TURNED OUT BAD!!!! my aim was 12min30sec. its possible. i've done it before. i swear!!! n today. my timing is DEFINITELY more than tt. i knew i could have done it at tt time. I DID IT BEFORE. I SWEAR I DID! i dun noe wad happened to me today. bcuz i was left with half a round to run when it was 12min, i got so... i dun noe. couldnt control the anger. as well as disappointment. i told myself i couldnt run half a round in 30sec. so i stopped n sat down. looking at ppl run past. i dun care. i watched ppl run pass... one by one. until cherlynn. the only person who decided to stop n ask me wad's wrong. dun noe la. somehow. when she showed her concern. i just felt like crying out. but i din. i cntrled my tears. so i ran. afterall, i cant be sitting there until the end of the world right? so i jogged. until left with 7-8m.. i stopped again. to sit down. in frnt of mr samat. he even shouted to me to continue running.i ignored him. thn he walked over. n so. i stood up. n jogged. until i completed everything in THE LOUSIEST TIMING. i suck! i know. alot of ppl keep telling me tt as long as i got grade A can liao. but. its not abt the grade. its me. its all abt me.
ok. so anw. forget the 2.4km. anw. i sorta gotten over it liao. had lit. so fun. hahaha. mdm kala asked us to act out the Antigone play. haha. i was Ismene. hahahaha. so kewl. thn i leaned on the door n the door open n i fell. wow. clap clap. so embarrassing. the whole class laughed. thn to hide my embarrassment, i laughed with thm. bleahx. thn i read wrong line. hahahaha. felt so embarrassed again. dun noe if my face turned red. but it felt hot. hahahaha. thn i pretended to laugh n smile with the class. hahahaha. actually, wad i really felt like doing was to dig a hole n bury myself in it. after tt i volunteered jq to do the "miming in horror" expression. n she told mdm kala she must see me thn do it. arghs. so i went up. relunctantly. afraid of embarrassing myself even more. but anw. i went up lah. n while walking up, i hit her boob in frnt of mdm kala. hahaha. thn stood there. n i said:"jq, u do the expression u did in the photo lah" n she said:"u do it lah. we did it together what" n i was like: ARGH! wad was she saying. we did it together. the whole class laughed. hahahahaha. we did it together!! can u imagine??? yuck lor. sound so obscened!!
k. thn after tt. got austalian maths competition. thn after tt went to canteen. ms chia trea us to pizze. way cool. hahaha. so we ate. thn go back class. me grace n jq stayed in class for a while. thn went down for canoe. today for canoe pt, we stretched, work at the gym, played less thn 5mins of bball. thn went to run again. hahaha. josef tan so... arghs. seperate me frm jq n grace!!! thn huiqin n i were the only sec 2s in tt team. arghs.
thn after tt went back to class. see the ppl dance the teacher's day dance. haha. thn sophia no partner. i partner her a while. learnt a few steps of the dance. kewl eh. hahaha. sophia dance very cute one. hahahah. really. must see for urself. thn after tt go home. n do the usual things hahaha. okok. nth else to add on. bye!
Monday, July 28, 2003
hey. today. um. fine day. not exactly the term i would use. but. oh well. haha
during morning assembly, got 2 warnings frm ms chia. asked me not to talk. 3rd time, she ask zx to sit in front so i cant talk to her. arghs! thn during chi, she made me stand bhind cuz i was slow in taking out my books. YUCKS! i cant stand her. like tt also can. arghs. mameee!!! but i think itz just an excuse. she just wanted to make me stand bcuz i was talking in the parade square. ARGHS!
thn went for some serious boob-hitting. haha. hurt alot of peeps today. feel so guilty. i think i'm not gg hit ppl's boobs liao. firstly, i dun think i should do wad i dun wan other ppl to do on me. secondly, it hurts. it really does. thirdly, it irritates people. n forthly, its kinda sick. n i'm tired of such humor. hahahahahahha.
after sch stayed back in class. grace wantd to do our history skit. figured tt nth has to be done anw. so we stayed n waited for lydia. thn lydia came. grace stayed in class to wait for yl. cuz yl gg to her hse. i wanted to go. but thn. felt very tired. hahaha. so went tbp with lydia n zx. hehehehe. lydia wanted to buy strapless bra for zx!! HAHAHHAHAHA!!! so she can wear her spaghetti strap in peace. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. kewl man.
sigh. hungry. hungry. not so hungry now. but. i ate lesser thn my usual share of food. arghs. feel so horrible now. my stomach has expanded. got more space liao. due to my over-eating. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. now fill it with so little things. haix. feel so horrible. but my mum says its fine time i 'contract' my stomach liao. sigh. bear with it, lynette, it'll be over soon.
n bcuz of not having enough money. i dun noe lah. i made myself a beggar. HAHAHHAHAHA. went arnd begging for money today. but its sorta fun. let's name the ppl who gave me money. according to the BIGGEST DONATER:
1.) Cherlynn Cheong - $2 (yay! thnkew cherlynn! so nice! i will try to return u lah. hehx)
2.) um. Tan Wan Qi - $1 (hehehe. u abit not willing. but. thx anw)
3.) Tan Kai Hui - also $1 (thx hor. evn dou u gave it to me bcuz u were in a rush n i was bothering u. hahaha)
4.) Grace Yew - $0.75 (thx for the xtra 25 cents. to fill my stomach on thursday hahahaha)
5.) Sophia Tu - $0.35 (hehehe. thankew hor. really needed tt.)
6.) Lai Jia Qi - $0.20 (hehehehe. xie xie. take it as interest for owing me money for a long time. hahx!)
7.) Hui Qin - $0.10 (so bad. hahaha. but nvm. thnkew anw. thx for being my first donor)
8.) everyone who wanted to help but 'got no money'. haha. n anyone i missed out. i'm really sorry. i suffer frm short term memory. sorry.
ok. so great. i got enough for my canoe fee, n my mon to thursday's recess. kewl eh. i just realized tt crescentians are kind n generous. hahahaha. i'm not apple polishing. serious. when cherlynn gave me the $2, i was like :"ooi? u sure abt this? really ah?" n she was so nice. she said:"u better eat ah. dun faint again ah." hahaha. thx.
anw. so tired. now. falling aslp. hahahaha. nth to blog liao. bye bye!
during morning assembly, got 2 warnings frm ms chia. asked me not to talk. 3rd time, she ask zx to sit in front so i cant talk to her. arghs! thn during chi, she made me stand bhind cuz i was slow in taking out my books. YUCKS! i cant stand her. like tt also can. arghs. mameee!!! but i think itz just an excuse. she just wanted to make me stand bcuz i was talking in the parade square. ARGHS!
thn went for some serious boob-hitting. haha. hurt alot of peeps today. feel so guilty. i think i'm not gg hit ppl's boobs liao. firstly, i dun think i should do wad i dun wan other ppl to do on me. secondly, it hurts. it really does. thirdly, it irritates people. n forthly, its kinda sick. n i'm tired of such humor. hahahahahahha.
after sch stayed back in class. grace wantd to do our history skit. figured tt nth has to be done anw. so we stayed n waited for lydia. thn lydia came. grace stayed in class to wait for yl. cuz yl gg to her hse. i wanted to go. but thn. felt very tired. hahaha. so went tbp with lydia n zx. hehehehe. lydia wanted to buy strapless bra for zx!! HAHAHHAHAHA!!! so she can wear her spaghetti strap in peace. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. kewl man.
sigh. hungry. hungry. not so hungry now. but. i ate lesser thn my usual share of food. arghs. feel so horrible now. my stomach has expanded. got more space liao. due to my over-eating. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. now fill it with so little things. haix. feel so horrible. but my mum says its fine time i 'contract' my stomach liao. sigh. bear with it, lynette, it'll be over soon.
n bcuz of not having enough money. i dun noe lah. i made myself a beggar. HAHAHHAHAHA. went arnd begging for money today. but its sorta fun. let's name the ppl who gave me money. according to the BIGGEST DONATER:
1.) Cherlynn Cheong - $2 (yay! thnkew cherlynn! so nice! i will try to return u lah. hehx)
2.) um. Tan Wan Qi - $1 (hehehe. u abit not willing. but. thx anw)
3.) Tan Kai Hui - also $1 (thx hor. evn dou u gave it to me bcuz u were in a rush n i was bothering u. hahaha)
4.) Grace Yew - $0.75 (thx for the xtra 25 cents. to fill my stomach on thursday hahahaha)
5.) Sophia Tu - $0.35 (hehehe. thankew hor. really needed tt.)
6.) Lai Jia Qi - $0.20 (hehehehe. xie xie. take it as interest for owing me money for a long time. hahx!)
7.) Hui Qin - $0.10 (so bad. hahaha. but nvm. thnkew anw. thx for being my first donor)
8.) everyone who wanted to help but 'got no money'. haha. n anyone i missed out. i'm really sorry. i suffer frm short term memory. sorry.
ok. so great. i got enough for my canoe fee, n my mon to thursday's recess. kewl eh. i just realized tt crescentians are kind n generous. hahahaha. i'm not apple polishing. serious. when cherlynn gave me the $2, i was like :"ooi? u sure abt this? really ah?" n she was so nice. she said:"u better eat ah. dun faint again ah." hahaha. thx.
anw. so tired. now. falling aslp. hahahaha. nth to blog liao. bye bye!
Sunday, July 27, 2003
this morning. woke up early. wash up. get rdy. went to church at COSW. church of singapore woodlands. used to belong there. but last time was in jurong. so it was called COSJ. church of singapore jurong. aye. y m i telling u all this? hahahhhahahaha
went with my two cousins. i figured its fine time i spent some time with thm. its not an excuse. hahahaha. one of thm is p5 now, another one same age. during spiritual class. i dun noe wad got into me. suddenly read so fluently... like during oral liddat. hahahahaha. n more suprising. i was like. a new comer. n i felt so confident. hehehe. God is with me. =). hehehehehhe. thn every single girl in the spiritual class likes this guy called Aaron. i think tt's how his name is supposed to be spelled. he seems like an introvert. but according to my cousin, during the BBQ, he was so um... un-introvert. yea. if there's such a word, tt is. hahaha. n my younger P5 cousin is gaga over him. dun see anything in him though. hahaha. but anw. yep. he was quite whoosh. n the cousin who is same age as me, Evangeline, secretly admires him. woah. she nv liked anyone before... n now. hahahaha. Aaron must b quite attractive thn. hahahaha. my cousins was sorta jealous cuz i sat beside him. n when i was spinning my pencil, i dropped it. so he bent down to pick it for me. n i bent down too. so i hit his head. no. i mean. he hit my head. he felt the pain, not me. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA. n he's a um. children teacher. hahaha. he's sec 2. children teacher. woah. kewl. but. not so kewl afterall. cuz my cousin'z one too. shucks. i'm crapping again.
thn went to my cousin's hse. studied there. i'm studying again. recently... keep studying. so studious. hahahaha.
kewl. just received n email frm my cousin. hahaha. she sent me her bdae photos. so kewl. got a few of my pics. hahahaha. but then. i looked so retard n spastic. kept sticking my tongue out to the side. hahaha. in zx's bdae pics also. wad's with me??? n class photo!!! ARGHS!!!! last yr class photo my head was like... tilted. n this yr, the same!! somebody. tilt my head straight for next yr's class photo plz. hahahahahahha. look so extra. evryone's head is so straight. n suddenly... my head. ARGHS! destroyed the whole photo. everything looked so neat. but thn. arghs! nvm!
hahaha. k. kewl. nth else to blog. buh bye!
went with my two cousins. i figured its fine time i spent some time with thm. its not an excuse. hahahaha. one of thm is p5 now, another one same age. during spiritual class. i dun noe wad got into me. suddenly read so fluently... like during oral liddat. hahahahaha. n more suprising. i was like. a new comer. n i felt so confident. hehehe. God is with me. =). hehehehehhe. thn every single girl in the spiritual class likes this guy called Aaron. i think tt's how his name is supposed to be spelled. he seems like an introvert. but according to my cousin, during the BBQ, he was so um... un-introvert. yea. if there's such a word, tt is. hahaha. n my younger P5 cousin is gaga over him. dun see anything in him though. hahaha. but anw. yep. he was quite whoosh. n the cousin who is same age as me, Evangeline, secretly admires him. woah. she nv liked anyone before... n now. hahahaha. Aaron must b quite attractive thn. hahahaha. my cousins was sorta jealous cuz i sat beside him. n when i was spinning my pencil, i dropped it. so he bent down to pick it for me. n i bent down too. so i hit his head. no. i mean. he hit my head. he felt the pain, not me. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA. n he's a um. children teacher. hahaha. he's sec 2. children teacher. woah. kewl. but. not so kewl afterall. cuz my cousin'z one too. shucks. i'm crapping again.
thn went to my cousin's hse. studied there. i'm studying again. recently... keep studying. so studious. hahahaha.
kewl. just received n email frm my cousin. hahaha. she sent me her bdae photos. so kewl. got a few of my pics. hahahaha. but then. i looked so retard n spastic. kept sticking my tongue out to the side. hahaha. in zx's bdae pics also. wad's with me??? n class photo!!! ARGHS!!!! last yr class photo my head was like... tilted. n this yr, the same!! somebody. tilt my head straight for next yr's class photo plz. hahahahahahha. look so extra. evryone's head is so straight. n suddenly... my head. ARGHS! destroyed the whole photo. everything looked so neat. but thn. arghs! nvm!
hahaha. k. kewl. nth else to blog. buh bye!
Saturday, July 26, 2003
ok. today was a great day. i slept nearly for the whole day. felt so tired. hahaha. n all my pimples popping up. despite the fact tt my menses is over. arghs. hahahaha. so anw. i slept at 3.27am last night. i mean... this morning. hahaha. i chatted with grace until 12 plus i guess. thn i went to do some writing. dun noe y. keep writing n thinking abt alot of stuff lately. n the poem i wrote below... was written by me. hahaha. bleahx. k. n while writing, i thot. maybe i cld publish my very own self help book one day. n sell them. n before i reach 25, earn my very first million. kewl right? i wouldnt say its impossible. learnt something. u've got to let something happen. i'm gg to put all my trust in... um... myself. yes. myself. hahaha. n God. i will trust God. hehex. ok. so. enough abt my dream. i mean. not dream. erm. about my... goal? yeps. goal. hahahahahahahha
so i wrote n thought n wrote n thought. n i dun noe y time flew so fast. it felt like... 20mins? but it was like... 3hrs ++? woah. hahahaha.
this mornng woke up at 11am. exact. thn brushed my teeth. combed my hair. wash my face. n did all the things one should do when they wake up. so i was all bright n awake. n guess what? i went back to sleep. n best of all, without eating. ok. maybe i did eat. but not in my memory. hahaha. k. so i slept at abt.. 11.40. thn i woke up at 2pm. just in time to watch Love Hina. but i din watch. i went to do some... um.. weird.. but true... writing. again. n i wrote another 3 pages. its alot k. given my puny handwriting. which isnt very puny afterall. hahaha. crap. so all in all, there are... 13pages now. woah. hahaha. thn i went back to sleep at 3.10pm. i did eat. but i forgot what i ate anyway. oh yah. i ate half of the box of Girl Gudies choclate. half or mint n half of chocolate. so tt makes it.. one whole box. 24 pieces n one box. $8 for one box. so... tt means... i ate up... dun noe how much lah. lazy to count. thn i ate fishball noodles. n 2 paus. n wad else? erm. milo. bread talk the floss bun. n ... i forgot. maybe there's no more. nvm.
i slept at 3.10pm.. woke up at 3.30. very short nap. haha. tried to fall asleept again. but cannt. so i read my dumb book. the.. "Does My Bum Look Big in This?" hahaha. talking abt books. zx introduced me a book.. called "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit". erm. if u guys know this book, or know where to find it... can help me borrow? yeps. thx. k. i read 2 pages plus of the book n fell asleep. yay. so happy. thn woke up at 4.10. for a short while. ate one bowl of cereal n went back to bed. HAAHAHAHAHA. k. n woke up at 7pm. talked to my mum for a while. SERIOUS TALK. she asked me abt alot of things. n encouraged me to read the Bible. so i did. n i read. i din fall asleep. amazingly. hahaha. after reading 8 chapters of Job... which i din really absorb... absorbed abit. but not all of it. hahaha. nvm. n learnt to trust God. kewl eh? hahaha. thn ate dinner. rice n chicken n omelette. so boring. sigh. nvm. afterall, food goes into the stomach n all bcum the same. haha
thn came online... n ta-da. here i am. hahahahahah
so i wrote n thought n wrote n thought. n i dun noe y time flew so fast. it felt like... 20mins? but it was like... 3hrs ++? woah. hahahaha.
this mornng woke up at 11am. exact. thn brushed my teeth. combed my hair. wash my face. n did all the things one should do when they wake up. so i was all bright n awake. n guess what? i went back to sleep. n best of all, without eating. ok. maybe i did eat. but not in my memory. hahaha. k. so i slept at abt.. 11.40. thn i woke up at 2pm. just in time to watch Love Hina. but i din watch. i went to do some... um.. weird.. but true... writing. again. n i wrote another 3 pages. its alot k. given my puny handwriting. which isnt very puny afterall. hahaha. crap. so all in all, there are... 13pages now. woah. hahaha. thn i went back to sleep at 3.10pm. i did eat. but i forgot what i ate anyway. oh yah. i ate half of the box of Girl Gudies choclate. half or mint n half of chocolate. so tt makes it.. one whole box. 24 pieces n one box. $8 for one box. so... tt means... i ate up... dun noe how much lah. lazy to count. thn i ate fishball noodles. n 2 paus. n wad else? erm. milo. bread talk the floss bun. n ... i forgot. maybe there's no more. nvm.
i slept at 3.10pm.. woke up at 3.30. very short nap. haha. tried to fall asleept again. but cannt. so i read my dumb book. the.. "Does My Bum Look Big in This?" hahaha. talking abt books. zx introduced me a book.. called "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit". erm. if u guys know this book, or know where to find it... can help me borrow? yeps. thx. k. i read 2 pages plus of the book n fell asleep. yay. so happy. thn woke up at 4.10. for a short while. ate one bowl of cereal n went back to bed. HAAHAHAHAHA. k. n woke up at 7pm. talked to my mum for a while. SERIOUS TALK. she asked me abt alot of things. n encouraged me to read the Bible. so i did. n i read. i din fall asleep. amazingly. hahaha. after reading 8 chapters of Job... which i din really absorb... absorbed abit. but not all of it. hahaha. nvm. n learnt to trust God. kewl eh? hahaha. thn ate dinner. rice n chicken n omelette. so boring. sigh. nvm. afterall, food goes into the stomach n all bcum the same. haha
thn came online... n ta-da. here i am. hahahahahah
Crying Angel
I know a crying angel that always has a tear rolling down her cheek.
She always pretends to be happy and she is always so sweet.
But how can anyone cry this much is she really that weak?
She is always called an angel but she is always feeling defeat.
Her heart is like a puzzle that can never be complete.
Why does she choose to cry?
I guess I can just wonder why.
What is it that happened to her that always makes her cry?
And what pain has she endured that always makes her feel so insecure?
Nobody sees her tears but me,
Nobody feels her pain but me,
and everytime I look into the mirror this crying angel is all I see.
true...true... very true...
I know a crying angel that always has a tear rolling down her cheek.
She always pretends to be happy and she is always so sweet.
But how can anyone cry this much is she really that weak?
She is always called an angel but she is always feeling defeat.
Her heart is like a puzzle that can never be complete.
Why does she choose to cry?
I guess I can just wonder why.
What is it that happened to her that always makes her cry?
And what pain has she endured that always makes her feel so insecure?
Nobody sees her tears but me,
Nobody feels her pain but me,
and everytime I look into the mirror this crying angel is all I see.
true...true... very true...
Friday, July 25, 2003
hahaha. today sch let us off at 11am. but i left at 11.30. cuz of the kite thing. thn walked home. no. ran home. hahaha. i forgot to bring my EZ link card. so i had to run home. i was nearly late. needed to go my aunty's hse. so i went home. bathed. n zoomed off. thn came home at abt 4pm. thn went home. slept. until abt 6 plus. suddenly heard some voice calling:"NERD! NERD! WAKE UP! OPEN THE DOOR!!!!!" opened my eyes... saw my brother's head jumping up n down.. peering thru my window. reluctantly, i dragged myself out of bed... knowing tt i wun b able to get back to slp. at least.. not for a very long time. so i woke up. opened the door for my bro n his frens. haha. talking abt his frens. so funny. when i was still half awake, i heard him saying:"OOI! go away. dun look. my sis sleeping!" hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahaha. no one should see how i slp. hahaha. got all sorts of funny positions. i'm the only one in the whole familt who cant slp still. everytime wake up shivering. cuz the aircon too cold n i kicked the blanket off my bed. haha. tt time my sis slept on the same bed as me. dun think crooked k, we're sisters. hahaha. thn next morning, she in the other room. she said i kept kicking her. hahahahahaha. bleahx. anw. so i woke up. thn my mum came home. thn i bathed again. cuz sleeping tt time sweated. nv on aircon or fan. i dun even rmb how i fell aslp. i think i ate my way to dreamland. cuz i woke up n found the potato chips the empty packet on the table by my bed. n got one empty bowl which seems to have contained... erm... cereal. i think. i dun noe. i forgot wad i ate. ate too much. bleahx. thn called my cousin who smsed me. i tutored her. n she got 34/30 for her maths test. the 4 marks is bonus marks. cuz their paper is weird lah. got one bonus question tt u can attempt if u got free time. abit... weird. nvm. i feel so proud. recently keep gg to my aunty's hse to give her tuition. but she doesnt pay me. arghs. nvm. i'm so nice. i dun need anything in return. bleahx. arghs... xing tong... xing tong. hahahahhahaahha
Thursday, July 24, 2003
hehehe. just SMSed wanqi. got frm her news of CGSSB (for sua-kus who dun noe, it means Crescent Girls School Symphonic Band) in SYF. wheeeeeeee. woooooooohooooooooo. they got a GOLD. ta-da! Only 5 schools got gold k. CGSSB ROKS MAN! hahaha. Cherlynn, Wan Qi, Meiling and all other band ppl i know. CONGRATULATIONS!! hahahahaha. y m i so happy? i'm not evn in band. HAHAHAHHAHAHA. dum dum dum. but anw... CONGRATULATIONS! ni men tai wei da le. hahaha. crap. bleahx. feeling so happy...
i read this interesting poem frm "Daily Bread". some Christian stuff. n i thot i cld share it with u guys out there
I would rather have one little rose
From the garden of a friend
Than to have the choicest flowers
When my stay on earth must end
I would rather have a pleasant word
In kindness said to me
Than flattery when my heart is still
And life has ceased to be
I would rather have a loving smile
From friends I know are true
Than tears shed 'round my casket
When to this world i bid adieu
Bring me all your flowers today
Whether pink, or white, or red
I'd rather have one blossom now
Than a truckload when I'm dead
dun u think this poem is so... interesting? i wouldnt go right to beautiful... becuz... it sounds rather depressing. but i think... its really meaningful anw. quite true. happens to many ppl. sth real for once.
Recalling all the good qualities of friends or relatives who left when they leave is appropriate, but how much better to give sincere praise to them while they are still around. It may be the encouragement they desperately need.
Do you owe someone a word of thanks or appreciation? Don't put it off. Say it today. Tomorrow may be too late.
hahahaha. i'm making sense. today is jq's dad bdae. she was rather... rude to her dad. rather cold to him. she says tt her dad scolded vulgarities. but... afterall, he's still ur dad. it is only right for her to respect him no matter what. even when he's wrong. u owe him ur life. hahahaha. jq gg to have alot of comments when she reads this. bleahx.
seriously.. i should apply this logic to myself. i suddenly think of the way i treat my dad... i'm telling jq to respect her dad evn when he's wrong... but... i dun practise tt myself. i'll try. my new resolution. but... sometimes. its really hard. ARGHS! LYNETTE, STOP BEING TO PASSIVE! i must be positive...i must be positive...i must be positive...
hahaha. k. jq n i were at suntec.. picket n rail. she got a new bed. haha. she doesnt really like it. but. think positive of what u have. n not what u dun have. she wants the one from IKEA. but. her dad's the biggest. hehx. thn after tt left her parents. went to eat. thn went to topshop. went to the men's department where there was this football game. hahaha. played 3 games. of cuz. i won. hahaha. not jq' fault. i got experience mah. i have the game at home. bleahx.
sigh. i'm still quite tired. but not as tired as a few days ago. haha. trying to get as much slp as possible. lit test tmr. GOD BLESS ME! hehx.
I would rather have one little rose
From the garden of a friend
Than to have the choicest flowers
When my stay on earth must end
I would rather have a pleasant word
In kindness said to me
Than flattery when my heart is still
And life has ceased to be
I would rather have a loving smile
From friends I know are true
Than tears shed 'round my casket
When to this world i bid adieu
Bring me all your flowers today
Whether pink, or white, or red
I'd rather have one blossom now
Than a truckload when I'm dead
dun u think this poem is so... interesting? i wouldnt go right to beautiful... becuz... it sounds rather depressing. but i think... its really meaningful anw. quite true. happens to many ppl. sth real for once.
Recalling all the good qualities of friends or relatives who left when they leave is appropriate, but how much better to give sincere praise to them while they are still around. It may be the encouragement they desperately need.
Do you owe someone a word of thanks or appreciation? Don't put it off. Say it today. Tomorrow may be too late.
hahahaha. i'm making sense. today is jq's dad bdae. she was rather... rude to her dad. rather cold to him. she says tt her dad scolded vulgarities. but... afterall, he's still ur dad. it is only right for her to respect him no matter what. even when he's wrong. u owe him ur life. hahahaha. jq gg to have alot of comments when she reads this. bleahx.
seriously.. i should apply this logic to myself. i suddenly think of the way i treat my dad... i'm telling jq to respect her dad evn when he's wrong... but... i dun practise tt myself. i'll try. my new resolution. but... sometimes. its really hard. ARGHS! LYNETTE, STOP BEING TO PASSIVE! i must be positive...i must be positive...i must be positive...
hahaha. k. jq n i were at suntec.. picket n rail. she got a new bed. haha. she doesnt really like it. but. think positive of what u have. n not what u dun have. she wants the one from IKEA. but. her dad's the biggest. hehx. thn after tt left her parents. went to eat. thn went to topshop. went to the men's department where there was this football game. hahaha. played 3 games. of cuz. i won. hahaha. not jq' fault. i got experience mah. i have the game at home. bleahx.
sigh. i'm still quite tired. but not as tired as a few days ago. haha. trying to get as much slp as possible. lit test tmr. GOD BLESS ME! hehx.
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
hey ha! i'm back. k. so this was wad happened since just now. i went offline. n answered natures call. hehehehehehehe. thn i somehow... fell asleep on my brother's bed. thn i woke up. watched a bit of tv. my sis came home. asked if i wanted to go to the library... for the first time in my life she ever asked me. but anw, since i was so sian, i went. thn we walked arnd bukit merah with my mum. my mum.... wad was she doing with us? hahahahaha. nvm. at the library, i was soo sian. i could fall asleep. nearly died of boredom. i was asking my self... "lynette. wad in the wurld are u doing here in the library???!!!" all i see is books, books n more books. sigh. made me a lil dizzy though. so i decided to for once, READ a book. i tried looking for one. but apparently, all of the books... are mostly romance. hahahhaha. zx's norah roberts. so many. bleahx. k. i strolled round the shelves until finally something caught my eye. a book. title:"Does my bum look big in this?" hahahha. i borrowed it. thn i smses maz. she said she wanted a book this morning. but she din reply. but i borrowed a book for her all the same. called wad... (wait. let me get the bk first.)... called."The Enchanted Mirror". no. dun think itz sum kinda childish enid blyton books. its not. its pretty complicated... at least to me. hahaha. okok. thn we left the libray. my sis cycled home. my mum n i took the bus. y am i telling u this? ARGHS! sigh. i'm so tired.
tmr got mass run. i'm rather happy abt tt. but... its... i dun noe. i dun feel so enthu abt it today. probably due to my aches here n there. hahaha. but no matter wad, i will persevere. I WILL-SURVIVE!!!! hehehehe. dum dum dee dee dee.!!
sigh. i'm yawning away again, n right now, lying on my laptop. so sian. did some thinking again today. while walking hm frm tbp. thought a bit only. cuz no 1, i was tired. n no 2, the distance was pretty short. hahaha. thinking is good. n its better to think when u're walking. u think more. at least tt's wad happened to me. haha. so i've decided to walk around whenever i do maths. hahaha. dumb dumb. bleahx. kk. enough of my crap-o-logy. aiyah. feel like comtinueing my speech on war. but too sian to do so. nvm. shall do it another time. yeps. bye bye!
tmr got mass run. i'm rather happy abt tt. but... its... i dun noe. i dun feel so enthu abt it today. probably due to my aches here n there. hahaha. but no matter wad, i will persevere. I WILL-SURVIVE!!!! hehehehe. dum dum dee dee dee.!!
sigh. i'm yawning away again, n right now, lying on my laptop. so sian. did some thinking again today. while walking hm frm tbp. thought a bit only. cuz no 1, i was tired. n no 2, the distance was pretty short. hahaha. thinking is good. n its better to think when u're walking. u think more. at least tt's wad happened to me. haha. so i've decided to walk around whenever i do maths. hahaha. dumb dumb. bleahx. kk. enough of my crap-o-logy. aiyah. feel like comtinueing my speech on war. but too sian to do so. nvm. shall do it another time. yeps. bye bye!
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. right now, i m literally laughing at the computer. laughing to the computer, n no one else. i look like a retard amused with the computer. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHA.
k. anw. grace lydia n i are the only ppl online now. its... very early. say, 2.57pm? hahahahaha. kewl. bleahx. n we are well, sort of having war. hahahaha. its a dumb 'game' started by grace n i. rather fun though. makes me laugh. so funny. n now since lydia has joined the party, things get crankier n wackier. hahahaha
today jq dun come sch. said she had flu n dizzy spell. but i suppose, part of the reason is bcuz of the violin. i shant say much. cuz i dun like to be heard. hahaha. i'm talking crap again. pardon me.
today chinese test. really studied hard for it. but i dun feel confident at all. dun noe y. i studied... really did. for once. i really... i really.............did. i tried my best. but.......... they seem so unfamiliar. i..... tried my best.... i did. but........ nvm. lets not talk abt tt.
ok. so. the topic for today is, WAR!!! some ppl think tt war is good... in an ironic snese of cuz.. but most ppl think tt there should not be war. personally, i think tt war is important. let me share my views. when there is no war, there is no peace. i mean. think abt it. when does the world really quieten down? having peace. all... loving one another, treasuring everyone.... it only happens after a war. only when there is war, ppl realize the importance of peace. *yawns* (sorry. suddenly feel sleepy. hahaha). anw. i wanna continue my speech before i go n sleep. hahaha. so anw. without a war, there is no peace. there can nv be peace when there is no war. just like science... sth needs to be done before another thing can happen. there is a need for war in order for peace. aiyah. got alot more points but i dun think i can continue. eyelids getting heavier. sigh. *yawns* whoopx. cant stand it. continue my war topic another time. bye bye!
k. anw. grace lydia n i are the only ppl online now. its... very early. say, 2.57pm? hahahahaha. kewl. bleahx. n we are well, sort of having war. hahahaha. its a dumb 'game' started by grace n i. rather fun though. makes me laugh. so funny. n now since lydia has joined the party, things get crankier n wackier. hahahaha
today jq dun come sch. said she had flu n dizzy spell. but i suppose, part of the reason is bcuz of the violin. i shant say much. cuz i dun like to be heard. hahaha. i'm talking crap again. pardon me.
today chinese test. really studied hard for it. but i dun feel confident at all. dun noe y. i studied... really did. for once. i really... i really.............did. i tried my best. but.......... they seem so unfamiliar. i..... tried my best.... i did. but........ nvm. lets not talk abt tt.
ok. so. the topic for today is, WAR!!! some ppl think tt war is good... in an ironic snese of cuz.. but most ppl think tt there should not be war. personally, i think tt war is important. let me share my views. when there is no war, there is no peace. i mean. think abt it. when does the world really quieten down? having peace. all... loving one another, treasuring everyone.... it only happens after a war. only when there is war, ppl realize the importance of peace. *yawns* (sorry. suddenly feel sleepy. hahaha). anw. i wanna continue my speech before i go n sleep. hahaha. so anw. without a war, there is no peace. there can nv be peace when there is no war. just like science... sth needs to be done before another thing can happen. there is a need for war in order for peace. aiyah. got alot more points but i dun think i can continue. eyelids getting heavier. sigh. *yawns* whoopx. cant stand it. continue my war topic another time. bye bye!
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
oh ya. forgot to say sth. to jan, sophia... n all those tt i know frm choir. u all did ur best rdy. silver is not bad. besides, 2 out of 5 judges said u deserved gold. so u should be not bad than. JIA YOU! still got sec 4. i will yong yuan zhi chi u guys. hehx. anw. only 4 schs got gold. so i suppose silver is nt bad. yeps
[jiaqi] aiyah. dun be too sad abt the violin thing lah. u did ur best. besides, u are only grade 6. cant blame urself. its ok. there are many other chances for u to show ur skill in the future. ZAI JIE ZAI LI! i will support u forever. yeps. hahahaha. dumb dumb dumb.. deedeedee. bleahx.
[jiaqi] aiyah. dun be too sad abt the violin thing lah. u did ur best. besides, u are only grade 6. cant blame urself. its ok. there are many other chances for u to show ur skill in the future. ZAI JIE ZAI LI! i will support u forever. yeps. hahahaha. dumb dumb dumb.. deedeedee. bleahx.
kk. so i'm back. AT LAST. after much begging frm my brother who was apparantly using the com. hahahaha. no lah. i din really beg him... but.. oh well. anw... so yesterday, i thought n thought. n i walked all the way to near bulkit merah. thn walked home. thn changed, bath... n walked to great world city... n thought alot again. hahaha.
as for today. conoeing physical training was fun, pretty tough though. for today, not tt tough yet. cuz we all have to go at the same pace when running. thn got some slower ppl... so i wasn't really tired. yeps. we were at the gym 'playing' thn went for 2 rounds arnd the canal. thn today was jiamin's b'dae. so josef tan got her a cake. n we celebrated for her. hahaha. fancy celebrating for someone u dun really know. bleahx. cherlynn was jealous cuz mr josef tan is officially in canoe. HAHAHHAHAHA. so cool. thn i was like... so 'proud' in front of her. maybe i shouldnt have. guilty. arghs. hahahaha. but tt was for fun anw. n i just realized tt mr josef tan is not tt tall afterall. n her folds his pants. sorta weird but. oh well. hahaha. k. nth much to blog. acty got alot of things to blog. but lazy to type n dun wanna seem so lor-soh. k. shall end here. yeps
as for today. conoeing physical training was fun, pretty tough though. for today, not tt tough yet. cuz we all have to go at the same pace when running. thn got some slower ppl... so i wasn't really tired. yeps. we were at the gym 'playing' thn went for 2 rounds arnd the canal. thn today was jiamin's b'dae. so josef tan got her a cake. n we celebrated for her. hahaha. fancy celebrating for someone u dun really know. bleahx. cherlynn was jealous cuz mr josef tan is officially in canoe. HAHAHHAHAHA. so cool. thn i was like... so 'proud' in front of her. maybe i shouldnt have. guilty. arghs. hahahaha. but tt was for fun anw. n i just realized tt mr josef tan is not tt tall afterall. n her folds his pants. sorta weird but. oh well. hahaha. k. nth much to blog. acty got alot of things to blog. but lazy to type n dun wanna seem so lor-soh. k. shall end here. yeps
yoyo. din come online for a long time liao. firstly bcuz my bro is dominating the com these few days. secondly because i keep on falling asleep in the evening nowadays. haix. din watch holland village a few episodes liao. now in com lab blogging. later have canoe physical training. SIAN AH!!!!! haix. so troubled nowadays. n so tired. n my leg muscle... getting more n more painful each day. n bcuz my mc is over, i have tp run mass run. ARGHS!
yesterday went to play bball with ym sis again. amazingly, this time nv quarrel. cuz mosdt of the time i was sitting down. legs too painful. my calf muscle.... giving me so much trouble. n bcuz of the pain, i missed the 51 bus today!!! ARGS!!! so i took the 64 which made me a little later thn usual. HRMPHS!!! whee natania rocks??? arghs! i dun rmb tying tt. i just went over to chuling's com to TEACH HER HOW TO TAG a board... n when i came back... hm... someone typed "whee natania rocks". hahaha. must be natania. sitting beside me now. hahahhaha. ah-wadever~. what is this lor. WAIT! I DUN TYPE TT! the 'wad is this lor' is natania type one. HAHHAHAHA. again. cuz i went to talk to yiling. arghs! BUG OFF NATANIA, if u r reading this. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. i'm nice... i'm nice.....
kk. anw. i did ALOT of thinking yesterday. oi walked to red hill mrt station frm sch. n while i was walking, oi kept thinking n thinking,,,, n thinking... n i think too much liao. think until i WALKED all the way to bukit merah/ quite a distance... but.. hahah. walked there unknowingly. bleahx. anw, ms shervon say we have to leave the lab liao. continue my THINKING story when i reach hm. yeps. provided my bro not using lah. hahaha. k.
yesterday went to play bball with ym sis again. amazingly, this time nv quarrel. cuz mosdt of the time i was sitting down. legs too painful. my calf muscle.... giving me so much trouble. n bcuz of the pain, i missed the 51 bus today!!! ARGS!!! so i took the 64 which made me a little later thn usual. HRMPHS!!! whee natania rocks??? arghs! i dun rmb tying tt. i just went over to chuling's com to TEACH HER HOW TO TAG a board... n when i came back... hm... someone typed "whee natania rocks". hahaha. must be natania. sitting beside me now. hahahhaha. ah-wadever~. what is this lor. WAIT! I DUN TYPE TT! the 'wad is this lor' is natania type one. HAHHAHAHA. again. cuz i went to talk to yiling. arghs! BUG OFF NATANIA, if u r reading this. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. i'm nice... i'm nice.....
kk. anw. i did ALOT of thinking yesterday. oi walked to red hill mrt station frm sch. n while i was walking, oi kept thinking n thinking,,,, n thinking... n i think too much liao. think until i WALKED all the way to bukit merah/ quite a distance... but.. hahah. walked there unknowingly. bleahx. anw, ms shervon say we have to leave the lab liao. continue my THINKING story when i reach hm. yeps. provided my bro not using lah. hahaha. k.
Sunday, July 20, 2003
hehehehe. today early in the morning woke up liao. woke up at 5.30 am. i rmb setting my hp alarm at 7.30.. but.. sigh. nvm slp well AGAIN. yesterday night slept at 2 sumthing. ARGHS! so freakingly tired now. right now lying on the laptop n typing. HAHAHAHAHHAHA. i look so cute. can't stand myself. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. thn 5.30 cannt go back to slp again. so i bathed. bathed twice. to past time. hahahaha. thn for once, use the hair dryer. since i got nth to do... n so much time. thn i went online. suprisingly, no one online. hahahaha. so lame. thn went offline. thn went to find clothes. hahaha. took out the whole bed full of clothes. finally decided to wear my nike sleeveless top n giordano buermudas. thn i thot tt the church would be very cold. so wore another layer. wore the nike dri-fit long sleeve shirt. hahahhahaha. everytime wear so many layers. hahahaha. youth day also. like yiyuan said, like tt no one will wanna rape me. cuz after ripping one shirt, still got another layer. after tt layer, still got another layer. thn the rapist will be sian by he ripped all the layers. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. so lame. but true. i love yiyuan. she so funny. n i love maxie also. tt one... haha. during music lesson... do so many dumb dumb things. n yiling, hahahhahaha. nth to say. thn natania. keep kicking my chair. n maznah, my dear dear daughter, who is not so dear afterall... keep on trying to 'seduce' me. yucky yuck yuck. i gg to disown her liao. before she disowns me. aiyah! talk crap. k. anw, so after tt i did alot of things in the morning. until 8am. thn i left my hse for church. reached church rather early. so sat at the stairs there waiting for grace. like a pathetic begger... sitting there... so lonely. waiting for ppl to drop coins. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA. actually. not funny at all. y did i laugh? bleahx. so i sat there 'sian'-ly waiting for grace n her family.n jq also. jq came to slp in church. but in the end, she din sleep at all. i dun think she even blinked. HAHAHHAHAHA. not funny. haha. they came. we went in. n thn.. blah blah blah.............................................................
after church service, grace n i went to STC's carnival. so muddy. it rained in the morning. yuck. grace n i went home with brown shoes. gross. k. carnival supposedly fun. but cuz i was feeling tired n sian, so we din have much fun. hahaha. guess grace was kinda sian too... affected by me i guess. thn we went to find her sister... who is a teacher there... thn ate some stuff. oh yah. hahaha. we ate the dumb dumb swenson's ice-cream. so frozen n hard. like ice. so difficult to eat. hahahahahha. had to use our teeth to scrap the icecream. hahax. thn left. maz n jq supposed to come. maz lost her way n took her tazi home in the end. jq CLAIMED tt she wanted to sleep... real reason? she went to watch terminator 3 with kenny n her beloved 'sweetie-pie' (*vomits*) shannon. hahahaha. seriously... the way jq describes shannon makes my hair all stand. she is so damn freakingly boy-crazy. sometimes, i can't stand her. she likes boys. as in... as long as they are boys. but mostly, she likes wad normal girls call, sissy. hahahahahahaha. bleahx. but shannon... erm... not very sissy... but not very attractive n 'cute' either. rather ordinary. hahaha. nvm. jq's taste happens to be lousy.... whoopx. i meant... different. bleahx. hahaha. kk. stop blogging for now. be back later. yeps. bye~~
after church service, grace n i went to STC's carnival. so muddy. it rained in the morning. yuck. grace n i went home with brown shoes. gross. k. carnival supposedly fun. but cuz i was feeling tired n sian, so we din have much fun. hahaha. guess grace was kinda sian too... affected by me i guess. thn we went to find her sister... who is a teacher there... thn ate some stuff. oh yah. hahaha. we ate the dumb dumb swenson's ice-cream. so frozen n hard. like ice. so difficult to eat. hahahahahha. had to use our teeth to scrap the icecream. hahax. thn left. maz n jq supposed to come. maz lost her way n took her tazi home in the end. jq CLAIMED tt she wanted to sleep... real reason? she went to watch terminator 3 with kenny n her beloved 'sweetie-pie' (*vomits*) shannon. hahahaha. seriously... the way jq describes shannon makes my hair all stand. she is so damn freakingly boy-crazy. sometimes, i can't stand her. she likes boys. as in... as long as they are boys. but mostly, she likes wad normal girls call, sissy. hahahahahahaha. bleahx. but shannon... erm... not very sissy... but not very attractive n 'cute' either. rather ordinary. hahaha. nvm. jq's taste happens to be lousy.... whoopx. i meant... different. bleahx. hahaha. kk. stop blogging for now. be back later. yeps. bye~~
Saturday, July 19, 2003
sigh. i'm really tired. both physically and mentally. ppl see me as the depression-free person. tt i am. but ppl also see me as the worry-free person. i'm not. no one can every be worry-free. sigh. its just tt i dun show. its time for me to let the whole wurld know tt i am not happy all the time. like bon jovi sang... "i'll smile when i was crying". i'm not telling u all this now because i want to get ur attention or whatever. i'm just tired of u ppl (u know who u r) telling me abt ur troubles and not taking my advice. whatever i say, u will go "cannot lah... like tt thn i will blah blah blah" thn i give u another alternative u say the same thing. thn when i dun bother abt u, u go arnd telling ppl tt i'm insensitive etc. i'm not here to settle all ur troubles for u ok. its fine to tell me. but when i give u an advice, n u dun take it, thn there's nth i can do. so stop bothering me. i've told u all i can tell... stop stressing me. what exactly do u want? u're not satisfied with everything n anything. arghs! nvm.
talking abt me tired physically, sigh. i havent had a gd sleep since last sunday. arghs. yesterday thought i cld finally sleep well. since it was friday night. n sigh. i went online until very late. hahaha. oh yah. adopted a new mum. violent mum. hahaha. nearly killed me. hahahahahhaha. i'm now officially the daughter of the violent grace yew. WAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA. talk crap. thn this morning wanted to wake up late. but was disturbed by a phone call frm my cousin. forgot tt there was a popiah party. hahaha. so i quickly bathed n rushed off. hhahaha. my very first popiah party. so fun. made a few popiahs. hahaha. my popiah so lousy. all the fillings... bite first mouth drop out liao. aiyoh. thn taught Evan some maths. learned a bit of chi for chi test on wed. first time i study for a test. wheeeeee. got sense of accomplishment. hahaha. thn chatted with aunty shendy. she's erm... how to say... can relte alot of things to her even though i'm not very close to her. she's nice. i wudden mind having her for a mum. she understands wad its like to be a teen. unlike my mum. n she knows exactly how i feel. n she's... like... another of me. like my twin. she tells me a BGR, abt my sexuality status, assured me abt me not being a lesbian.. n she told me abt her sec sch days. so funny. and i found out she used to be in Commonwealth Sec. hahaha. same as kenny n gang. thn so coincidential... she frm NCC also. cool eh. hahaha. she's a cool mum lah. i mean, cool aunty. haha. n she knows abt the latest staff... like.. wad hollywood news etc. very updated. haha. unlike my mum. still living in the 70s. hahahahaha. suddenly feel tt my mum is not so cool afterall. hahaha. nononnoo. my mum is cool. my mum is cool. (forced to say tt somehow) HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA. lame. lame. k. i just told my mum tt i thot aunty shendy was a very good mum material. n she was like... "u nv see how she blah blah blah." my mum trying to find faults in others again. everytime tell her sth gd abt someone, she will find their faults. arghs! hate it!!! n i cannt argue with her one. i dun noe y. she is stupid i guess. ARGHS!!
dskfnsljfnaklfbsalkj;ehfnsjdbdaskgfansdfjlabsdj gkfsnjnbjkdsfna;lkdnaojdlnfsjns.
sorry for the madness. i'm just... not in the mood to blog now. feeling weird cuz of my arguement with her. nvm. stop blogging now.
talking abt me tired physically, sigh. i havent had a gd sleep since last sunday. arghs. yesterday thought i cld finally sleep well. since it was friday night. n sigh. i went online until very late. hahaha. oh yah. adopted a new mum. violent mum. hahaha. nearly killed me. hahahahahhaha. i'm now officially the daughter of the violent grace yew. WAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA. talk crap. thn this morning wanted to wake up late. but was disturbed by a phone call frm my cousin. forgot tt there was a popiah party. hahaha. so i quickly bathed n rushed off. hhahaha. my very first popiah party. so fun. made a few popiahs. hahaha. my popiah so lousy. all the fillings... bite first mouth drop out liao. aiyoh. thn taught Evan some maths. learned a bit of chi for chi test on wed. first time i study for a test. wheeeeee. got sense of accomplishment. hahaha. thn chatted with aunty shendy. she's erm... how to say... can relte alot of things to her even though i'm not very close to her. she's nice. i wudden mind having her for a mum. she understands wad its like to be a teen. unlike my mum. n she knows exactly how i feel. n she's... like... another of me. like my twin. she tells me a BGR, abt my sexuality status, assured me abt me not being a lesbian.. n she told me abt her sec sch days. so funny. and i found out she used to be in Commonwealth Sec. hahaha. same as kenny n gang. thn so coincidential... she frm NCC also. cool eh. hahaha. she's a cool mum lah. i mean, cool aunty. haha. n she knows abt the latest staff... like.. wad hollywood news etc. very updated. haha. unlike my mum. still living in the 70s. hahahahaha. suddenly feel tt my mum is not so cool afterall. hahaha. nononnoo. my mum is cool. my mum is cool. (forced to say tt somehow) HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA. lame. lame. k. i just told my mum tt i thot aunty shendy was a very good mum material. n she was like... "u nv see how she blah blah blah." my mum trying to find faults in others again. everytime tell her sth gd abt someone, she will find their faults. arghs! hate it!!! n i cannt argue with her one. i dun noe y. she is stupid i guess. ARGHS!!
dskfnsljfnaklfbsalkj;ehfnsjdbdaskgfansdfjlabsdj gkfsnjnbjkdsfna;lkdnaojdlnfsjns.
sorry for the madness. i'm just... not in the mood to blog now. feeling weird cuz of my arguement with her. nvm. stop blogging now.
Friday, July 18, 2003
heh ha! today went swimming at Bishan after sch. according to prasana. dun noe how to spell her name lah. she said she was 1 billion percent certain tt grace cld get a cert there. n WOW. so much for her saying tt. there is only one way to get a swimming cert- take the test. sigh. anw. we had some fun swimming. n diving. n me trying to get rid of my phobia. it seems to be getting better. hahaha. today lydia got fever. nv go sch. missed her manx. ah lalalalla. thn grace PMS i think. whole day so quiet. sitting in the pathetic corner of the classroom reading. so ke lian. bleahx. thn natania.... i dun noe wad to say abt her. she is... i dun noe. hahaha. zx. got her a pathetic birthday cake. one small slice. thn i on my way to sch... i swing swing swing the plastic bag... n so it looked gross n disfigured when i gave it to her. HAHAHAHHA. thn today finally..our first music lesson. wheee... i was so active during music today. i think mr sem was rather pissed with me. for talking so much crap. hahaha. i lo9ve myself manx. i actually said this to mr sem:"can u speak louder??" HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. i can't stand it. i'm so cute. kk. enought of bragging. my sis went to chalet tonight. so i'm having the whole room to myself for... i dun noe how many days. until she returns. hahahaha. came home today. bathed. watched holland ville. went online. and... ate alot. hahahahahhahaa. my mum is starting to say tt i'm fat. hahaha. i dun care liao. live ur life to the fullest. hehehehehehe. i dun care abt how fat i m alrdy. being thin is not easy. hahahaha. tt period of dieting n hunger strike time was terrible. i'm trying to make up to myself now. sorry. to my stomach for letting it go empty for a few days. hahahahahahahahaha.
yesterday was pretty fun. hahha. went to tbp sakae sushi after sch with dawn lydia jq n our character of the day, zx. hehehe. jq treated zx. thn she not enough money. so i lent her $4. hehehe. got ppl owe me money liao. i so happy. thn after tt went to Baleno. got zx this white spaghetti strap. hehehe. lydia wanted her to buy purple. but... i thot white suited her. hahaha. n bsides, i'm paying for it. so i supposed i haf the last say? yeps. hahaha. no lah. zx decided for herself. as long as she doesn't takes green. the er xin er xin green. bleahx. thn went to collect the photos. hahahaha. so funny. all the pics. love it manx. try to get it scanned. if possible. hahahahhaa. thn after tt sat at mac n looked at all the pics. thn went home. hehx.
anw. got alot more to type. but too lazy. yeps. nvm. bye~
yesterday was pretty fun. hahha. went to tbp sakae sushi after sch with dawn lydia jq n our character of the day, zx. hehehe. jq treated zx. thn she not enough money. so i lent her $4. hehehe. got ppl owe me money liao. i so happy. thn after tt went to Baleno. got zx this white spaghetti strap. hehehe. lydia wanted her to buy purple. but... i thot white suited her. hahaha. n bsides, i'm paying for it. so i supposed i haf the last say? yeps. hahaha. no lah. zx decided for herself. as long as she doesn't takes green. the er xin er xin green. bleahx. thn went to collect the photos. hahahaha. so funny. all the pics. love it manx. try to get it scanned. if possible. hahahahhaa. thn after tt sat at mac n looked at all the pics. thn went home. hehx.
anw. got alot more to type. but too lazy. yeps. nvm. bye~
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
aloha! hehx. tmr is zx's bdae. ahem. hahahaha. can't give her the present tmr cuz no 1, i sorta broke. no 2, Disney's Refresh CD is sold out for the moment. anw, today after sch, went hm n get our barangs, thn went zx's hse. dawn lydia grace jq me n of cuz, zx herself. din do much at zx's hse. played uno for a while. thn went swimming liao. swim swim swim. so fun. splish splash n squirt squirt. hahaha. cuz dawn got her thing n cannt swim. so she was shooting the water gun. ehhx. chills man. so fun. thn after tt... i finally plucked out the courage to swim at 1.8. actually.. n funnily... i dun noe lah. whenever i see lydia swim in 1.8. i will somehow feel like swimming in 1.8 as well. somehow, i dun noe how lah, but just somehow... she sort of inspired me. arghs. ah lalalalalallalalallalalalalalalala. k. anw, we had fun. yeps. n my knee wounds were hurting... but bcuz i enjoyed myself so much, the pain meant nth. hehx. thn jq extra ones. HAHAHHAHAHA. ppl wear swimsuit she wear shirt n bermudas. ah lalalala. thn underwater her shirt keep "lifting" up. can see her belly. hahaha. n her pants seem to be almost dropping all the time. n best of all, she din bring towel, din bring extra clothes. dun noe y she come here. ah lalalaalallala. nvm. thn cuz zx wanted jq to thread water, zx keep pushing her into the 1.8 pool. thn i wanted to "save" her mah.. but she keep struggling. arghs. so she scratched the wound at the back of the left palm. arghs. at first i felt the pain... but din really notice tt it was scratched. arghs. i think might leave a scar. hahahaha. aiyah. nvm lah. anw. i sorta overcomed my phobia. i think. hopefully. i was swimming in the 1.8 pool. but my heart was still pounding. n i still had the fear in me evn though i was swimming fine. thn my hands n legs are like... weak. n when i dive in 1.8, i will feel extremely breathless. so must swim up to the surface immediately. arghs. but anw... th phobia is not tt serious anymore. thn after tt lydia n i went to wash up. jq... she just put on lydia's extra shirt over. hehx. ask her to wash up... but she dun noe say wad.. aiyah. nvm lah. bleahx. thn went up to zx's hse. cuz i left my camera there. thn took some pics. some fun pics. no. not just some. ALOT. used up the whole roll of film. wad do u think? hehx. thn we imitate the posters of movies. hahaha. so dumb. got charlies angels (dawn=drew, lydia=cameron, jq=lucy), bruce almighty (zx=jim carrey, lydia=the "god" me n dawn=some extra spastics. hehehe), thn got wad a girl wants (me=amanda, zx, jq n dawn=those "british soldiers behind" ) hahaha. lamo. got alot of other movies lah. cute ones. wanted lara craft timb raider. budden dun noe how to imitate her. n dun haf her gd figure also. hehx. really got alot of other movies. so funny. love it. oh yah. one real funny one. peeps, imagine dawn as INCREDIBLE HULK. wahahahahahha. tt is cute. if possible, i post it up on my blog. IF possible, tt is. yeps. hahaha. thn took some candids also. thn got one me, lydia n jq went to the first floor shelter on top... the roof of the shelter lah... thn we sat there. thn zx n dawn at 4th storey looked down n took a pic. hehx. tt was pretty interesting. OH YAH! got one. very important one. hehx. peeps, u will be so damn interested in this. its me n jq mouth to mouth kissing. AH LALALALLALAL! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. belive it or not. hahahaha. wait till u see the pic. hahaha. u will die of either shock or laughter manx. hahahaha. got alot more jiu dui le. hehx. tmr can get the pics liao. tmr 3pm. hehx. cool eh? hehx. happy happy happy. anw, now is 8.51 pm... 3hr n 9 more mins, zx will officially turn 14. heheheheh. wei ta gan dao gao xing. hehx. i'm lame. ah lalalalallalala. i love myself manx. hehehehehe. eat milo... drink bread. talk cock. arghs. i'm gg insane. feeling so excited now. for no reason. hehex. whoopx. i said "cock". arghs! no vulgarities in my wurld! NO VULGARITIES IN MY WURLD! U HEAR ME?!?!?!?!?! arghs.
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
hey ha. so i'm back home now. just now in sch had to stay back for CIP. hahaha. do the crane wind chime. which din evn work. thn when mrs shirlene koh came to see our work, jq tried to blow it. hahaha. n i said:"jq , dun blow in front of mrs koh. it doesn't work" hahahahha. me so cute. wahahahahahaha. thn mrs shirlene koh gave me a stare. thn smiled. hahahahahahha. thn after tt helped maznah do her grp's one also. sigh. she was so... in a bad mood again. aiyah. maxie, yiling, yiyuan ah... bully my daughter!!! maz, cheer up k? everyday see u so sad. hahaha. k lah. u seem quite cheerful. but well... nvm. dun talk abt tt. thn after tt played truth or dare. hahahahha. so funny. lydia ask so many stupid questions. jq ask one... all abt guys n stuff. as for zx... i dun noe. bleahx. hahahahahahahaha. thn after tt went home. considerably fun day today. bsides the fact tt i fell down SOOOOOOOOOOO many times. haix. u know ur day will be bad... if u fall down at the staircase near the lift in ur block while gg to sch. fell at my very first step. thn mass run.... haix.!!!! but nvm. sth to cheer me up... saw mr joseph tan 7 times today. wahahhaa. 2 times so close... once was at the G.O door. he coming out... i gg in. wahahahahahahaha. another time was when gg down to line up. he was RIGHT BEHIND ME!! *faints* wahahahahhaha. kk. tt's it for now. yeps. bye~
heyha! now in com lab. doind pbl. i think i'm the only guai idiot who is doing PBL now. the rest... all doind their own things. hehx. today mass run i nt supposed to run. thn i ran first half round. leg very pain. my muscle ache a few days liao. sum more i twisted it in front of Mrs Neo while trying to cut trough some girls. haha. then she said:"careful, careful, lynette" HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA. thn i sprinted... waited for grace, lydia, jq n zx halfway. thn i ran with thm for a while before telling thm i sprint off first... cuz of the pain in my calf. n the very minute i turned back, i tripped n fell. thn bleed. at first not so apinful. after a while, all the pain came liao. thn i din dare to look at it... cuz... aiyah. nvm lah. so my wound not washed for the whole day. n according to dawn, it is STILL bleeding until now. dun noe how many hrs liao. hahahaha. n the blood has turned black. yuck! n sigh. i angered jq i think. cuz during lit lesson, we went to G.O to get my wound cleaned up. acty i dun wan one. cuz i too scared liao. hahaha. me coward. but then dawn dragged me out of my seat. we went G.O. n i refused to let jq do anything to me before i cleaned it up. so... she got pissed n walked out of the G.O. n so i left too. hahahahahahahha. thn i got back to class. thn dawn n i were discussing abt wad to do with me wound. all i want is to cover it up for the moment to stop it frm staining my shirt n skirt. wahahaha. n dawn wanted me to clean it up or wadever lah. i will clean it up. when i go home. just leave it for the time being. arghs. thn after tt came down for CS lorh. hehehehehehe. 2 more days to zx's bdae. counting down...
Monday, July 14, 2003
okok. today was just like... any other days. hehx. something i seriously have to admit. i HATE losing. today PE i felt so... uncomfortably uncomfortable. cuz got a few ppl overtook me today. sigh. cant' stand it. n anw, i have finally decided to take doctor's advice n go n a break. i supposed to be excused frm PE since last week. but nv. but thn i finally decided to take a rest cuz i noticed tt these few days... i really cannt run liao. calf muscle ache like burning hell. thn bcuz of tt these few days. let alot of ppl over take me. i have decided to take a break until i'm fully recovered... hehe.. thn run again. hehx. like grace said, dun push myself too hard. bleahx. wad ever. oh yah. today after sch stayed in sch to listen to jq n her "band" practise violin. haha. played rather well. the other 2 were like.. pros.. n jq was like... erm. haha. but its not her fault lah. she's only grade 6. the rest... like wad? grade 8? hehx. jq...jia you! wo hui yong yuan zhi chi ne de!!! hahaha. gosh! can't belief i said tt. bleahx. n jq, dun keep saying u can't do it. u can one. hahahaha. bleahx. my goo-di-ness. i better stop talking so mushily. make my hair stand. bleahx. thn later lydia, jq, grace n zx went jogging, suprisingly. bleahx. the sun rise frm the west liao. bleahx. hahaha. jkjk. thn i went hm. met my mum at tbp. hahaha. thn see doctor... AGAIN. bleahx. the doctor so funny. he said:"what physical fitness is this?! now u are unfit. go n show ur teacher... ask her what does she mean by physical fitness?" hahahahahahahahahahhaa. so funny. thn after tt went to do some groceries n went home. thn i went to bath. haha. bathing half way, jq came. bleahx. i forgot tt i invited her to come n do my modem thing. thn she hang arnd with the laptop while i hang arnd with my hp. thn i smsed sherilyn. n i pressed "S" to sent it to her. n guess what? i accidentally sent it to shannon. thn i went... wait a min... when did i have his contact? thn i stared at jq n asked her. n she said she saved it a long time ago. ohmygawd. so i quickly sent shannon another sms to tell him tt it was not meant for him. thn he replied sth thn i can't be bothered to type out here... hahaha. no lah actually, itz bcuz i forgot wad he wrote. thn anw, jq hugged my hp bcuz he replied. yucky yuck yuck. so er xin. n as u can see, i m positively disgusted by her. hahaha. thn i replied him. n he replied back. thn jq was so overjoyed by his reply n started shouting:"shannon is so cute! he's so adorable." she kept on repating... n somemore so loud. arghs. hahahahahahha. thn later shannon n i smsed each other until i finally stopped. thn at every hp ring, jq will try to grab my phone. even when its not shannon. hahahaha. thn if its shannon, she will... start blabberring again. hahahahaha. evn zx, grace n lydia's sms she also wanna see. hahaha. like i said, as long as my hp rings, she will get excited. hahahahahahahahhahahaha. thn later sent her home. n came back. yeps. tt's it for now. will blog later if there are any interesting updates. yepx. bye~
Sunday, July 13, 2003
n lastly. i need to add sth important. FREAKY FRIDAY HAS FINALLY TOUCHED THE MAGAZINE!!! WOOHOO!!! EVERYONE MUST WATCH! LINSAY LOHAN ROCKS!!! wheeeeeee. i waited for 2 mths... n finally... there's some news of it in singapore... muacks. yay!!! everyone must watch kae? must kae? wahahahahhaahhaa. n check out linsay's official website: click here
hehe. yesterday nv blog. nv evn come online. too busy. haha. in the morning got oral. which i seriously dun wish to talk abt. i got so nervous tt i did stupid things... like hurting myself? aiyah. no lah. nth. oral. was fine. haha. dun talk abt it. itz just another of my crap-o-logy. thn after tt went swimming with lydia, zx n grace. jq din turn up. i dun noe y. i invited maz. but she din come either. haha. k. thn so we swam... thn the weather was not favorable... so we stopped. thn suddenly received this phone call. hahaha. realized it was my cousin's b'dae party. shucks.i thot it was next saturday. so i changed n left the swimming pool for my cousin's hse... leaving zx, grac n lydia behind. wahahahahhaa. so i reached there. 1hr plus late. n ate there. played there. chill out there... n believe it or not... slept there. wahahahahaha. oh yah. on my way there, i saw HUGO!!! i'm rather certain it was him. tt guy look... totally, 100% like him. n he was standing RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME in the bus. hahaha. thn i supposed to get down in front of Bukit Panjang Government High. but guess what? i got down at the next stop. part of th reason is bcuz, i din evn noe the stopped reached cuz i was too engrossed in looking at tt guy... trying to determine if he's HUGO. another reason is bcuz, he got down at the next stop too. i'm very sure its him. really. cuz i was staring at him... n he was staring back. i think he must b wondering "is tt lynette?" just like how i was wondering "is that Hugo?" haha. think he wasn't sure bcuz i cut my hair liao. thn yesterday nv tie up cuz at the swmming pool there no time to tie... had to rush to my cousin's hse. hehx. but anyway, felt so lucky!! hehe. wad a small world. meeting him? at choa chu kang? hahaha. normally zx see him at her hse there (which is sooooo near my hse)... wad cld he be doing at cck? hahaha. just felt so lucky. hahaha. even if it wasn;t him, still feel lucky. at least i saw someone who looked like him. hehehehehehehe. but i'm quite sure its him. cuz no one cld ever look so similar.!! wahahahahahaha. thn after tt went tbp with my sis. on our way home. thn went home. n slept. cuz i was TOOOO tired. hahahaha. this morning nv go church. mum went alone. i had this terrible stomachache. i dun noe y. hahahahahahaha. n i felt so sick. so i stayed at home. nth much happened today. 50% of the time sleeping, n the other 50%, eating. hahaha. ate alot today. haha. right now, i'm eating potato chips. wahahaha. my second pckt liao. hahahaha. kk. anw, gtg. bye!
Friday, July 11, 2003
heh hah! just cooked grace's potaotes. sigh. i ate 2 mouths.. nthrew it away. there it goes... $5 down the drain. hahaha. it took me... 2 and a half hours to cook. i dun noe y. n my kitchen is in a terrible mess now. hahaha. sigh. i'm a failure. evn grace can do it. i can't. bleahx. hahaha. kk. so today, after sch, lydia, grace n jq had oral. so they had to stay in sch. zx n i went chinatown point to get the bells for our dumb dumb wind chime project. thn later went tbp to buy my potato ingredients. n i spent every single cen i have. haha. bcuz i had not enough money, i had to ask the cashier to drain my cashcard as well. so now i'm like.. wad? totally penniless? n tmr still have to go swimming with zx, grace n jq. haix haix. hope i dun spent any more money tmr. hehx. oh yah. today our class first 20 peeps got oral. dun noe how was it. wish them good luck. according to grace, she said it was difficult. haix. doomsday for me tmr. haha.*cross fingers* wish me luck! hehe. wonder how is my daughter now? suddenly miss her. hahahahaha. got the sudden urge to talk to her. *faints*. i'm mental. hahahaha. today she seem so sad. dun noe wad's wrong. n there's like nth i can do.. except to make her laugh at my crap. hahaha. nvm. hope she's fine anw. haha. today after buying the potato stuff, went to zx hse. hahaha. go there play play. hehehe. her mum n kaiqin at home. hahaha. when we walked to her hse, i looked intensively in the bush.... searching for natania aka potao's cousin. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. no offence, nat, if u r reading this. bleahx. anw. nth else to include liao. haix. got injured again. bcuz of lydia... n her pencil. u ppl know wad i'm talking abt. hahaha. nvm. anw, gtg. bye~
Thursday, July 10, 2003
yoyo. hehe. so fun today. got mass run. so shuang. haix. at first i ran first one... thn last i think 10m huei yee suddenly dash out frm no where. n as u all know, my sprinting v lan. so i lost to her. got second. haix. thot i could get first again. WAHAHAHAHA. actually can one. grace lah! dun wanna run with me. say what... today not excited abt mass run. haix. thn another reason y today my timing slower is bcuz i got injured in the morning. at the bus stop there, i got KICKED by some... dun noe wad sch guy. the guy so tall, n dun noe how muscular. my goo-di-ness. i think at least 175cm k. haix. this is what happened. behind the busstop there is a tall tall bush. thn in between thm is a railing. fence like railing. thn the entrance to the bus stop was blocked mah. n he din wanna walk one whole round to get to the bus stop. so he held on the the fence n swung himself over. haix. i so suay. standing at the spot he supposed to land at. so his legs kick until me lah. left leg hit my neck, right leg hit my spine. haix. my spine so ke lian. yesterday alrdy injured liao.maznah fault. hahaha. but cannt blame her. my dear daughter. bleahx. haha. anw, wad she did was... she place her hands on my shoulders, n pushed my shoulders down... n pinned me to the table. haix. thn i was too "tall" for the table. so i got hurt. i really dun noe wad sorta shit luck is this. manx. kk. thn today got D&T. so fun. hehex. i'm gg to complete my pencil holder liao. today first day of practical n i'm nearly done. hehex. jan they all best manx. i gg to do finish liao, thy haven evn started. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. oh yah. my wood! i wanted to cut it myself. thn mr ho take mine to show ppl how to cut it mah. so he cut out so much. haix. so fun lor! thn he took away all my fun. haix. after sch today got conselling. sian man. haha. thot it would be my last session liao. but she said she's gg to keep my case open until end of the yr n we'll see thn. haix. nvm. wad did i do to get all these rubbish? haix. nvm. but anw, conselling is quite fun lah. got aircon. hehx. thn after tt got 2nd canoe trials. grace n jq went for it. (grace... again?) hahaha. mrs shirlene koh saw grace n said:"u again? u wan thn dun wan thn wan thn dun wan." hahahahahahahaha. so funny! so anw. i went to run again. for fun one lah. nv take timing. thn jq ah... haix.. run until gg to die like tt. she say she can run only under stress. like today no stress like tt. hahahaha. she run until whole person pant n pant n she kept holding my hand n puling me down... make me run until... guai guai one. one side of the body gg downwards. hahaha. u know u see the way she run ah... like she is gg to drop dead anytime. hahahaha. thn i kept pushing her frm the back... n she just kept bending her back... hahahahaha. as for grace, I HATE U GRACE! she beat my timing. hate it. she win me by 5secs. i should have really ran like it was my 2.4km... thn see my timing. maybe if i really took it seriously, i could have gotten same timing or beat grace. WAHAHAHAHA. n anw, i feel so honoured now. grace say she run bcuz she was inspired by me. HEHEHEHEHEHE. so honoured. i'm like her shining star in the dark. thn she was telling me:"i ran bcuz u inspired me. thx." thn i giggled. n she said:"m i being too emotional here?" thn i said no.. haha. n i just received her sms. her parents agreed to let her join canoeing. YAY! LOVE U GRACE! hehehehehehe. n i seriously miss ur potatoes. hehehehe. hope u read this. hehe. so happy. thn after the run, we stayed back... with germaine, dawn, gwen, sherilyn... n i think no one else. thn jq left early. dun noe y. so ger, dawn, sher, grace, gwen n i had fun. hahaha. talked abt some not-so-innocent stuff. hehe. talked abt gwen's boobs. whoopx. i mean. shan shan's boobs. hehehe. no offence to both. thn alot of other things lah. haha. n really sorry gwen. today i was just joking. hehe. everytime i saw gwen i will go:"RUN!!!!" hahaha. thn me, dawn, sherilyn all very comical. see her behind us thn we go "RUN!!!!" n pretend to run. haha. n we also talked abt how weird crescentians are. n how they talk to themselves... or other none living things. hehehe. for example, the computer. nv seen anyone as weird as to actually talk to the computer. hahaha. n sherilyn was laughing her head off. hehe. sorry gwen. bleahx. whoopx. just revealed tt somebody. bleahx. thn on our way hm grace n i tried to touch the sign boards. but of cuz cannt lah. thn grace, sher n i carried our bags in front n acted like some crazy mad pregnant women. bleahx. hahahahaha. thn really alot of funny things happened. thn gwen chased me bcuz of the "RUN!!!" thing. n i ran to the road. nearly got banged down by a taxi when gwen, life-saver, pulled me back in time. thx gwen. happy? WAHAHAHAHAHAHA. bleahx. n today is cherlynn's b'dae. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERLYNN! hehehe. n seriously, i can't list out all the things tt happened today cuz really many fun things happened. really was a great day. hahaha. really had fun. hehehehehe. happy happy. but still suay. bleahx. haha. nvm. anw, this entry v long liao. shall end it here before it takes up more blog space. haha. k. bye!
Wednesday, July 09, 2003
i seriously dun noe wad shit luck i have these few days. manx. terrible. must be lydia ho lah. everyday curse here curse there. n her curse everytime i kena one. dunno she curse who to have severe pain... thn i kena. cuz zx "poked" my right *toot*. lydia curse anyone all i kena one. not bad manx. thn today while walking to a bball crt in JE, i was singing n jumping abt on the overhead bridge. thn she said:"dun fall down hor!" but before she could finish, i lost my balance n NEARLY fell. twisted my ankle.. AGAIN. these few days dun noe twist how many shitty times liao. this is like... so f*cking shit. whoopx. no f-words allowed. haix. so many suay things happened today. hahaha. oh yah. tell u sth really dumb. today whether so hot liao... thn zx, lydia, jq n i walking under the HOT HOT sun... i was wearing jq's windbreaker. HAHAHAHA. so fun. my goo-di-ness. nearly died of heat manx. some more wear until so hot n run abt with lydia. will die manx. hahaha. thn when gg home tt time i suddenly feel extremely hot. thn followed by a splitting headache. n started to feel faint. hahahaha. tt time alrdy take of the windbreaker liao. but still feel sick. hahaha. i mental rdy. sigh. can't help it. love her windbreaker so much. tt time we also walking under the sun... grace, lydia, zx n i... at orchard... i best manx. wear my PE, my sch shirt, my OWN windbeaker, thn JQ's windbreaker. hahaha. 4 layers. aye no. shud be 5. cuz underneath must wear sports *toot*. hehehehehehe. anw, i was saying. we went to Jurong East. haha. lydia n i were broke. bleahx. so pathetic. nv felt more broke before. thn i couldn't stand it liao. called my mum to top up my bank so i could use my atm card to draw out money. hehe. but guess what? my mum haven received her pay. cannt give me my allowance in advance. haix. nvm nvm. just... not my day. hahahaha. after tt we went home. reached hm tt time i realized tt my home tv was on. but no one at home. thn phone ring. i pick up, no one talk. thn my caller ID says: Private Number. freaky. thn suddenly i heard some music. argh. really freaked me out. thn i looked out of the window... chey got ppl having funeral lah. thn the phone rang 4 times... no one talk when i pick up. so freaky. later on i thot i saw my sis in the room. thn i called her. dumb dumb. no one was at home lor. thn i got so freaked out tt i called jq... hahahahahahaha. jq was like.. "what? then i got nth to say liao." hahahahahaha. k. so we talked n talked until my sis came back. hahaha. we din really talk lah. cuz she was too engrossed in her game.. WarCraft 3. she went all the way to JE to borrow it frm....erm... i not very sure who she borrowed it fom... but anyway, she made a trip to jurong to borrow it when lydia has the game. hm....makes perfect sense. hahahahahaha. i hate WC. cuz of tt dumb game... i talk to jq on the phone she ignore me. how nice. haix. nvm. she's always liddat one. only listen to what she wants to listen. wait a minute... i'm not talking sense here. ah nvm. hehx. oh yah. today got a slight fever. 37.6 degrees. hahaha. thn i put the dumb dumb wet towel on my forehead. thn dropped to 37.5. my degrees fluctuate betwn erm... 37.3-37.6. haha. up down up down. i think itz not fever lah. most prob bcuz i wore the windbreaker on a sunny day. bleahx. hahahaha. oh yah! cool! tmr have mass run! hehehehehehehe. love it! grace gg to run with me. dun noe if i can run with her anot. not really feeling well now. haix. will try my best. hehehehe. too bad my daughter cannt run. haix. so sad. she got counsel stuff to do. n she promised to run with me tmr. haix. nvm. hahahaha. got grace can liao. but itz sorta a pity grace n maznah cannt run tgt huh. hahahahahaha. whoopx. sorry grace, sorry maznah. bleahx. haha. hm hm. nth much to blog liao. all my chatting frens have gone offline. time for me to go also. hehx. sleeping early is good. bleahx. hahaha. gd night n sleep tight. dun miss me too much. bleahx. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
hehe. today went sch. got mass run so shuang! hehehe. promised to run with zx n jq. so i ran with thm. n thn i was like :"can u two hurry up n run?" n they were like:"u wanna run then run urself lah!" thn i went"see! grace n yl in front liao" n they went "then u go n run with thm lah!" haix. so i ran extremely slowly today. not fun. but at the last part lydia suddenly POP out frm no where. so i sprinted with her till the end. bleahx. hahaha. thn later got PE!! so shuang. run run run again. hehx. n take height n weight. aiyoh, the height machine is not accurate one. everyone shrinked. tiff frm 160 bcum 158. haix. hahahaha. oh yah! i taller thn jan n yiyuan. yea! jan... u lose liao. everyday still compare height with me... still say u taller?! hahahahaha. see, i'm taller. itz ur shoess tt's y. hehx. i'm taller thn jan i'm tlaler thn jan i'm taller thn jan. hehx. n yi yuan also. yeah yeah!! lynette rawkx. hehehehehe. kk. too ego liao. must control myself. btw. i got terrible news manx. haix. my mum give me allowance $50 cannt touch. haix. cuz she say i eating too much. thn she will give me $50 at the end of the mnth. thn wad's the point lor?! haix.i eat my problem also not her problem! haix. nvm. life's like tt. cannt be rude to mama. hehex. i love my mama!! hehehehehe. sigh. so sad. lydia n i have made a vow... to drink milkshake for mths. bleahx. nth but milkshake. dun noe if i can keep to it anot. tt time lydia, grace n i also had this vow. we evn signed contract... in the end... haven evn 1 mth alrdy all break contract liao. wahahahahahahaha. sigh. got a sudden craving for grace's potatoes. so nice. my goo-di-ness! a pity i only ate 3 mouth at her hse. hehehehe. germaine evn better. one mouth only. some more she eat liao will have tt "pained" expression. hehx. anw, we went grace's hse after sch. me jq maine n well, grace herself of cuz. hehehe. ate the... dun noe wad instant noodles at her hse. thn she fried egg also. hahaha. so nice. thn she made the... yes. the potatoes. SO NICE! haha. i was playing with the potatoes. helping thm smash it all up n "stirring" it. it looked like some vomit but well, it tasted good. hehx. it did. i'm serious. in her hse nth to do one. 60% of the time i was playing with her dogs. oh yes. her dogs. my encounter with her dogs was an interesting one. hehx. when we ate her door there gg to go her hse, her dogs ran out. so i closed the door. hahaha. cuz i', scared of dogs wad. as u all know. thn i nearly locked her maid n myself outside. hahaha. thn they got rid of the dogs n put thm behind the fence. haha. one moment i was so afraid of the dogs. the very next moment, i was playing with them... hahaha. so dumb. thn the rest of the 40% of the time, i was, well, suprisingly, doing my hw. haha. did it with grace. so funny. my goo-di-ness. i will die of heart attack with her manx. she make me laugh when i drinking water. n i spitted the water out. lucky the toilet was just beside me. hahahahaha. i spitted out twice. a few times i choked. my goo-di-ness. n she's totally insane. for no good reason suddenly start "dancing" n making funny noises. bleahx. hahahahahaha. so after tt jq n i left. went tbp. she bought a comic frm comics connection n 2 G-2 pens n a ruler from popular. i said G-2 pens ah. dun think dirty. hahahaha. nvm. thn ate at bk. thn went home. hehx. fun day. bleahx. yep. shall end here.
Monday, July 07, 2003
haix. i just typed a long blog entry. thn i was abt to publish. but i re-edited to make a few spelling errors. guess wad. my cim shut off again. sigh. auto-shutting com. haix. nvm. so i shall shorten wad i initially typed. went bballing with dawn today. acty dawn mum yesterday dun allow her one. thn this morning she called me n say can. haha. sorry jan. so sorry. bleahx. haha. n sorry. i duin stay hm n pig out. n sorry. i din go town with u. bleahx. but u went with... wad LEE muffin... right? haha. dun evn noe who tt is. bleahx. haha. anw. dawn, jq, my sis n i went to play at Leng Kee. so we played bball. so funny. got another grp of guys playing. thn they asked if we wanna play match. but dawn, my sis n i too tired liao. so we declined lah. n bsides, jq also dun wanna play match. bleahx. so nvm. thn suddenly those guys play full crt. "da rao" us. so we not shuang. whenever they shoot at our half, we will shoot at the same time so tt the balls will hit each other n bounce off. hahaha. notti notti ah. bleahx. thn i so smart. my ball hit the guy's butt. accident lah. but still... nice one. bleahx. thn dawn's ball hit the same guy's d*ck. so suay. the only casualty. bleahx. hahaha. haix. acty they din "de zhui" us lah. we too mean liao. thn jq kept on 'ahem'-ing n talking cock when they come to our half. haix. nvm. so guilty. bleahx. nvm
so later on we went to eat. thn went tbp. thn walk arnd. thn go hm
tt made my day. haha. just now talking to grace. so angry with her. she want tmr to rain. my goo-di-ness! HOW CAN SHE?! when i said "I LOVE MASS RUN" she was like.. "my goodness". *sob sob* y everyone dread mass run so much. bleahx. hahaha. n gtace evn said tt i was "enthu". hm... hahaha. maybe i am. bleahx. but wad ever it is... I LOVE MASS RUN!! hehehe. dun care how u all gg to beat me up tmr... well... i just.. LOVE MASS RUN! bleahx. haha =P.
so later on we went to eat. thn went tbp. thn walk arnd. thn go hm
tt made my day. haha. just now talking to grace. so angry with her. she want tmr to rain. my goo-di-ness! HOW CAN SHE?! when i said "I LOVE MASS RUN" she was like.. "my goodness". *sob sob* y everyone dread mass run so much. bleahx. hahaha. n gtace evn said tt i was "enthu". hm... hahaha. maybe i am. bleahx. but wad ever it is... I LOVE MASS RUN!! hehehe. dun care how u all gg to beat me up tmr... well... i just.. LOVE MASS RUN! bleahx. haha =P.
Sunday, July 06, 2003
haix. i just deleted the dun noe how many brenda song pics in this post. y? cuz according to jan, they blocked the src. so... the pics cant appear. my goo-di-ness. i'm so... sad. haix haix haix. those pics so nice. n i think cannt find thm anw where else liao. haix. so sad. wait let me try another pic. frm another website... wait ah...
oh my-goo-di-ness! can can!! MY GOO-DI-NESS! I LOVE U!!! YEAH!!! hahahaha. i'm a genius. wadever! i rawk! i rule! i dominate the school! love u. love u. love u.
anw. yesterday went swimming with my neighbour who is two yrs younger. hehx. i got darker. i'm certain. MUCH darker. yep. hehehe. went to the 1.6m pool to swim. haven gotten rid of my phobia. i swam until 1.6 faster hold wall liao. thn my meighbour was like... juz swim lah. think of this is 1.4m. i tried. swam for a while... but somehow... i will just sink leh. dun noe why. xin(1) li(3) zhuo(4) yong(4) i guess. haix. my good-di-ness. liddat how to canoe. if mrs shirlene koh find out tt my swimming cert is personal survival... i die liao. haix... she will sure kick me out one. haix. nvm nvm nvm. dun think abt tt.
anw. today finally went church. i forced my mum. pulled her out of bed. thn her eyes still closed. hahahahaha. so cute. so comical. thn drag her to the toilet. thn i used the wet towel to wipe her face. HAHAHAHAHA. so dumb. thn she woke up. n walked back to the bed. thn i pull her out agan. so cute!!! hahahaha. in the end we reached late. better thn nt gg. nv attend for 4 weeks liao. so guilty. hehx. hahaha. thn go church, come home, eat breakfast/lunch... thn my mama went back to sleep again. piggy!!! hahahaha. so dumb.

oh my-goo-di-ness! can can!! MY GOO-DI-NESS! I LOVE U!!! YEAH!!! hahahaha. i'm a genius. wadever! i rawk! i rule! i dominate the school! love u. love u. love u.
anw. yesterday went swimming with my neighbour who is two yrs younger. hehx. i got darker. i'm certain. MUCH darker. yep. hehehe. went to the 1.6m pool to swim. haven gotten rid of my phobia. i swam until 1.6 faster hold wall liao. thn my meighbour was like... juz swim lah. think of this is 1.4m. i tried. swam for a while... but somehow... i will just sink leh. dun noe why. xin(1) li(3) zhuo(4) yong(4) i guess. haix. my good-di-ness. liddat how to canoe. if mrs shirlene koh find out tt my swimming cert is personal survival... i die liao. haix... she will sure kick me out one. haix. nvm nvm nvm. dun think abt tt.
anw. today finally went church. i forced my mum. pulled her out of bed. thn her eyes still closed. hahahahaha. so cute. so comical. thn drag her to the toilet. thn i used the wet towel to wipe her face. HAHAHAHAHA. so dumb. thn she woke up. n walked back to the bed. thn i pull her out agan. so cute!!! hahahaha. in the end we reached late. better thn nt gg. nv attend for 4 weeks liao. so guilty. hehx. hahaha. thn go church, come home, eat breakfast/lunch... thn my mama went back to sleep again. piggy!!! hahahaha. so dumb.
Friday, July 04, 2003
there's no doubt abt me, lynette, being the most unlucky person that ever walked the planet. haix haix haix. zx pinch me swollen liao. can feel a lump there. n got blue-black also. haix. wad a violent woman. hehx. today went bowling. so fun. alotogether $32. plus rental of shoes... $4.80. so ex. haix. dun talk abt it lah. haha. bowling so fun. i took the 14 pound ball... n sprained my wrist. WoW. LYDIA HO fault. who ask her to give me tt heavy ball. n who ask her to curse me. n zx also another one. curse here curse there! hrmph! call urselves frens. bleahx. thn after sch me n lydia walk to great world first... the rest go hm first. thn we walked... on the way, saw mr chan. he so dao. i say gd morning he dao me. bleahx. hahahahaha. thn later on. even worse. walk wrong direction. everytime with lydia will haf bad luck one. haix. haha. thn after bowling went to queensway. hahx. zx pay for taxi fare cuz we all broke after bowling. somemore, it was raining. lydia's fault lah. bring bad luck. WAHAHAHAHAHAHA. k. thn zx got a pair of nike sandals frm mr samat's fren shop. lydia got a black pair of addidas shoe. she gg to show off to yl when we get back to sch. hahahahahaha. after tt go hm. meet my sis at bus stop. went to buy groceries. thn on the way hopped into Chinatown OG. saw mrs han. hahahaha. thn she say hello dun noe how many times. hahahahaha. after tt go home liao. oh yah. today's youth day presentaion rocks manx. MR JOSEPH TAN SO KE AI! hehx. he's such a joker. got gd sense of humor. n so shuai. *blush* bleahx. hahahaha. nvm. enough of him before i get heart attack n die. bleahx. hahahahaha. y so many ppl like him? haix. hahaha. he's not all THAT attractive. ok. maybe he is. aiyah. thn ms chan also. aiyoh!!! she dance so ke ai. bleahx. hahahaha. really so ke ai. n she forgot so many moves. i think she got distracted cuz she got so many supporters. hahahahaha. anw. gtg liao. yup. k. tt's all for today. oh yah btw. haha. i in a very nice position in class now liao. zx on my left, jq on my right, dawn at my back, my beloved daughter (maznah) north-west of me, n maxie in front of her. hehx. so happy happy. hahaha. k. really gtg liao. yup. bye...~~~
Wednesday, July 02, 2003
haix. today so suay. i'm typing this for the 3rd time. cuz first time i typed a extremely long n detailed entry. when i was abt to click publish.... *poof*. my com suddenly shut off. 2nd time i type half way. it shut off again. lydia must have been cursing me manx. k. thn really suay today. my conversa bag is torn. cuz zx was pulling my bag when i was running. n it tore. sigh. v sad. thn acty got another bag. which i lent to my cousin few days ago on matthew's one mth. n woah. guess what? she smsed me when i was in the library with jq, zx, n lydia. saying tt she lost my bag. clap clap clap clap clap clap clap. splendid. brilliant. fantastic. so i currently haf no sch bag. unless i carry the white n black Jansport one. the... army one. hehx. k. the army pattern is nice... but the bag... not very nice. other bags all.. too small. sigh. seems like i really have to carry sportsbag tmr. sad. thn today at the escalator there scratched my self. the skin tear liao. so pain. haix. then after tt when we gg hm, lydia n i got off at the same bus stop. i left while she waited for the nex bus. n the very moment after i bided her gd bye, i stepped on sth. i think i rock. n twisted my ankle. haix... thn the sprain was so painful tt i decided to call hm for help. n no one was at hm. so i cried n walked hm all by myself. so many ppl looking at me... so malu. hahax. thn reached hm. mum insisted tt i see a doctor. thn i told her i would go with my jie later. n so she left for work. n interestingly... i din see a doctor in the end. cuz... WE HAVE NO MONEY!!!! haix. so i dun have MC. tmr got mass run. splendid. brilliant. marvellous. haix. hope my ankle would be better by tmr. sad. sad. really so suay. com shut down on me when i was gg to publish my blog. bag tore. another bag lost. got scratched by escalator. sprain ankle. cannt see doctor. must run mass run tmr. really. i'm the suayest person on earth. this week, is just so not my week. i just wanna lie down somewhere n close my eyes n stone there until nex week n wish tt things would be better. life is so miserable. haix. thn got so many problems troubling me. my mind gg to explode soon manx. haix. maybe i should die for this week. n reincarnate the next week. thn everything would be better. aiyah. lame lah. whatever lah.
Tuesday, July 01, 2003
yoyo! yesterday sch re-open
so happy. bleahx. missed school so much.
now our classroom is at 4G3 liaox. somemore got air-con
so shuang. hehehe. must remember to bring windbreaker tomorrow. hehx. forgot to bring yesterday n today. but acty also not v cold. hehx.
thn still sitting near jan. =( she everyday say,"aiyah! got stomachache. need to shit." since monday say until today. hahahaha. thn gwen evn worse. everyday complain. i drum my fingers also cannt. thn knock my table also cannt. thn when i call her to pass sth in front, she will go,"WHAT?!" in tt irritated tone. bleahx. hahahahahha. but nvm lah. they bother v nice n funny. hehx.
oh yah. today's PE was pretty nice. bsides the fact tt our pe tcher is ms goon now. hehx. she;s acty quite nice lah. thn we ran 5 rounds. me, dawn jq. hahaha. the rest of the class only 4 rounds. or else will be... me dawn n jq ran 6 rounds. i dun noe. i just noe 3 of us ran one round extra. hehx. maybe my calculations wrong. haha. n bcuz of tt, jq ended up last. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. nvm. shall nt talk abt tt.
today after sch zx, jq n i went jurong east. cuz jq needed to pass the gifts to the famous five. hehx.
thn they suddenly change the time
so zx couldn't make it. *sad* n so... we went to JE, ate n left. thn i wanted to go hm also. but thn jq over there keep sulking n grumble grumble. somemore zx also keep asking me to stay with jq.. or else she will be DePrEsSeD. bleahx. thn jq n i had a slight... quarrel. cuz i asked if she wanted me to stay with her. n bcuz of her pride, she asked me to go home. acty she wanted me to stay. thn we both got irritated. n we decided to go hm. thn got up the train. got down at clementi. cuz jq wanted to GO TO SC'S HSE TO PASS HIM THE PRESENTS?!?!?! er...? hehx. but in the end nv lah. so zx got up the next train. thn jq n i somehow patched up. obviously i initiated. bleahx. thn so we went back to je. hehx. so spastic. went to IMM. went 2nd floor. hehx. there got the Merry-go-round. so spastic. jq n i spent $2 to sit on it. haha. some more there write:"For kids 2-6 years old". thn we sit the ride. so long. so malu. but fun. thn this grp of sec 3 or 4 guys walked pass. haha. the STARRED at us. bleahx. hahahahaha. dun care. tmr newspaper headlines:"Two Crescentians seen playing with marry-go-round for kids 2-6 yrs" bleahx. i'm lame. hehx
thn we sat at mac n i suprisingly, did my hw. yepx. thn after tt waited for a long time. they came. jq gave thm the stuff. they sat at mac n i dun noe wad they were doing. thn i wanted to leave. but jq din wan to. dun noe y. so i splashed water on her. hahahahahaha. n we left mac. WET. bleahx. thn later on walked out of IMM. she suddenly leg pain. walked back in to get plasters. b4 tt, sat at long john for a while. when leaving long john... i... er.... er.... dropped the whole chair. it was so loud k. the whole long john starred at me. hehe. thn i so pai seh. hahahahahahaha. thn later went to get her plaster. thn left. n went hm. hehx. wanted to run my 2.4km at the stadium today. but... too tired. so went hm. hehx.
so happy. bleahx. missed school so much.
now our classroom is at 4G3 liaox. somemore got air-con
so shuang. hehehe. must remember to bring windbreaker tomorrow. hehx. forgot to bring yesterday n today. but acty also not v cold. hehx.
thn still sitting near jan. =( she everyday say,"aiyah! got stomachache. need to shit." since monday say until today. hahahaha. thn gwen evn worse. everyday complain. i drum my fingers also cannt. thn knock my table also cannt. thn when i call her to pass sth in front, she will go,"WHAT?!" in tt irritated tone. bleahx. hahahahahha. but nvm lah. they bother v nice n funny. hehx.
oh yah. today's PE was pretty nice. bsides the fact tt our pe tcher is ms goon now. hehx. she;s acty quite nice lah. thn we ran 5 rounds. me, dawn jq. hahaha. the rest of the class only 4 rounds. or else will be... me dawn n jq ran 6 rounds. i dun noe. i just noe 3 of us ran one round extra. hehx. maybe my calculations wrong. haha. n bcuz of tt, jq ended up last. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. nvm. shall nt talk abt tt.
today after sch zx, jq n i went jurong east. cuz jq needed to pass the gifts to the famous five. hehx.
thn they suddenly change the time
so zx couldn't make it. *sad* n so... we went to JE, ate n left. thn i wanted to go hm also. but thn jq over there keep sulking n grumble grumble. somemore zx also keep asking me to stay with jq.. or else she will be DePrEsSeD. bleahx. thn jq n i had a slight... quarrel. cuz i asked if she wanted me to stay with her. n bcuz of her pride, she asked me to go home. acty she wanted me to stay. thn we both got irritated. n we decided to go hm. thn got up the train. got down at clementi. cuz jq wanted to GO TO SC'S HSE TO PASS HIM THE PRESENTS?!?!?! er...? hehx. but in the end nv lah. so zx got up the next train. thn jq n i somehow patched up. obviously i initiated. bleahx. thn so we went back to je. hehx. so spastic. went to IMM. went 2nd floor. hehx. there got the Merry-go-round. so spastic. jq n i spent $2 to sit on it. haha. some more there write:"For kids 2-6 years old". thn we sit the ride. so long. so malu. but fun. thn this grp of sec 3 or 4 guys walked pass. haha. the STARRED at us. bleahx. hahahahaha. dun care. tmr newspaper headlines:"Two Crescentians seen playing with marry-go-round for kids 2-6 yrs" bleahx. i'm lame. hehx
thn we sat at mac n i suprisingly, did my hw. yepx. thn after tt waited for a long time. they came. jq gave thm the stuff. they sat at mac n i dun noe wad they were doing. thn i wanted to leave. but jq din wan to. dun noe y. so i splashed water on her. hahahahahaha. n we left mac. WET. bleahx. thn later on walked out of IMM. she suddenly leg pain. walked back in to get plasters. b4 tt, sat at long john for a while. when leaving long john... i... er.... er.... dropped the whole chair. it was so loud k. the whole long john starred at me. hehe. thn i so pai seh. hahahahahahaha. thn later went to get her plaster. thn left. n went hm. hehx. wanted to run my 2.4km at the stadium today. but... too tired. so went hm. hehx.