Sunday, November 14, 2010

At the end of the day, I still like the piano.

King Solomon went from stations to stations, kinda like trying out ambitions and goals one after another, but at the end of the day still found God being the sole purpose of his existence.

I'd like to think I did something quite similar (perhaps because there is just this prestige in having any forms of even remote connections with the wise King Solomon). I went from hobbies to hobbies and tried many different things, and found that I am ultimately still most drawn to the piano.

The irony? In the 4 attempts to try to learn piano (twice from the same teacher), I never made it pass the first 10 lessons. Har Har. And to think I'd rather kill myself than skip art class/school/dance/canoeing/tutoring/swimming/polo/yougetthegist. Haven't got an explanation for such dissonance though.

(This post was quite intentionally ungrammatical.)