Lord of the dance, You're worth dancing for
ahh!i have sooo much to blog i dno whr to begin frm.and the conflict is, i wanna keep my entry short and sweet!GEE.mm.drey, grace and i went to grace's house tdy.we made..koniyaku jelly!yums.really good, with the entire can of fruit cocktail.GEE.they had papayas!but it wasnt too bad :D
oh, tdy's bible study was another awesome one! a pity its the last, because we're done with the entire new testament, including revelation! -beams- we'll resume 2 weeks ltr with Jer- UH.I FORGOT IS WHICH ONE! Jer/shiuh/yao/ming.HEH. =\ cant wait! really excited! :D :D :D
recently i've been thinking alot about my behaviour, actions etc.i want to grow up, mature, be less noisy, be less "joke-y", be softer and slower in speech(literally.people say i speak like an indian/machine gun/bullet train).amanda says its called maturing.she thinks its just 'wanting to be someone ure not' because of a 'lack of self-love'.i think its weird, because she seems to have a point.yet i know i love myself.i face the same cycle everytime i am with people.its like, i forget to control my actions, forget to tone down and become the natural LOUD me.and thn after i leave them and am on my own, i think and think.sometimes, i even get frustruated tht i forgot to behave.WHY? i do pray, but i havent gotten any signals yet.but i'll PUSH.PushUntilSomethingHappens.
and in the meantime, if i did in any way offend or irritate anyone with my (hmm) childishness (?), pardon me.i'm in the making. :D
God bless you!
and on a lighter note.not very light but.oh well! i cant believe i actually forgot to wish deniece and limin happy bday because of... NEOPETS! on friday night i stayed up, intending to wish deniece happy bday at 12am.however, before 12am, i felt bored and went online to play neopets.and thn i totally forgot until today.and i intended to stay up for limin too, but i came online to play..uh.well.u knw, neopets.and i got carried away.but lucky deniece reminded me.
so here goes:
uh.i have more to say.but i dont like long entries.so, TA!
Monday, October 31, 2005
Thursday, October 27, 2005
when all i will do is forever, forever worship You
warning to readers: this is a loong, draggy, pointless post.but i guess itsgood entertainment? -ponders-
guess what? i'm not typing 2 posts in a day, because its the NEXT day alrdy! -beams- okay, what kinda crap am i talking now?
i'm feeling super hyper.for what reason,i really dun knw.the net is not vry interesting (excpt neopets!) and thr's only 2 inactive ppl online now.
besides, this is really surprising for someone like me, who sleeps at about 8pm everyday.oh dear me, this tells me my body clock is spoilt.and THAT is the last thing i want.its now 4:30am!!
I FORGOT TO SEND MY GAME SCORE TO GET MY NEOPOINTS!i spent 20 mins on tht game alright.it was my highest score and i forgot to send it.
what to do, praise the Lord lor!! :D
i'm plain bored.if only i could see the Holy Spirit, thn we can play scissors-paper-stone.HMMM.nvm, i'll just ask Him what He's going to show.well.. =/
let me entertain you (or myself,really) with some nonsence.
meet fungusFANG, my kougra(actually, its a tiger la!the ppl at neopets dunno what they're talking about.they nvr seen a tiger i think..)
little fungus (for short) is 3hours old only.
he stands at 71cm and weighs 12lps (pounds?)
health: 15/15
mood: happy (very very very happy)
hunger: very full (ahh, see how good i am?)
strength: quite strong (its a 3hrs cub alright!!)
let's not talk about the rest which are lies..
fungusFANG is the best.fullstop.
p.s: named after lovely yifang who reignited my neopets craze! :D
ohyes.i must tell u, the smoothie shop owner is a cheat.i paid 1000++np for a kiwi smoothie.HMM.and now when i look at it, its est value says 319np.CHEAT. -sulks-
may i also introduce the Mossy Rock i got free from the Money Tree?

yes, this is ALL my possession.pathetic huh? its ok.i have GOD :D
ahhhh.this is getting boring.let's look at something more interesting xD

here are three girls who think they are mother hens in the hen-hut (?) uh, whatever you call that.
actually, its the bottom cupboard in the AVT which I opened on the last day of sch(literally) and discovered that it could fit 3 people, just like the mother hens in their hen-hut!! cool huh?=/
ohyes, if u ever see a pic of me, chihui and a hamster in my hand, be very angry with the hamster.because it shitted/shat (?) on my hand right after we took the pic.so, be VERY angry.
no, i'm just kidding.i mean, it did shit.but u dun have to be angry.
aiyah! i am very irritated now, becausestupid daddy come into the room and on the light.doesnt he know that korkor will wake up? now i have to get up of the comfortably-warm seat to off the light.oh, if u didnt knw, my bro is sleeping right next to me now.because the stupid laptop is in his room.stupid hor?
mm.maybe i should tell u about my korkor(brother, DOH!) he took a pic of his nacked chest (he claims its sexy/macho) in my handphone and used it for his photo caller id.he wants me to keep it that way.i find that very disgusting, but i must respect him.okay, maybe if i look at it from another perspective, its quite funny.imagine mellimoo looking through my pictures one day..HAHAHAHAHA.yes, i think its quite funny :D
and then korkor is kinda like a soreloser (?). before i continue, let's bow our heads and pray that he doesnt read my blog. UH.JUST KIDDING OKAY. but i guess, nobody really likes to lose huh? we were playing Hotel (all-time fav!) just now and my sis and i were winning obviously.and he wanted to stop the game.when we cont, he shook the board.reminded me of a spoilt little kid.so jiejie(sister, DOH!) and i restarted and play ourselves.after a while, korkor apologized for behaving like a soreloser.AMEN AMEN AMEN! :D
ahhh.why is tdy thursday only? and why was a few hours ago wednesday? when is it saturday? when is it sunday?
God says: "Patience..."
maybe now i'll show you the girl who bears my nonsence all the time in sch.
wait, she doesnt do that.i bear her nonsence.but i still love her lah. :D
see that, yukee?
oh yes, and her name if foo yukefong.
sherilyn trying to get in the pic Part I:

sherilyn trying to get in the pic Part II:

okay, sherilyn is successful.3/4 of her face is inside. :D well done!
ahahahaha! i just saw a very funny pic of gwen in my picture file.but we should always leave good things for the end, so i'll post it one sec before Jesus comes!! okay?
i'm laughing really hard, gwen! i think tht's ure most unglam pic!
ohohoh! u knw wht's the funniest thing? THERE ARE 2 UNGLAM PICS OF GWEN!:D
ha! this one's a classic:
now u know what i mean when i say sherilyn is cute/small/doll-like? ;D
(btw, no one does the twist anymore, doh! we were just trying to look spastic.)
ahh.maybe this post is getting too long because blogger seems to be lagging.i have to wait 1sec before the letters i type appear, when the usual is 0.0001 sec.tht's a big diff alright. x(
in Jesus' name, we say, AMEN!
warning to readers: this is a loong, draggy, pointless post.but i guess its
guess what? i'm not typing 2 posts in a day, because its the NEXT day alrdy! -beams- okay, what kinda crap am i talking now?
i'm feeling super hyper.for what reason,i really dun knw.the net is not vry interesting (excpt neopets!) and thr's only 2 inactive ppl online now.
besides, this is really surprising for someone like me, who sleeps at about 8pm everyday.oh dear me, this tells me my body clock is spoilt.and THAT is the last thing i want.its now 4:30am!!
I FORGOT TO SEND MY GAME SCORE TO GET MY NEOPOINTS!i spent 20 mins on tht game alright.it was my highest score and i forgot to send it.
what to do, praise the Lord lor!! :D
i'm plain bored.if only i could see the Holy Spirit, thn we can play scissors-paper-stone.HMMM.nvm, i'll just ask Him what He's going to show.well.. =/
let me entertain you (or myself,really) with some nonsence.
meet fungusFANG, my kougra(actually, its a tiger la!the ppl at neopets dunno what they're talking about.they nvr seen a tiger i think..)

he stands at 71cm and weighs 12lps (pounds?)
health: 15/15
mood: happy (very very very happy)
hunger: very full (ahh, see how good i am?)
strength: quite strong (its a 3hrs cub alright!!)
let's not talk about the rest which are lies..
fungusFANG is the best.fullstop.
p.s: named after lovely yifang who reignited my neopets craze! :D
ohyes.i must tell u, the smoothie shop owner is a cheat.i paid 1000++np for a kiwi smoothie.HMM.and now when i look at it, its est value says 319np.CHEAT. -sulks-
may i also introduce the Mossy Rock i got free from the Money Tree?
yes, this is ALL my possession.pathetic huh? its ok.i have GOD :D
ahhhh.this is getting boring.let's look at something more interesting xD

here are three girls who think they are mother hens in the hen-hut (?) uh, whatever you call that.
actually, its the bottom cupboard in the AVT which I opened on the last day of sch(literally) and discovered that it could fit 3 people, just like the mother hens in their hen-hut!! cool huh?=/
ohyes, if u ever see a pic of me, chihui and a hamster in my hand, be very angry with the hamster.because it shitted/shat (?) on my hand right after we took the pic.so, be VERY angry.
no, i'm just kidding.i mean, it did shit.but u dun have to be angry.
aiyah! i am very irritated now, because
mm.maybe i should tell u about my korkor(brother, DOH!) he took a pic of his nacked chest (he claims its sexy/macho) in my handphone and used it for his photo caller id.he wants me to keep it that way.i find that very disgusting, but i must respect him.okay, maybe if i look at it from another perspective, its quite funny.imagine mellimoo looking through my pictures one day..HAHAHAHAHA.yes, i think its quite funny :D
and then korkor is kinda like a soreloser (?). before i continue, let's bow our heads and pray that he doesnt read my blog. UH.JUST KIDDING OKAY. but i guess, nobody really likes to lose huh? we were playing Hotel (all-time fav!) just now and my sis and i were winning obviously.and he wanted to stop the game.when we cont, he shook the board.reminded me of a spoilt little kid.so jiejie(sister, DOH!) and i restarted and play ourselves.after a while, korkor apologized for behaving like a soreloser.AMEN AMEN AMEN! :D
ahhh.why is tdy thursday only? and why was a few hours ago wednesday? when is it saturday? when is it sunday?
God says: "Patience..."
maybe now i'll show you the girl who bears my nonsence all the time in sch.
wait, she doesnt do that.i bear her nonsence.but i still love her lah. :D
see that, yukee?
oh yes, and her name if foo yukefong.
sherilyn trying to get in the pic Part I:

sherilyn trying to get in the pic Part II:

okay, sherilyn is successful.3/4 of her face is inside. :D well done!
ahahahaha! i just saw a very funny pic of gwen in my picture file.but we should always leave good things for the end, so i'll post it one sec before Jesus comes!! okay?
i'm laughing really hard, gwen! i think tht's ure most unglam pic!
ohohoh! u knw wht's the funniest thing? THERE ARE 2 UNGLAM PICS OF GWEN!:D
ha! this one's a classic:

now u know what i mean when i say sherilyn is cute/small/doll-like? ;D
(btw, no one does the twist anymore, doh! we were just trying to look spastic.)
ahh.maybe this post is getting too long because blogger seems to be lagging.i have to wait 1sec before the letters i type appear, when the usual is 0.0001 sec.tht's a big diff alright. x(
in Jesus' name, we say, AMEN!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
His love, His love, splendor over me
praise You, God!
thank God for the spirit of kindness in me.
i pray that all you reading this will be blessed and experience God's mightt power throughout the week.i pray that Holy Spirit welcomes you to each morning, and guide you each day. i pray that He leads you in front of you, supports you behind you, holds ur hand beside you, dwells around you, and most of all, speak to you inside you. amen? amen.
by the way, my chem:
S: Al3+
U: Fe2+
and i think neopets is really fun.yifang/yifang's sis got me hooked up to it again.haha. =
BERNICE: i really dont knw what's happening in your life but i'll keep you in prayer. ring me up when you feel its pressing and need to talk. yea? and if your free, read romans 12. God's word is far more important and real than what i say. God bless you. [=
praise You, God!
thank God for the spirit of kindness in me.
i pray that all you reading this will be blessed and experience God's mightt power throughout the week.i pray that Holy Spirit welcomes you to each morning, and guide you each day. i pray that He leads you in front of you, supports you behind you, holds ur hand beside you, dwells around you, and most of all, speak to you inside you. amen? amen.
by the way, my chem:
S: Al3+
U: Fe2+
and i think neopets is really fun.yifang/yifang's sis got me hooked up to it again.haha. =
BERNICE: i really dont knw what's happening in your life but i'll keep you in prayer. ring me up when you feel its pressing and need to talk. yea? and if your free, read romans 12. God's word is far more important and real than what i say. God bless you. [=
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
i'm living for You, and the world will know You're true
pastor is right.when u are kind, ppl dont appreciate it.and devil uses such chances to attack u, make u angry, prevent u from sharing.at times like these, we really need the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us.GEE!i cant believe i gave in to frustrations!and lost the chance to share just like THAT.i should be kind, kind and even kinder.
that aside, i enjoyed ytd's sermon on KINDNESS and tdy's bible study.in fact, i'm looking forward to next week.bible study's going to be really exciting.hope more people from cell can attend. ARMAGEDDON!
towning with mellimoo dreey and grace!dreey couldnt stop blowing windmill i made for her!haha.saw a couple of nice books at LIFE bookstore.mm.for someone like me who has nvr read anything [except the Bible, 'Cinderalla', 'Thumbelina(?)' and 'Does my Bum look Big in this?'], books tht interest me must be REALLY good.uh-huh.
i wanna be a martyr for CHRIST!! :D
talked to amanda (again) for hours ytd night.GEE!i rly thank God for her in my life, such a sweet friend/sister.though she's not the affectionate kind and rather frank and down-to-earth, she can be a source of grt comfort at times.she doesnt exactly have the 'soft-ness' but she's a grt confidant! :D
mm.just chatted with zhixin too.short conversation but pretty fun.LOL.i miss our good old times. [=
so i'm holding on cuz i know that i need You
pastor is right.when u are kind, ppl dont appreciate it.and devil uses such chances to attack u, make u angry, prevent u from sharing.at times like these, we really need the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us.GEE!i cant believe i gave in to frustrations!and lost the chance to share just like THAT.i should be kind, kind and even kinder.
that aside, i enjoyed ytd's sermon on KINDNESS and tdy's bible study.in fact, i'm looking forward to next week.bible study's going to be really exciting.hope more people from cell can attend. ARMAGEDDON!
towning with mellimoo dreey and grace!dreey couldnt stop blowing windmill i made for her!haha.saw a couple of nice books at LIFE bookstore.mm.for someone like me who has nvr read anything [except the Bible, 'Cinderalla', 'Thumbelina(?)' and 'Does my Bum look Big in this?'], books tht interest me must be REALLY good.uh-huh.
i wanna be a martyr for CHRIST!! :D
talked to amanda (again) for hours ytd night.GEE!i rly thank God for her in my life, such a sweet friend/sister.though she's not the affectionate kind and rather frank and down-to-earth, she can be a source of grt comfort at times.she doesnt exactly have the 'soft-ness' but she's a grt confidant! :D
mm.just chatted with zhixin too.short conversation but pretty fun.LOL.i miss our good old times. [=
so i'm holding on cuz i know that i need You
Sunday, October 23, 2005
i love You, i want You, i need You more than ever
silvestre's blog
haha.i think silvestre wrote an awesome story about the end times in his blog.its purely fictional yet its seems so real and applicable.i think all you out there should read it, even if ure a non-christian or what.i truly think its a great story, even just for reading leisure.
i'm kinda upset now.because i made 2 pretty paper windmills for audrey and melissa.and because i was late for church, i ran and ran, frm my hse to the bus stop, and after i got off, frm the bus stop to church.and as all u smart people know, paper tears.uh-huh?so yup.its crumpled and torn. X( i threw it away.will make another one for them tmr and give to thm during bible study.
that aside, i just want to say how much i appreciate the people arnd me.at home, in church, in sch and anywhere else.even the kind bus driver on bus 75.really.i thank God. [=
alright.i'll keep this short cuz i'm kinda busy.tiamor!<3
silvestre's blog
haha.i think silvestre wrote an awesome story about the end times in his blog.its purely fictional yet its seems so real and applicable.i think all you out there should read it, even if ure a non-christian or what.i truly think its a great story, even just for reading leisure.
i'm kinda upset now.because i made 2 pretty paper windmills for audrey and melissa.and because i was late for church, i ran and ran, frm my hse to the bus stop, and after i got off, frm the bus stop to church.and as all u smart people know, paper tears.uh-huh?so yup.its crumpled and torn. X( i threw it away.will make another one for them tmr and give to thm during bible study.
that aside, i just want to say how much i appreciate the people arnd me.at home, in church, in sch and anywhere else.even the kind bus driver on bus 75.really.i thank God. [=
alright.i'll keep this short cuz i'm kinda busy.tiamor!<3
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
salvation is here, cause You are alive and You live in me
olvl bio prac: carrot and onion =
why should i lack faith to fufil my calling, knowing that God has allotted to me a measure of faith?
i know You have provided enough, everything i need to fufil my calling and share my faith, to fufil the great commission.i want to go out there and make disciples of all nations.not just thailand, but even in singapore.i know You have chosen me to bear fruits that will last.
use me God.use me God, i want to see change lifestyles of the people around me.i want to bring people to You.i want to be Your vessel.God, bring me to the people You want.bring me to them.
hear my cry God, dont pass me by.teach me, Holy Spirit, guide me.Father grant me Your wisdom and courage.
i'm sick and tired of not sharing my faith
i'm sick and tired of not doing what God wants me to do
i'm sick and tired of being hindered by myself
i'm sick and tired of the situation
i'm sick and tired of religons
i'm sick and tired of the staleness in cell
i'm sick and tired of new age
i'm sick and tired of being empowered on saturdays but losing it on weekdays
i'm sick and tired of fear of rejection
i'm sick and tired of sitting in Your lap
i'm sick and tired of inviting Holy Spirit each morning to guide me to share the gospel, but not doing it
i'm sick and tired of my lack of faith, that i finally admit
i'm sick and tired of people's ignorance of You, whom they belong to
i'm sick and tired to lost souls
i'm sick and tired of being lazy
i'm sick and tired to humanly knowledge's apparant superiority
i'm sick and tired of running away from my responsibility
there must be much much much more than this
God i'm sick and tired
i know You are faithful, help me God
what happened to my world, my responsibilities?
God i'm sick and tired.i want change.
olvl bio prac: carrot and onion =
why should i lack faith to fufil my calling, knowing that God has allotted to me a measure of faith?
i know You have provided enough, everything i need to fufil my calling and share my faith, to fufil the great commission.i want to go out there and make disciples of all nations.not just thailand, but even in singapore.i know You have chosen me to bear fruits that will last.
use me God.use me God, i want to see change lifestyles of the people around me.i want to bring people to You.i want to be Your vessel.God, bring me to the people You want.bring me to them.
hear my cry God, dont pass me by.teach me, Holy Spirit, guide me.Father grant me Your wisdom and courage.
i'm sick and tired of not sharing my faith
i'm sick and tired of not doing what God wants me to do
i'm sick and tired of being hindered by myself
i'm sick and tired of the situation
i'm sick and tired of religons
i'm sick and tired of the staleness in cell
i'm sick and tired of new age
i'm sick and tired of being empowered on saturdays but losing it on weekdays
i'm sick and tired of fear of rejection
i'm sick and tired of sitting in Your lap
i'm sick and tired of inviting Holy Spirit each morning to guide me to share the gospel, but not doing it
i'm sick and tired of my lack of faith, that i finally admit
i'm sick and tired of people's ignorance of You, whom they belong to
i'm sick and tired to lost souls
i'm sick and tired of being lazy
i'm sick and tired to humanly knowledge's apparant superiority
i'm sick and tired of running away from my responsibility
there must be much much much more than this
God i'm sick and tired
i know You are faithful, help me God
what happened to my world, my responsibilities?
God i'm sick and tired.i want change.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
that i am known by You compels my heart to sing, i live to know You more
2 days of running and a painful right feet!
i ran alot ytd and tdy.ytd, i ran to sch frm redhill mrt because i was late and the bus just wasnt moving.got there all sweaty and smelling bad.lucky for me i brought my gatsby deodarant!after our lessons, we went to sajc open house.and thn i left at 1.40pm when according to rose, i could leave at 2pm since it was only a 25min bus ride.i had intended to leave at 1.45pm, but when rachel called at 1.40pm, i just felt that i should leave.though she didnt say it, i knew she must have been alone at church thn because she thought there was discipleship.so i left hastily and awkwardly.when i was at the sch gate, i saw bus 61 approaching.and the busstop was in the opposite direction.thr wasnt a zebra crossing or anything, just an overhead bridge.so i ran as fast as i could, tempted to just give up and wait for the next bus, within that mere 1minute.but i felt responsible to get to church as soon as possible.and thank God there was a bus infront of 61 which alot of people were boarding, so 61 sat there happily, waiting for me.amen!and i was sure glad i caught the bus because the traffic was..._________! the bus ride because 40mins long! jams here and there and here and there.and the 61 bus driver drove really slowly.in fact, i had in mind to write a complain letter about him since he was so unserious and undedicated.during the jams, he took of his shoes and put his feet on the driving wheel, lying comfortably back on his chair.gross isnt it?got off at the shell busstop and thank God again that bus 75 was right behind, so i boarded it and got of one-stop later, in front of beauty world.and from thr, the next running journey began again.ran to beautyworld, took the escalator to fourth floor, ran to the overhead bridge, ran accross the overhead bride, ran two steps at a time down the stairs and sprinted all the way to church.when i was running up the escalator, i wanted to stop and just let the escalator carry me.but i received a call frm my cousin who said she was coming.so i ran and ran and ran.phew! i reached there right on time.glad that zibing was there to talk to my cousin while she waited tht few seconds for me.everything just fell into place, and i kept running.haha.oh well.stank again, but like i mentioned, thank God again for my deoderant! :D
today i ran to catch the bus to church for bible study because i saw it while i was on top of the overhead bridge.it was about 100 metres away from the bus stop thn(stopping at a traffice light), and i was some 80metres away! so i ran like a mad dog again and when i was about 40 metres away frm the bus stop, the bus started moving.as i was 10 metres away, the bus door closed and the bus moved.and i went "noooooo!".and thank God yet again, the bus driver saw the messy-haird girl wearing a black tshirt saying "called to be a world changer" and orange shorts! he stopped and i sprinted as fast as i could.when i got up the bus, i gathered the last bit of my energy to groan a hollow "thank you".oh well.
and after bible study,i ran in the rain to catch my bus.haha.it was kinda hilarious cause i was sharing grace's umbrella with her and because i suddenly started running, she ran with me, trying to shelter me.and i was like "u dun have to cover me...!"thn she stopped running.i guess she didnt know what else to do then anyway.LOL.its a natural reaction.i caught the bus, proud that i didnt fall down, given the fact i was wearing slippers on a rainy day. :D and i shiverred like crazy after tht on the bus.brrrr =
and thn because it was raining, my right foot hurt alot.ever since i thriple-sprain it in a week (tht was during canoeing nationals), it started to hurt everytime i'm feeling cold and when its raining.gee!am i growing old or what?
yesterday's cell was great! thanks to grace for the awesome icebreaker, mel for the great worship and zibing for the meaningful sharing.and to everyone else who made the effort to be present. :D
oh.yifang is leaving for thailand tmr! BYE BYE YIFANG! will miss you for the 6 days ur gone! D: but she'll be back anyway. :D God bless and protect you, sweet fungus, while ure in thailand! <3
this entry is really long alrdy so i shall end here even though i have much much more to blog about.oh well. [=
2 days of running and a painful right feet!
i ran alot ytd and tdy.ytd, i ran to sch frm redhill mrt because i was late and the bus just wasnt moving.got there all sweaty and smelling bad.lucky for me i brought my gatsby deodarant!after our lessons, we went to sajc open house.and thn i left at 1.40pm when according to rose, i could leave at 2pm since it was only a 25min bus ride.i had intended to leave at 1.45pm, but when rachel called at 1.40pm, i just felt that i should leave.though she didnt say it, i knew she must have been alone at church thn because she thought there was discipleship.so i left hastily and awkwardly.when i was at the sch gate, i saw bus 61 approaching.and the busstop was in the opposite direction.thr wasnt a zebra crossing or anything, just an overhead bridge.so i ran as fast as i could, tempted to just give up and wait for the next bus, within that mere 1minute.but i felt responsible to get to church as soon as possible.and thank God there was a bus infront of 61 which alot of people were boarding, so 61 sat there happily, waiting for me.amen!and i was sure glad i caught the bus because the traffic was..._________! the bus ride because 40mins long! jams here and there and here and there.and the 61 bus driver drove really slowly.in fact, i had in mind to write a complain letter about him since he was so unserious and undedicated.during the jams, he took of his shoes and put his feet on the driving wheel, lying comfortably back on his chair.gross isnt it?got off at the shell busstop and thank God again that bus 75 was right behind, so i boarded it and got of one-stop later, in front of beauty world.and from thr, the next running journey began again.ran to beautyworld, took the escalator to fourth floor, ran to the overhead bridge, ran accross the overhead bride, ran two steps at a time down the stairs and sprinted all the way to church.when i was running up the escalator, i wanted to stop and just let the escalator carry me.but i received a call frm my cousin who said she was coming.so i ran and ran and ran.phew! i reached there right on time.glad that zibing was there to talk to my cousin while she waited tht few seconds for me.everything just fell into place, and i kept running.haha.oh well.stank again, but like i mentioned, thank God again for my deoderant! :D
today i ran to catch the bus to church for bible study because i saw it while i was on top of the overhead bridge.it was about 100 metres away from the bus stop thn(stopping at a traffice light), and i was some 80metres away! so i ran like a mad dog again and when i was about 40 metres away frm the bus stop, the bus started moving.as i was 10 metres away, the bus door closed and the bus moved.and i went "noooooo!".and thank God yet again, the bus driver saw the messy-haird girl wearing a black tshirt saying "called to be a world changer" and orange shorts! he stopped and i sprinted as fast as i could.when i got up the bus, i gathered the last bit of my energy to groan a hollow "thank you".oh well.
and after bible study,i ran in the rain to catch my bus.haha.it was kinda hilarious cause i was sharing grace's umbrella with her and because i suddenly started running, she ran with me, trying to shelter me.and i was like "u dun have to cover me...!"thn she stopped running.i guess she didnt know what else to do then anyway.LOL.its a natural reaction.i caught the bus, proud that i didnt fall down, given the fact i was wearing slippers on a rainy day. :D and i shiverred like crazy after tht on the bus.brrrr =
and thn because it was raining, my right foot hurt alot.ever since i thriple-sprain it in a week (tht was during canoeing nationals), it started to hurt everytime i'm feeling cold and when its raining.gee!am i growing old or what?
yesterday's cell was great! thanks to grace for the awesome icebreaker, mel for the great worship and zibing for the meaningful sharing.and to everyone else who made the effort to be present. :D
oh.yifang is leaving for thailand tmr! BYE BYE YIFANG! will miss you for the 6 days ur gone! D: but she'll be back anyway. :D God bless and protect you, sweet fungus, while ure in thailand! <3
this entry is really long alrdy so i shall end here even though i have much much more to blog about.oh well. [=
Friday, October 14, 2005
the whole world overflowing with Your power and Your glory, there is no one like You God
today has been another great day.
so that makes is 2 wonderful days consecutively.
sec 4 farewell assembly;
thr was a flood of emotions running through my heart and mind.i'll really miss the sch building, uniform, teachers and of course FRIENDS! though i'll really really really miss the uniform alot since its so unique! =mm.i dont feel comfortable blogging abt my feelings here.well.. [=
so i'm officially an ex-crescentian.
setting: south haven II swimming pool, 5pm-7pm (?)
characters: karyn, grace, mellimoo, dreey and myself
conflict: raining
climax: stopped raining, went swimming
resolution: had a fun time, not really swimming, but playing monkey with karyn's enormous silver ball.well, i unwind[ed?] alot ytd and tdy.feel much better compared to the previous days of the week.
i'm really tired now.i fell aslp on the train on my way home.i thought it was pretty hilarious:
me: zzzzzz
*in the background,which i was previously deaf to because i was sleeping like a log, suddenly goes "Tiong Bahru.."*
me:(jolting up suddenly and awkwardly)THANKIUT! [sporean way of saying 'thank you']
people around stare. =it was pretty embarrassing.well..
alright.so i have enough money to pay for mission trip for this week.great!
today has been another great day.
so that makes is 2 wonderful days consecutively.
sec 4 farewell assembly;
thr was a flood of emotions running through my heart and mind.i'll really miss the sch building, uniform, teachers and of course FRIENDS! though i'll really really really miss the uniform alot since its so unique! =mm.i dont feel comfortable blogging abt my feelings here.well.. [=
so i'm officially an ex-crescentian.
setting: south haven II swimming pool, 5pm-7pm (?)
characters: karyn, grace, mellimoo, dreey and myself
conflict: raining
climax: stopped raining, went swimming
resolution: had a fun time, not really swimming, but playing monkey with karyn's enormous silver ball.well, i unwind[ed?] alot ytd and tdy.feel much better compared to the previous days of the week.
i'm really tired now.i fell aslp on the train on my way home.i thought it was pretty hilarious:
me: zzzzzz
*in the background,which i was previously deaf to because i was sleeping like a log, suddenly goes "Tiong Bahru.."*
me:(jolting up suddenly and awkwardly)THANKIUT! [sporean way of saying 'thank you']
people around stare. =it was pretty embarrassing.well..
alright.so i have enough money to pay for mission trip for this week.great!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
i pray Lord take me, i pray Lord make me all i've failed to me
i just came to count my uncountable blessings:
1) encouragement from lovely cell group!
2) money to pay for mission trip
3) chocolate-coated marshmallow from sweet chihui!
4) discipline to do work and wisdom to do it
5) inspiring CDs form Regina Ruiz! because korkor met her in person at rasa sentosa hotel, where korkor works
6) control over my diet (as in, not over-eating)
7) shopping/bonding trip with special bernice!
8) Holy Spirit's guidiance over me
9) new toothbrush (?!)
10) i cant just limit God's blessings to 10!
i shall post a picture of the lovely chocolate-coated marshmallow *yum!* from marks & spencer chihui gave me another day because i'm kinda lazy to upload pictures now.and also the picture bernice took of me tdy.i looked awfully funny!
i rly appreciate the people, and the things they do, around me.and i rly want to bless them with as much joy as possible.today, i went out with special bernice.was early so bought her a chocolate eclair.if that's a way to bless and bring joy to someone, why not? :D
today's date with adorable bernice was indeed fun and enjoyable.thank God for my little darling.walked around and laughed alot, thn settled at gelare to have a good chat.well..consumedsinful honeywaffle with banana and chocolate dough ice-cream and strawberry ice-cream milkshake.but well, if its bernice, its worth the extra fat! :D chatted alot.i felt exceptionally happy because we havent talked like that tgt for a long long time and it was just so.. i dont evn knw how to describe! just know that i had a greatgreatGREAT time with my date tdy. <3>
i just came to count my uncountable blessings:
1) encouragement from lovely cell group!
2) money to pay for mission trip
3) chocolate-coated marshmallow from sweet chihui!
4) discipline to do work and wisdom to do it
5) inspiring CDs form Regina Ruiz! because korkor met her in person at rasa sentosa hotel, where korkor works
6) control over my diet (as in, not over-eating)
7) shopping/bonding trip with special bernice!
8) Holy Spirit's guidiance over me
9) new toothbrush (?!)
10) i cant just limit God's blessings to 10!
i shall post a picture of the lovely chocolate-coated marshmallow *yum!* from marks & spencer chihui gave me another day because i'm kinda lazy to upload pictures now.and also the picture bernice took of me tdy.i looked awfully funny!
i rly appreciate the people, and the things they do, around me.and i rly want to bless them with as much joy as possible.today, i went out with special bernice.was early so bought her a chocolate eclair.if that's a way to bless and bring joy to someone, why not? :D
today's date with adorable bernice was indeed fun and enjoyable.thank God for my little darling.walked around and laughed alot, thn settled at gelare to have a good chat.well..consumed
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
great is Your love and justice,God,You use the weak to lead the strong
with You, i will not be defeated.
indeed, God's grace is enough.i'm thankful for the people He's put around me to encourage me when i'm down.in fact, who else can be a better encourager than Jesus Himself? amen that God is always there for me.i'm most thankful for Him.
today, God sent me 3 angels along with His Holy Spirit. they are mellimoo/melissa, amanda choo and bernice chia! because i have alrdy posted a pic of mel, i shall post bernice's and amanda's. thank God for you guys in my life! <3

there's my MAN! duh! [amanda = a man, duh!]

my favourite bernice, ultra sweet, ultra special.
with You, i will not be defeated.
indeed, God's grace is enough.i'm thankful for the people He's put around me to encourage me when i'm down.in fact, who else can be a better encourager than Jesus Himself? amen that God is always there for me.i'm most thankful for Him.
today, God sent me 3 angels along with His Holy Spirit. they are mellimoo/melissa, amanda choo and bernice chia! because i have alrdy posted a pic of mel, i shall post bernice's and amanda's. thank God for you guys in my life! <3

there's my MAN! duh! [amanda = a man, duh!]

my favourite bernice, ultra sweet, ultra special.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
God of life and Lord of love, who was and is and is to come, hallelujah, Your love goes on forever
alright.that was cool, blogging with my handphone.so now i can blog anywhere anytime.way cool!but thr's a problem, i think i might have to pay for it.well..
i did not choose Jesus but Jesus chose me to go and bear fruit- fruit that will last.then The Father will give me whatever i ask in His name -john 15:16
amen! my life is Yours, Daddie.
to people who love me:
i need encouragement
wanping said that we shouldnt expect people to encourage us when we need encouragement and dont say it.so, yes.dont feel comfortable sharing the issue here but rest assured i'll sort things out in time to come.it's been pretty stiffling..
friday is what i really need. [=
i want the spirit of JOY in me
warning to mr S.A.Tan [satan la!]
i know u want me dead, u filthy thing!but i'm going to live joyfully.i'm not going to buy your lies anymore.so bug off because if u dont do so fast, u're just going agonize urself seeing ur plan COMPLETELY RUINED.i chose to be joyful.
(has been and will still be)
in the meantime,
alright.that was cool, blogging with my handphone.so now i can blog anywhere anytime.way cool!but thr's a problem, i think i might have to pay for it.well..
i did not choose Jesus but Jesus chose me to go and bear fruit- fruit that will last.then The Father will give me whatever i ask in His name -john 15:16
amen! my life is Yours, Daddie.
to people who love me:
i need encouragement
wanping said that we shouldnt expect people to encourage us when we need encouragement and dont say it.so, yes.dont feel comfortable sharing the issue here but rest assured i'll sort things out in time to come.it's been pretty stiffling..
friday is what i really need. [=
i want the spirit of JOY in me
warning to mr S.A.Tan [satan la!]
i know u want me dead, u filthy thing!but i'm going to live joyfully.i'm not going to buy your lies anymore.so bug off because if u dont do so fast, u're just going agonize urself seeing ur plan COMPLETELY RUINED.i chose to be joyful.
(has been and will still be)
in the meantime,
dreey <3>
my lovely one :D
thank You Jesus
Sunday, October 09, 2005
more than anything my soul desires
hahaha! this is solid stuff!
please check out the video at:
or click here
credits to BERNICE CHIA who introduced me this crap!
LOL.i'm still laughing!
apologies to mr ferric for publishing ur friendster profile.
a random event;
i was eating nasi lemak when i found a metal wire/needle/hook with a really sharp end in the fish.and i would have swallowed it if God did not give us teeth. AMEN for teeth. but anyway, this was how limin and i exchanged smses (not exact same words because i dlted the smses alrdy) :
me: AHHH! YUCK! there's a needle/hook in my fish! ohmygosh! i'm going to die!
limin: relax relax.take the thing out first okay? do u love it alot? i can buy u another on if it really dies
me: huh? its from my nasi lemak. its not a pet. its grilled. =me: and btw, yes, i do love to eat fish! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
and the rest is not necessay.just know that i couldnt stop laughing for a very long time.HAHAHAHAHAHA.limin's really funny. :D
words condemned by bernice chia and i:
they are stupid words.
they look stupid.
they sound stupid.
bernice is cool
bernice is cool
bernice is cool
we have a Saviour who lives in us
He is the best thing that every happened to us
amen! :D
hahaha! this is solid stuff!
please check out the video at:
or click here
credits to BERNICE CHIA who introduced me this crap!
LOL.i'm still laughing!
apologies to mr ferric for publishing ur friendster profile.
a random event;
i was eating nasi lemak when i found a metal wire/needle/hook with a really sharp end in the fish.and i would have swallowed it if God did not give us teeth. AMEN for teeth. but anyway, this was how limin and i exchanged smses (not exact same words because i dlted the smses alrdy) :
me: AHHH! YUCK! there's a needle/hook in my fish! ohmygosh! i'm going to die!
limin: relax relax.take the thing out first okay? do u love it alot? i can buy u another on if it really dies
me: huh? its from my nasi lemak. its not a pet. its grilled. =me: and btw, yes, i do love to eat fish! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
and the rest is not necessay.just know that i couldnt stop laughing for a very long time.HAHAHAHAHAHA.limin's really funny. :D
words condemned by bernice chia and i:
from now on,
they are stupid words.
they look stupid.
they sound stupid.
bernice is cool
bernice is cool
bernice is cool
we have a Saviour who lives in us
He is the best thing that every happened to us
amen! :D
Friday, October 07, 2005
my sin was nailed to the cross and i bear it no more, praise the Lord, it is well
amen, praise the Lord!
this week, not everything has been smooth, yet i stayed joyful.
yes i admit i got irate at times.
but Holy Spirit helped me snap out of it fast.
awesome huh?
i would like to say how exuberant chihui and rose has made me today!
haha.well, i took bus from the busstop across theirs today.thn they kept waving to me.and i didnt want to keep waving back cuz it was embarrassing since i was the only crescentian amongst all the queenstown-ians.well, this is how our smses exchanged:
me: eh.dun wave le.very ebarrassing for me.
(both cont waving, this is more excitedly, me trying to hold my laughter to myself, thn looked away)
chihui: wave back!
thn i called rose...
rose: hello?
me: dun wave la! i look stupid and retarded ok! u have each other and i'm like alone? very embarrasssing u know?!
me: dun wave back ah! byebye!
rose: byebye!
(not long after, they start waving again.this time, furiously blowing kisses.me burst out into small cackles while people around me started at me like i was an aliean.chihui smses...)
chihui:why are you avoiding our kisses? return the kiss!
me: can u stop it? i'm rly embarrassed la. =(the continue, this time exaggerating their actions.bursts out laughing.tries to cover mouth with pullover.no one thought they were mad, they thought i was on the contrary)
me: ooi! u watch out ah..
chihui: we're going to do the mr bean dance for u!
(both dances like mr bean, hands togetherin front of stomach, moving butt forward back left right akwardly.me, laughing out really loudly and walking away from the busstop, hunchedback frm the severe laughing)
embarrassing huh?
thn sheirly comes walking over to the busstop.by thn, i had walked back to the bus stop alrdy.
sheirly: u siao ah?! why u laugh to urself?
me: (laughing) nonono! u look! *points to the other side of the road*
in the mean time, bus 51 comes.
it was hilarious i tell you! haha. picture it!
and i couldnt stop laughing on the bus.even after i got of, i was semi-laughing.and a qnstwn girl which was at the busstop threw me a strange look.
oh well.
but it was hilarious.in fact, tht's an understatement.
*laughs and rolls on the floor for 20 hours*
*stands up to continue bloggins*
rright.that aside, warning of the day.
dont climb up ladders if u dont wear shorts under ur skirt, not even when u are in a girls' sch! HA! i'm not allowed to say who though. =p
sch was cool tdy.english enrichment course was great! the speaker, mr barton, was extremely humourous! haha. in my memory, this is the first enrichment course i actually enjoyed. i hope i get to be in his course again in future. anw, part of the course was for us to stand up, holding a pen high up towards the ceiling.we were supposed to look at the tip of the pen and turn rounds.thn we would write 2 lines of thoughts/feelings.so i wrote:
1. I felt embarrassed as I thought I looked ridiculous.
2. I wondered if I would get caught for not tucking in my shirt.
extremely FORTUNATELY, mr barton PICKED MY PAPER TO READ TO THE SCHOOL.oh, if u didnt sense the sacarsm, ur a C6 EL student (to quote mr barton).to sidetrack a little, i would like to include my analysis of why he picked mine.its probably becuase... I WAS WEARING MY BANANA YELLOW NEW SHIRT AND WAS THE MOST OUTSTANDING SEC 4 IN THE HALL, GLOWWING IN FRESH, BRIGHT YELLOW.oh well.=\ so anw, he praised me for being able to spell 'embarrassed'!LOL.and thn when he read line 2, he paused for a moment.thn he read it out in one breathe, in a appropriately funny tone.haha.and the whole hall laughed.at that moment, i felt the blood capillaries near the surface of my cheeks dilating.yes, for non-bio students, it just means i was blushing out of embarrassment.and to add on to that, a few other kay-poh students turned their heads in my direction, trying to find out who the writer of that brilliant line was.
oh dear me.
but it was hilarious anyway.hahaha.
tdy's an embarrassing day.
OH OH! today is friday! that would mean, TOMORROW IS LOVELY SATURDAY!
lovelylovely. :D
amen, praise the Lord!
this week, not everything has been smooth, yet i stayed joyful.
yes i admit i got irate at times.
but Holy Spirit helped me snap out of it fast.
awesome huh?
i would like to say how exuberant chihui and rose has made me today!
haha.well, i took bus from the busstop across theirs today.thn they kept waving to me.and i didnt want to keep waving back cuz it was embarrassing since i was the only crescentian amongst all the queenstown-ians.well, this is how our smses exchanged:
me: eh.dun wave le.very ebarrassing for me.
(both cont waving, this is more excitedly, me trying to hold my laughter to myself, thn looked away)
chihui: wave back!
thn i called rose...
rose: hello?
me: dun wave la! i look stupid and retarded ok! u have each other and i'm like alone? very embarrasssing u know?!
me: dun wave back ah! byebye!
rose: byebye!
(not long after, they start waving again.this time, furiously blowing kisses.me burst out into small cackles while people around me started at me like i was an aliean.chihui smses...)
chihui:why are you avoiding our kisses? return the kiss!
me: can u stop it? i'm rly embarrassed la. =(the continue, this time exaggerating their actions.bursts out laughing.tries to cover mouth with pullover.no one thought they were mad, they thought i was on the contrary)
me: ooi! u watch out ah..
chihui: we're going to do the mr bean dance for u!
(both dances like mr bean, hands togetherin front of stomach, moving butt forward back left right akwardly.me, laughing out really loudly and walking away from the busstop, hunchedback frm the severe laughing)
embarrassing huh?
thn sheirly comes walking over to the busstop.by thn, i had walked back to the bus stop alrdy.
sheirly: u siao ah?! why u laugh to urself?
me: (laughing) nonono! u look! *points to the other side of the road*
in the mean time, bus 51 comes.
it was hilarious i tell you! haha. picture it!
and i couldnt stop laughing on the bus.even after i got of, i was semi-laughing.and a qnstwn girl which was at the busstop threw me a strange look.
oh well.
but it was hilarious.in fact, tht's an understatement.
*laughs and rolls on the floor for 20 hours*
*stands up to continue bloggins*
rright.that aside, warning of the day.
dont climb up ladders if u dont wear shorts under ur skirt, not even when u are in a girls' sch! HA! i'm not allowed to say who though. =p
sch was cool tdy.english enrichment course was great! the speaker, mr barton, was extremely humourous! haha. in my memory, this is the first enrichment course i actually enjoyed. i hope i get to be in his course again in future. anw, part of the course was for us to stand up, holding a pen high up towards the ceiling.we were supposed to look at the tip of the pen and turn rounds.thn we would write 2 lines of thoughts/feelings.so i wrote:
1. I felt embarrassed as I thought I looked ridiculous.
2. I wondered if I would get caught for not tucking in my shirt.
extremely FORTUNATELY, mr barton PICKED MY PAPER TO READ TO THE SCHOOL.oh, if u didnt sense the sacarsm, ur a C6 EL student (to quote mr barton).to sidetrack a little, i would like to include my analysis of why he picked mine.its probably becuase... I WAS WEARING MY BANANA YELLOW NEW SHIRT AND WAS THE MOST OUTSTANDING SEC 4 IN THE HALL, GLOWWING IN FRESH, BRIGHT YELLOW.oh well.=\ so anw, he praised me for being able to spell 'embarrassed'!LOL.and thn when he read line 2, he paused for a moment.thn he read it out in one breathe, in a appropriately funny tone.haha.and the whole hall laughed.at that moment, i felt the blood capillaries near the surface of my cheeks dilating.yes, for non-bio students, it just means i was blushing out of embarrassment.and to add on to that, a few other kay-poh students turned their heads in my direction, trying to find out who the writer of that brilliant line was.
oh dear me.
but it was hilarious anyway.hahaha.
tdy's an embarrassing day.
OH OH! today is friday! that would mean, TOMORROW IS LOVELY SATURDAY!
lovelylovely. :D