this year for my birthday, i'm doing something different.
i'm going to receive by giving. ironic? not at all.
Acts 20:35
'It is more blessed to give than to receive'
so surprise surprise! you might just receive something from me soon!
i'm content. of cs i do have a looong 'want-list', but if u ask me, i rly dont expect anything from anyone. if it had been me 2 yrs ago, i might have. but this yr, i realise i'm given more thn enough. my Jesus loves me, what else matters? :D
i'm being extremely honest: i cant be more grateful.
i'm inspired by Matthew 6:25-34(linked). u know, God feeds even the birds, and dresses the flowers so beautifully. how much more would He give us, given that we are, to Him, more precious than the angels around Him?
i have alot of thoughts now, but i dont really know how i want to express them or if i even want to. hmm. let's just say, i'm reflecting how blessed i am again.
i'll save the thanking of people when my bday is over so i can dedicate one "thank you for remembering my bday" post to all those sweet people all at a, if u text me/emailed me/gave me a present early, and have been visiting my blog to see if i published your big name, be patient.haha! it'll come soon. heh! :D
tmr's the big day, but i'm not in the mood yet. i wonder why too. i guess, everyday feels like a bday to me. heh.

ms.tay(cgs) emailed this to me upon my mom's request. so embarassing!