Two-cents worth from Organic Chemistry
How far would you go for your belief?
And how much further when it is the truth?
It started with Aaron and I arguing about an Organic Chem question-
dehydrogenation. I knew there was no such thing, but Aaron knew there was. We started with a rather animated debate, then it got a lil intense. And next, we got Candy, KT, and even Mdm involved. Eventually, it turned out I was right.
But I'm not trying to tell you how smart I am, because anyone could have heard Mdm telling Jared that in class last year.
After the whole storm in a teacup, I reflected on how I felt.
1. Angry when Aaron didnt believe.
2. Hopeful when we decided to ask Candy & KT
3. Exasperated when they were on Aaron's side instead
The fact that I was s
ooo sure, yet everyone else didnt know, drove me in hysteria. Soon enough, I did feel disappointed when I sensed them pissed off with my endless talking & betting, trying to convince them.
(But really, my friends are not unreasonable monsters. They had their believes, as much as I had mine.)
I guess this is what it is to be living for the Truth.
You believe it, you stand on its side.
You know it, you fight for it,
whether you have support or not.Be still when others go over to the other side. Dissapointed, yes you will be, but dont let it stop you. It doesnt matter how much hope you see now, because ultimately, the answer will arrive.
You know it will arrive.
So I say, God is real.
(why wont you believe me? please?)
And if I were to bet my life on it, I would.
If my friends leave me, so be it.I will not be moved.
One day you will see His Kingdom come.I'm waiting for the Truth.