Hahahaha, I wanted to blog about something else, but this is too funny and it's taking priority! I created a forum for the People of TLBC SOM 2008 Term 1, and mass emailed everyone to ask them to join.
On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 12:31 AM, LYNETTE xD; wrote:Dear Dear DEEEAAARRRR Uncle Ant-O-Knee replied, :D
Hello People in ComputerLand,
I created an Online Forum and I think I deserve an appraisal because I never knew what a forum was until today.
*stops to cheer for herself*
Anyway, join okay?
And then we'll post all announcements, outings, prayer requests, testimonies or any other random things there.
AND PLEASE, Activate the email notification thingy (where you'll be notified by email whenever someone posts something) so that we'll not forget the forum and leave it deserted.
This is like, my first attempt to keep in touch, so yea.
Missing the class already! ):
Okay, its quite late now, so, Byebye People in ComputerLand!
And I went into a laughing fit almost immediately.
He is 64 years old and I ain't kidding the least bit alright.
Re: CLASS FORUM :D From: Tan Anthony Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 7:00:20 PM To:
Hi LynetteIts abt 02.41and I just got up. I tried to register but not successful. I will try again tomorrow. I am from Toytown and somehow never quite get along with people from Computerlandbecause the people there are too cheem for me.Anyway if I have trouble in registering, I will get one of my sons to help tomorrow.Thanks for taking the initiative, Lynette and yes I have started to miss the lovely people.FromToytown, this is Noddy signing off as he is off to spend his QT with GOD.BlessingsUncle Anthony
Now that I think of it, he does look like Noddy.

Yes yes yes?
Yes :D
(I miss Uncle Ant-O-Knee already!)