just to hear Your still small voice again
holy, righteous, faithful til the end
Hello People of the World!
MCQ Time :D
Lynette is blogging because..
a. she is avoiding homework
b. she actually has something to blog about
c. she has decided that children's day deserves a blog entry
d. eh wait. its 57mins past children's day. boo ):
Anyways, my attempt to bake cookies was... Let's not talk about it. I shall either act blur when people ask me, or completely avoid mentioning words like, "cookie" "brown" "chocolate" "chip" "bake" "oven" "heat" "degrees" "eggs" "betty crockers" (and the list goes on...) so that nobody remembers that they were supposed to receive cookies.
*Fingers crossed*
I am saturated by laziness/distraction, and more guilt :D yay.
(Seriously, what is wrong with me?)
Sometimes I think people have hidden agendas.
For one, I know I do, but I'm consciously learning not to.
Is it normal to keep being so suspicious?
Oh Oh, everything else aside. Check this out :D

NOT! Obviously. You tweed. That was before I was braced :D
(and that was when I had all my 4 premolars)
Last braced photo ):

Nice Straight Flat Smooth Teeth :D
But I liked my braces. I liked metal on my teeth. Its almost a fashion statement. You got braces, you cool. I miss wearing braces (except for the part about spitting saliva unintentionally, which is super ugly.)
Okay this whole post is so random and I don't like it. Bye bye.