You make me move, Jesus!
YeeelloW, spongebob fans!
yellow is the colour of today.
because i wore my AC pe shirt today.
anw, i just finished my eleventh hour Project Work (if ure not in JC yet, let me predict that you'll hate this notorious 2 letters to the core) Oral Presentation preparations. hate, why am i still not sleeping? i have to arrive in school at 7.30am tomorrow morning! oh, make that 7.25am because dear aiyun wants to meet to to borrow my school badge.

read -> my blog entries which are a real read :D
my -> about me therefore, its "my".
friends -> my links and i only link my friends
messages -> tag messages which are messages
? -> anything random, but for now, its a poll.
its a very dumb question, but it makes sense. i dont know why you would wanna read my friends' messages, actually. haha! i actually think i'm quite creative. (or should i use a question mark, ?)
& its already like my trademark- the 'wheel of fortune'-like run over thing. no need to explain. heh.
i need to announce this: kelvin chen is amazing! (no, not that i-have-a-crush-on-him kinda amazing). but look what he did to the class blog (linked as ac sd3 07 under 'friends', go read after you read my blog, haha!) he did this awesome banner thing for the class bloggers under the "links" section of the class blog. its really cool, though a leeeeettle bit too big for my liking. great work, kchen! (kitchen. hahaha!)
i had in mind to post about 2 rather serious things today, but i'm suddenly flooded by msn messaging. and check this out! from grace:

introducing, pon and Zi. they are the origins of broken english, look.
"i made you a cookie but i eated it."
dont see the error?
"i made you a cookie but i EATED it."
and due to the fact that _________________, i am
sigh sigh, to complete this very impromptu post, i'll leave you all to think about this:
"Women's problems always start with Men, like Mensus, Menopause, Mental problems..."
goodbye, and goodnight.
and may i score for OP tomorrow.
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