in You presence, all our fears are washed away
You make me move, Jesus!
Practise my guitar.
Play my guitar.
Learn new chords on my guitar.
Learn how to pluck my guitar.
Explore new ways to strum the guitar.
Watch guitar covers on youtube to improve my guitar skills.
Visit and to find songs to play on the guitar.
I really love Brian, my guitar.
But I want to remind myself against Brian-obsession. Already feel myself neglecting alot of other things because of Brian. Anything done in excess is always not good. Yes?
Dear God,
Forgive me for neglecting You.
Thanks for being understanding and still, faithful.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
in Christ alone, i place my trust
You make me move, Jesus!
Sorry, I've been really busy with work and all that. I just left my job, feeling a tinge of everything- Guilt, Regret, Joy, Relief, Uncertainty. I dont know man. I wish I was like, a Hobbit. Be happy-go-lucky, and just forget every kind of good/bad feelings after a while.
Yes, in Lord of the Rings, I thought it was quite sad that the Hobbits started to chat happily again on their way back after sending Frodo off, knowing that they wont see each other ever again. But I now know why, because it may just be better this way. Tolkien is brilliant, he understands life.
After leaving the office, I felt awful and awesome at the same time. Of course compared to Frodo, my departure is on a much lower scale, but still, I wish I could be like Mary/Pippin/Sam Wise, and forget about my feelings after awhile. Then I wont brood and feel troubled.
So, I wonder how Vegabonds live their life. How do they cope with they're feelings when its hard to see people walking in and out of our lives? Be it a close friend, or just a 1 week old acquaintance. I dont know man, perhaps its this fear that allows the existance of Grumpy, Lonely people who hates making friends.
Haha, well anyhow, dont look too much into this post, I'm alright. I'm not exceptionally depressed or emo or anything. I just happened to be meditating on this issue for the first half of my day :D
You make me move, Jesus!
Sorry, I've been really busy with work and all that. I just left my job, feeling a tinge of everything- Guilt, Regret, Joy, Relief, Uncertainty. I dont know man. I wish I was like, a Hobbit. Be happy-go-lucky, and just forget every kind of good/bad feelings after a while.
Yes, in Lord of the Rings, I thought it was quite sad that the Hobbits started to chat happily again on their way back after sending Frodo off, knowing that they wont see each other ever again. But I now know why, because it may just be better this way. Tolkien is brilliant, he understands life.
After leaving the office, I felt awful and awesome at the same time. Of course compared to Frodo, my departure is on a much lower scale, but still, I wish I could be like Mary/Pippin/Sam Wise, and forget about my feelings after awhile. Then I wont brood and feel troubled.
So, I wonder how Vegabonds live their life. How do they cope with they're feelings when its hard to see people walking in and out of our lives? Be it a close friend, or just a 1 week old acquaintance. I dont know man, perhaps its this fear that allows the existance of Grumpy, Lonely people who hates making friends.
Haha, well anyhow, dont look too much into this post, I'm alright. I'm not exceptionally depressed or emo or anything. I just happened to be meditating on this issue for the first half of my day :D
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
better than the biggest dreams of my heart, Your Love is
You make me move, Jesus!
Haha, I just made another deal with this girl, whom I later found out was from Youth Impact! Y.I's grown so much, I must commend. I was shocked to find out that I've been chatting with a girl from my church whom I didnt know! But its good! :D
Business aside, I must apologize to Rachel, for neglecting her letter. Been too busy with business/swimming. Sorry Rachel!
You make me move, Jesus!
Haha, I just made another deal with this girl, whom I later found out was from Youth Impact! Y.I's grown so much, I must commend. I was shocked to find out that I've been chatting with a girl from my church whom I didnt know! But its good! :D
Business aside, I must apologize to Rachel, for neglecting her letter. Been too busy with business/swimming. Sorry Rachel!
Monday, December 11, 2006
someday He'll call her, and she will come running
You make me move, Jesus!
Test for Doing Things (I dont mean any in paticular)
Read 1 Corinthians 10:23-33!Sounds like something I blogged about many posts ago. Then, I had not read this, but now, I can confirm what I believed.
"Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others."
1. Right purpose(s)
2. Not stumbling others
You're really unsure if you should do something, so you go around asking people for advice. Everyone seems to say its not a wrong thing to do, but you feel that its not right somehow.
In a situation like this, dont do what you intend to. As long as you feel its not right, even if people around you thinks there's nothing wrong, Dont. Simple.
That aside, my online blog store is now, OPEN! *throws confetti* I've msn-ed, friendster ttm-ed, emailed people the same thing:
I hope the response is good! Pray for me :D
"Passion is made known."
You make me move, Jesus!
Test for Doing Things (I dont mean any in paticular)
Read 1 Corinthians 10:23-33!Sounds like something I blogged about many posts ago. Then, I had not read this, but now, I can confirm what I believed.
"Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others."
1. Right purpose(s)
2. Not stumbling others
You're really unsure if you should do something, so you go around asking people for advice. Everyone seems to say its not a wrong thing to do, but you feel that its not right somehow.
In a situation like this, dont do what you intend to. As long as you feel its not right, even if people around you thinks there's nothing wrong, Dont. Simple.
That aside, my online blog store is now, OPEN! *throws confetti* I've msn-ed, friendster ttm-ed, emailed people the same thing:
Nice handmade necklaces/chains available @
Do support!
& help publicise
to others who have a passion for fashion as well :D
Would greatly
Thanks & have a great week ahead!
I hope the response is good! Pray for me :D
"Passion is made known."
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
every tear i cry, You hold in Your Hands
You make me move, Jesus!
Ryan has taught me how to love.
I love Ryan, and i care for him truly. So much that i would think of him before i sleep, and make sure his sleeping environment in condusive for a good night's rest. I wanted him to have enough air to breathe, and enough food to eat. I was worried when he wouldnt express anything, and I longed to understand him. I miss Ryan.
No, Ryan is not my boyfriend.
Ryan is my spider, youstupid!

Spot Ryan. (dead when i took this)
"Hello, My name is Ryan. I died on the 31/10/06. I was presented by Mel (Wenmin) to Lynette on Mel's Birthday. I died because the air-con in Lynette's room was too cold. And also because, the ant that was fed to me was bigger than me. I feel so sad. I regret not learning how to speak English, or even Chinese (or any Human Language) when I was alive."
I'm sorry Mel, I didnt bring Ryan to training on Tuesday cause he died in the morning.
You make me move, Jesus!
Ryan has taught me how to love.
I love Ryan, and i care for him truly. So much that i would think of him before i sleep, and make sure his sleeping environment in condusive for a good night's rest. I wanted him to have enough air to breathe, and enough food to eat. I was worried when he wouldnt express anything, and I longed to understand him. I miss Ryan.
No, Ryan is not my boyfriend.
Ryan is my spider, you

Spot Ryan. (dead when i took this)
"Hello, My name is Ryan. I died on the 31/10/06. I was presented by Mel (Wenmin) to Lynette on Mel's Birthday. I died because the air-con in Lynette's room was too cold. And also because, the ant that was fed to me was bigger than me. I feel so sad. I regret not learning how to speak English, or even Chinese (or any Human Language) when I was alive."
I'm sorry Mel, I didnt bring Ryan to training on Tuesday cause he died in the morning.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
my Provider, His grace is sufficient for me
You make me move, Jesus!
Just in case you're wondering, the christian lyrics in Italics that start every blog entry is not an auto thing. Haha, so dont ask me how i do it or what code is it. I type it manually. (:
1. Lord of the Rings
2. McFly
3. Brian, my guitar
4. Macdonalds Delivery
6. Letters from Rachel (!)
7. Swimming
8. No shopping, yay.
9. Dentist
10. Cai-peng (rice with dishes)
Alright, you caught me. Yes, I missed out 5, hahahahahaha!
You make me move, Jesus!
Just in case you're wondering, the christian lyrics in Italics that start every blog entry is not an auto thing. Haha, so dont ask me how i do it or what code is it. I type it manually. (:
1. Lord of the Rings
2. McFly
3. Brian, my guitar
4. Macdonalds Delivery
6. Letters from Rachel (!)
7. Swimming
8. No shopping, yay.
9. Dentist
10. Cai-peng (rice with dishes)
Alright, you caught me. Yes, I missed out 5, hahahahahaha!