till i see You face to face, till grace amazing takes my home, i'll trust in YouI went to my blog, and I realised, I'm not used to seeing whatever I've typed about my mid-mid-mid life crisis on
http://leenette.blogspot.com. (You'd be stupid enough if you actually clicked on that link to only realize you're on the same page. Haha!) Anyway, the previous post had a very abrupt ending cause I was sleepy. I've concluded the catharsis properly already.
I am very tempted to delete that post.
That aside, I've been meaning to do this post-
A post dedicated to my cell group.Never really got down to doing it until today.
So, here goes (in alphabetical order):
(Father) Aaron:Truly living up to his name as
'Father'. (Private joke, sorry) Haha! Long-winded, yes, but nevertheless, very wise and inspirational. I think time has seen him become a matured and reliable man, compared to the cousin
"Aaron-korkor" I once knew. I'm impressed by his 180deg change. He honours God with his life, and from what I see, he's not ashamed to proclaim his royal identity in Christ. (
Father) Aaron's sensitive to the needs of people too! Though I dont know how to show my love and respect for him cause we communicate at different wavelengths, I do love and respect him as my cousin and cell leader. Except that I feel weird calling him "korkor" now. Haha!
(Oh, I found a picture of him before I was born...Extreme right. I think he was handsome as a boy, lol!)
Alyssa:If she was a teacher in AC, I would vote for her for "The Tightrope Walker" for Teacher's Day AC Circus. Why? Because she has good balance in life. Haha, Aly is rather poised. Its because she puts God above all her plans. I'm impressed by how she makes decision (like for her job) rationalized by Spiritual beliefs. She inspires me to be the impressive career woman she is, yet not hard-headed. In fact, she has her fair share of fun and laughter, and I can hang out with her as though she's 17 too! Aly shows me alot of love and concern, and practices them in action (like sending me home, buying me skittles etc). She encourages me a lot and always gives me precious advices. And yes, Aly always looks very trendy and fashionable. I personally like her sweet, flowy-skirt look the most. Haha! I love Alyssa more than I can show it, heh. Growing up is much easier with her around!
Audrey:Audrey is the ultimate Burping-machine. I havent asked her yet, but I believe she can burp at will. Or burp a song out. Haha, though I dont see her much, I believe I will soon. Two words to describe Audrey would be Bubbly and Outgoing. You can always trust Audrey to give the funniest expressions and do the craziest things. I'll never forget Audrey as the girl who explained what a "Wedgie" was to me. Haha!
Azel:Someone I really look up to as a Spiritual role model. Sazel (I prefer calling her Sazel- Sweet Azel) really looks after me like a big sister. She's thoughtful, sincere and honest. She teaches me many things, and channels my problems to God. And not to forget the countless times she's encouraged me gently and patiently. She's been there for me whenever I needed her. Sazel is FAT, not obesed-fat, but Faithful, Available and Teachable. And to sidetrack abit, she reminds me of a graceful Swan, especially when her voice is very girly (girly, not bimbo) and calm. Haha! Sazel's fun to hang around with too! Lately (after coming back from Thailand), she's looking very
hip and
chic. (Derivation from a Swan to a Chick, pun intended) Haha! I love Sazel the way she is. And I think she'll make a good wife. Whoops.
Caleb:I feel like laughing just looking at his name. Why? Because he looks like Squidward (?) from Spongebob. Haha! Alright, discounting the weekly dose of lemon juice he serves me with, (in other words, he
suans, or 'annoy' in English, me every week) I think Caleb's actually very nice. He's pretty thoughtful for a guy, and in fact, very matured in his faith. A very trustworhty brother-in-Christ. Dont be surprised I'm saying this! Haha! Calabee, as Tiffy likes to call him, is very fun to have around too! I think anyone can just sit and laugh at him the whole day. Haha!
Play spot the Difference!
Carol:I'll never cease to be impressed by Carol's frankness. She' frank with everything, really! I appreciate her alot in cell, cause somehow, I can connect with her in the same frequency. I'm always encouraged when I see her trying to live the life God has planned for her, despite the temptations in this world. I'm glad to have her in cell, and even more glad when she's my prayer partner! Not to forget, she never fails to make me laugh when she talks. Haha! I do love this pretty babe.
Derek:Derek is the big brother who teaches me a lot, a lot, a lot of things that are applicable to me in my life. And he sets a good example. His unwaivering faith in God encourages me, and motivates me to honour God like he does. Derek is also very caring and loving genuinely, always offering to send me home. Though, like Caleb, he always disturbs me, (and I admit it works both ways, haha!) I know he is concerned for me as a big brudda'. Besides, I guess that's his way of contributing to the fun in cell. Haha! Whatever it is, I do feel blessed having him in cell!
(Very coincidently, after I typed the above, Derek came online. The first thing he said was, "Study". Haha!)
Gabby:Better known as Shihua, haha! I love Gabby for being who she is really. She's fun (yes very fun) and sensible. I applaud her Bible knowledge- always able to come up with relevant Bible verses. I'm also very grateful for her consideration towards my well-being many times. The most prominent thing about Gatsby, oops, I mean, Gabby-dear, is the Joy she exudes. It always gets me, and gives me much cheering. In a nutshell, I love Gabby! (I used Gabby instead of Shihua cause its nicer to type, haha!)
Gabriel:Hahahaha, Pastor Gabriel. (FYI, he's not really a Pastor, though his dad is) I used to think Gabriel was quiet and shy, but I came to learn how Gabriel is funny with his weird antics. Like, while he is sharing, you can expect to hear, "...and God...blah blah blah. Sorry ah, really sorry. I need to go toilet." Hahahahaha! But on a serious note, I think Gabriel is someone I can learn from. I commend his positive attitude towards life. The kind who "smiles at the storm". He's also kind, offering me lifts home. (I'm a very blessed girl, thank you. Haha!) I'm thankful for an intern like him!
Jonathan:Hahahahahahahahahaha! I like it when Jonathan is in cell, cause he makes me laugh with his words and actions. I remember him playing with the Power Control of Bukit Timah Shopping Centre (that's where the church office is located) around 11pm at night just to get the lifts operating. And he didnt seem to be very bothered by the fact that there was a security camera. Haha! Cell would be less fun without him. I'm also glad to see him testify during sharing, cause he doesnt look like he would be comfortable testifying in front of everyone (maybe its not like that, but to me it seems so) yet he does so to encourage all of us. I can safely say his presence is appreciated by all of us.
Joshua:Joshua's quite new to cell, but I think he's adapting well. At first I thought he was shy, cause he's quite soft-spoken and I usually cannot hear what he is saying, haha! I guess to a certain extent he is, but as he gets warm with all of us, he's lightening up and unleashing the fun side. I'm delighted to see his faithfulness in coming for cell and church, and his willingless to seek more of God. Somehow, I have the impression that he's quite courteous, haha! I look forward to seeing him in cell more!
Paul:I like to refer to him as Paulie, I dont know why. Haha! Sounds like Toothpaste brand. Anyway, Paul is the cell's Mr Nice Guy, always caring for all us in cell, always offering a lending hand. I've always seen Paul as a humble brother, who exercises good self-control over his emotions. I want to learn that from him. Not to forget, Paul is always up for any kinda fun. Can always count on him to support you if you want to plan an outing or something. I'm glad he is with us!
Poi:Poi is a sister from Thailand, studying in Trinity Bible College here. It never fails to amaze me how she really came by faith. With no money, only love offering and faith in God to provide for her. I doubt at my current level, I would dare to go to another country without friends and money. Her strong faith motivates me, and reassures me that my God is real. And Poi is very cheerful and bubbly too! I get along with her quite easily. She's really friendly and amiable. Will miss her when she returns to Thailand, but I know its for a better purpose!
Summer:Can anything be more cutesy? I've always remembered her chirpy squeals when she's excited. But I love her for more than just that. Summer's thoughtful, gracious, and tries to make herself available for you despite being very busy with work. I'm encouraged by her growth and perseverance in her Spiritual walk with God. Though she's a first-generation Christian, she is willing to let God work in her, putting aside her doubts and having faith. I appreciate her honesty, and concern. And I do think about her a lot when I dont see her. Yup, I love Summer every season. (Pun intended, haha!)
Terrence:There isnt much opportunity for me to talk to Terrence much, but the few times we do, I thank God for people like him who may not know you well but truly cares for you. Even when I didnt announce when my prelims were, he initiated asking me when they were and what papers on which day so he could pray for me. That is truly amazing, for someone who used to be a different person. Terrence is sincere in his love for God, and that does fire up my passion for God. As the cell progresses, I hope to discover more about him. Still, its nice to see him on Saturday nights.
Tiffany:Tiffy-poo, what can I say? This short paragraph will not do justice to our royal sistership. Tiffany is more than the girl who buys me stuff, thinks and cares for me or listen to me complain. I'm grateful for her earnest interest in my emotional progress. I'm glad that there'll always be Tiffy to play computer game (not games, just game) with, and to confide in. Tiffy would go the extra mile for me, so touched. Haha! I've always felt very loved by her, and I know I can count on her if I need her help. I love Tiffy-poo.
Wenkang:Kangster sometimes really behaves like a Gangster, liasing with the forces of evil (namely Caleb and Derek) in making fun of me. Hahahaha, okay, kidding. Its all in the name on fun. That being said, Kangster is actually a humble cell group leader. He seldom believes in himself, but let me go on before you make any judgement. He doesnt believe in himself, because He believes in God and is aware that everything He has is God's. For that, God is transforming his life and empowering him to lead this cell. Wenkang always shows his concern towards us, and assures us when we face difficult circumstances. I appreciate his contributions to cell- making time for us and all. He encourages and builds me up alot, and I cannot think of a reason for me not to respect him. Haha! I thank God that he is my cell group leader.
Derek bluetoothed this to me, its a picture of Wenkang, the Superhero!