You make me move, Jesus!
This being the First post of 2007, I will TRY to be creative. Not that I usually bother about special days/anniversaries and all that, but I guess growing up makes all these little things important. Speaking of which, I have almost an expository essay to write about, because I happened to be meditating on the issue. \:
Nevertheless, I shall continue with my attempt to be creative and not blog so seriously. Pardon me if JC life has sucked all my creativity, and made me boring.
My attempt to blog a spectacular 1st 2007 entry ends here. Hahahaha, dont ask me why. I got a sudden writer's block! Besides, EK just called me. He's right below my block now, waiting for me to pass him something. (I dont know if he wants me to blog that he bought a Charm Bracelet from me . Oh I think I just did so anyway.)
So I guess I'll come back again when I have the mood to blog. I mean, to post a cheery entry. Because most of the time I feel like blogging are emo-days where I eventually dont blog because I wouldnt like an emo-blog.
Heh, see you around when I'm happier then!

Happy, :D
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