My blog has been too active lately!
Anyway, I eventually watched Confessions of a Shopaholic, albeit reluctantly.
1. Real Shopaholics don't watch movies - they use the money to buy something else. (Haha, kidding. I really wanted to save some money.)
2. I thought I was already watching my own shopaholic life unfold before me (but I think otherwise after the show). On the one hand, I'm quite glad I'm not even near half as obsessive as she is, on the other, I have this impending fear of what happened to her happening to me.
3. The show definitely wasn't on my 'To-Watch' list this year - I think this year I'm quite into dull shows.
I digressed. I wanted to point this out actually...
Do you see the resemblance?!
During the show, I thought I remembered the lead's name to be have the word "fish" in it, yet I was quite certain the girl in the screen was Amy Adams (Enchanted). After the show, I saw on posters that the lead's name was "Isla Fisher". Well, I was wrong. They are two different people who just happen to look very alike.
P.S: Except for the last two collages, the photos alternate between the two actresses, Amy first, then Isla.
P.S.S: Isla is pronounced as "Eye-la" (Credit: Wikipedia)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
My facebook ban is coming along pretty fine I suppose.
But my online shopping abstinence is DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN D:

Oniomania has apprehended me even though I intended to put up a good resistance. The mind is willing but the flesh is weak. Or if I were a little more deterministic, I should blame it on my genes. Whatever the case, I'm going to Wikipedia now to seek help for my psychosis.
But my online shopping abstinence is DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN D:
shuhan* says:I think I have about 30+ tabs of stuff I wanna get, but one of the splurge-worthy (oxymoron!) ones would be this:
shopping is EVIL.

Oniomania has apprehended me even though I intended to put up a good resistance. The mind is willing but the flesh is weak. Or if I were a little more deterministic, I should blame it on my genes. Whatever the case, I'm going to Wikipedia now to seek help for my psychosis.
Suggestions for change:-Shopaholics Anonymous
- Reduce temptations
- Make lists before going to the store; buy what you need only – call folks, take a trusted friend
- Wait so many hours before purchase
- Do you need this or do you just want it?
- Develop other ways to handle emotions
- Develop fun things to do
- Learn to ride through urges and preoccupations
- Develop habits in stores
Monday, March 23, 2009
"It hurts!"
I know it hurts, but you keep going!
"It burns!"
Then let it burn!
"My arms are burning!"
Its all hard but you keep going, Brock, keep going! You promised me your best - your best! Don't stop! Keep going!
"Too hard!"
Its not too hard, you can do it! Come on, Brock, give me more! Give me more! Keep going!
Keep going! Keep going!
Don't quit! Don't quit!
"I can't do it!"
You can! You can!
"That's gotta be 50! That's gotta be 50! I can't go on anymore!"
Look up, Brock, you are in the end zone.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Does anyone remember this post?
I still can't find the chords for the song and I only found ONE website with the lyrics, and ONE youtube video cover.
On the other hand, I am blogging a lot and do other random things online because of my rather effective Facebook-ban. Hmm, let's see. I did many many quizzes from this quiz website while having that guy sing the same sone 92429034 times on youtube. This was one of the pretty unique quiz:
I still can't find the chords for the song and I only found ONE website with the lyrics, and ONE youtube video cover.
On the other hand, I am blogging a lot and do other random things online because of my rather effective Facebook-ban. Hmm, let's see. I did many many quizzes from this quiz website while having that guy sing the same sone 92429034 times on youtube. This was one of the pretty unique quiz:
My When Will I Die Quiz results:
I have 63 years left to live.
I will die in 2072 at age 83.
I am beating the average lifespan for someone my age by 2 years.
To put it another way, I have the health of a 18 year old.
I have lived 24% of my life already.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
all of my ambitions, hopes and plans,
i surrender these into Your Hands
I had a very good dream which made me feel so upset when I woke up to realize it wasn't real and it isn't going to be either. Then I realized that so many people are walking out of my life. Its probably inevitable that some people who really mean to you just disappear so suddenly and you have no idea what the trigger was.
But I never liked the idea of anyone walking out/pushing anyone out still.
I feel awful today. I wonder if God will let me indulge.
i surrender these into Your Hands
I had a very good dream which made me feel so upset when I woke up to realize it wasn't real and it isn't going to be either. Then I realized that so many people are walking out of my life. Its probably inevitable that some people who really mean to you just disappear so suddenly and you have no idea what the trigger was.
But I never liked the idea of anyone walking out/pushing anyone out still.
I feel awful today. I wonder if God will let me indulge.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
You want everyone in You to shine above all
I'm just glad that God saw me through tonight and helped me finish the great feat of reading the thick, small-printed text and scientifically-technical book in 2 days. In fact, I completed about 200 pages today, which is truly a great feat. I would say, without hesitation, that it was tougher than any canoeing races or runs I've ever done. I mean it.
(Background: I have never successfully read more than 5 entire books in my life, no exaggeration. I can list them down: 1)The Earth, My Butt & Other Big Round Things, 2)The Bonesetters' Daughter, 3)Is that really You, God?, 4)Bruchko)
I told my sis, "I'm at the point where I reeaaally cannot continue anymore - reeaaally cannot do it anymore - yet I have no choice. I have to helplessly carry on. Its beyond crying."
She replied, "Welcome to Uni life. Did you think I enjoyed staying up to 6am to finish my papers?"
I must learn to adapt.
Darwinian theory of life - swim or sink.
P.S: I am very surprised that at the unearthly hour of 4.42am, I logged into MSN after completing my very long book review on Richard Dawkins' The Extended Phenotype and three people talked to me! Even on normal days during normal hours, people don't talk to me generally. Of late, I've noticed this trend of people staying up reeaaally late on MSN, and only talking after 2am.
I'm just glad that God saw me through tonight and helped me finish the great feat of reading the thick, small-printed text and scientifically-technical book in 2 days. In fact, I completed about 200 pages today, which is truly a great feat. I would say, without hesitation, that it was tougher than any canoeing races or runs I've ever done. I mean it.
(Background: I have never successfully read more than 5 entire books in my life, no exaggeration. I can list them down: 1)The Earth, My Butt & Other Big Round Things, 2)The Bonesetters' Daughter, 3)Is that really You, God?, 4)Bruchko)
I told my sis, "I'm at the point where I reeaaally cannot continue anymore - reeaaally cannot do it anymore - yet I have no choice. I have to helplessly carry on. Its beyond crying."
She replied, "Welcome to Uni life. Did you think I enjoyed staying up to 6am to finish my papers?"
I must learn to adapt.
Darwinian theory of life - swim or sink.
P.S: I am very surprised that at the unearthly hour of 4.42am, I logged into MSN after completing my very long book review on Richard Dawkins' The Extended Phenotype and three people talked to me! Even on normal days during normal hours, people don't talk to me generally. Of late, I've noticed this trend of people staying up reeaaally late on MSN, and only talking after 2am.