But my online shopping abstinence is DOWNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN D:
shuhan* says:I think I have about 30+ tabs of stuff I wanna get, but one of the splurge-worthy (oxymoron!) ones would be this:
shopping is EVIL.

Oniomania has apprehended me even though I intended to put up a good resistance. The mind is willing but the flesh is weak. Or if I were a little more deterministic, I should blame it on my genes. Whatever the case, I'm going to Wikipedia now to seek help for my psychosis.
Suggestions for change:-Shopaholics Anonymous
- Reduce temptations
- Make lists before going to the store; buy what you need only – call folks, take a trusted friend
- Wait so many hours before purchase
- Do you need this or do you just want it?
- Develop other ways to handle emotions
- Develop fun things to do
- Learn to ride through urges and preoccupations
- Develop habits in stores
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