if praise is like perfume, i'll lavish mine on You, till every drop is gone
ilovemyJesus!!God is good, but i must admit i am still a sinful human with emotions.
i hope i dont let emotions get over me, so as to give way to God's voice, so it may surface.i dont say that because it is the natural so-called 'christian-thing-to-do', but even as a non-christian, nobody likes to bear anger right? i pray God takes away this anger i am feeling.i wanna take the step to smile and bear with ________ in love, not rebutting _______ because God is the judge above all.
God help me, i know You will.
i was about to post an pretty humorous post about my mum's visit to the hairdresser, but after what happened, i'm not in the mood to.even if i do, it wont be funny anymore.amazing what satan can do huh?
and now i'm feeling more frustruated than ever, knowing that satan has a hold over my temper.i'm angry that time and time again, i know the things i shouldnt be doing yet still do.like paul in romans 7:
[15]i do not understand what i do.for what i want to do i do not do, but what i hate to do.[16]and if i do what i do not want to do, i agree that the law is good.[17]as it is, it is no longer i myself who do it, but it is sin living in me.[18]i know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature(flesh).for i have the desire to do what is good, but i cannot carry it out.[19]for what i do is not the good i want; no, the evil i do not want to do- this i keep on doing.[20]now if i do what i do not want to do, it is no longer i who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.[21]so i find this law at work:when i want to do good, evil is right there with me.its very annoying.i always expect people to tell me sorry, because i do apologise most of the time(well i do make efforts).but its very natural that you do not expect of others things just because u expect it of yourself.its
i'm very troubled now and i really hope to be talking to somebody nice, crying to somebody who understands.
and my comfort, my hope, my peace lies in my Saviour, Jesus.
disclaimer: i'm not a depression-case, please, :D
lastly, social studies was not good.i wish to post about it, but not now.probably another day if i rmb.its not like its tragic or anything, but i just feel its a pity that i cant do any of the essay qns at all.well, its all under control, i trust.my hope is in The Reliable.
is there a way to show the passion in my hear?
can i express how truly great i think You are?
my dearest friend.