dont you YI mission trippers think ZIBING did a great job sharing today? if you do so, shout AMEN! :D i thought it was great! well done, zibing. we know its not easy and we appreciate it!
rachel(disciple) is going to china to visit her dad who works there.let's pray for God to be with her and that she'll remain prayerful in china. :D i'll miss her, rly.though she's quiet,i do love and care for her.i hope she'll be fine.but thn agn, do i have to hope?i know she'll be fine cuz the Lord is with her!
khonkean3 is bonding rly well and i'm glad!yiting is sick and i know tht she'll get well soon.mission trip is in only a few days time.i'm very excited to see souls coming to know God."something in my heart is burning like a fire".yup! tht's exactly how i feel.i tasted God's goodness and i want to bring others to it!in fact,i must emphasize on this: mission trip does NOT happen only in thailand, but even in singapore.where thr is ppl, thr is harvest!amen?
and here is 7/13 of the team:

[L-R] HolySpirit munchung(babanas/mc) serena karyn ME melissa(sMELly/mellimoo) caleb(death boi) brandon(wackwam) HolySpirit
well, HolySpirit is everywhere, isnt He? [;
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