some songs sung by youthalive i feel kinda uncomfortable with.its like heavy metal and thr's screaming in the backgrd.well..
tdy's mission mtg was grt!met most of the team members.only xiangxiang wasnt here.but i alrdy knw who she is frm last yr's mission trip.kongsheng is super funny!its like,he got a rly blur and sleepy look.and the way he does things is so comical!i couldnt stop laughing watching him do skits!he's like the winston of last yr's team!i cant further emphasize bcus u have to meet him to rly knw how hilarious this guy is.and thn there's brandon,caleb,jack,manchun. all of thm,including kongsheng are 16 excpt jack,who is are going well,we're bonding better.i hope we can all be rly open to each other bfore we leave for KHON KAEN!that's in Isaan,northeast of thailand.yup! :D
meanwhile, here are some pics i took during dinner:

introducing, huat the ostrich who is utterly self-obsessed

huat again.look like ostrich/lion/elmo hor?
mellimoo and zibing! my dearestest pretty pretty shepherds!
serena, me and karyn.its a candid shot so we all look kinda funny.heh.
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