school yesterday was fun as usual.except for the fact that i didnt live up my resolution of being quiet(er) and attentive in class.well,its okay.i still have many days ahead to change.
i'm suddenly reminded of schvelle.let me introduce to u my friend, schvelle.THE born joker.i keep laughing at her bcs she's so

chronicles of shengjingbing schvelle part I:
schvelle and i volunteered to help naughty nellie clean up her chem apparatus when joel broke a beaker
schvelle:(stern)NO! YOU CANNOT!
schvelle: you must put these (indicating beakers) back first!
chronicles of shengjingbing schvelle part II:
schvelle carring our drinks,trying to get her way thru the crowd
schvelle:'squiuz me 'squiuz me (its excuse me in sporean way)
meridians ignoring her,not moving away
schvelle:(angrily)'SQUIUZ ME LA!
sea of meridians split open to make way for her
chronicles of shengjingbing schvelle part III:
s411 and s412 girls playing tennis during pe
boonwei picks tennis ball frm floor around schvelle
schvelle:OOI! you take my ball!
boonwei:(cautiously)orh orh,sry.bu hao yi si, bu hao yi si.
boonwei puts ball back on the floor while schvelle surveys her every movement until she walks away
chronicles of shengjingbing schvelle IV:
naughty nellie, ,
naughty nellie, ,
schvelle: (very suddenly) WHERE'S THE CLASSROOM LAH! *immediately twists her right ankle* (squeals) aiyo!!!!!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! you really have to spend a day in sch with her to know how
oh yea,forgot to add that she actually didnt knw how to wash a burette! ure supposed to use the deionised water to rinse it but she tried to stuff the tap hose into the burette to wash it.and she did it with SUCH innocense i cldnt stop laughing. ROFL.
and i distinctly rmb her as the girl who ran to the classroom after lecture just to sleep for that few minutes.hahahahahahaha!and also the girl who put her jacket on top of her head when she had no hands to hold it while she searched for sth in her bag.she looked reeaaally dumb.LOL!
disclaimer: shengjingbing schvelle is not a loud, rowdy girl. at first glance, u'll think she's a soft-spoken, innocent little
okay lah.she's 70% sweet.
for her sake.

and this is how she bullies me in return. D;
oh my.i spent the whole post talking abt her.wanted to blog abt sth else.but well, nvm.haha!
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