set apart for You Lord
Teaching at River Valley Primary School is very fulfilling and I enjoy work a lot, even though I could be earning much more working somewhere else. Honestly, I'd rather work my ___ out for something I enjoy. (Which in itself is an irony, go figure.) I love my kids :D
On the topic of "my" kids, it is impossible to love something you don't take ownership of. The inertia of a love commitment is a ownership. In another context, I should apply this theory too.
Anyway, here are some snapshots of the P2's Speech & Drama Rehearsals. Gah, they make me crazy seriously, in a good way! Love love love :D (I can memorize their play now and my sister gets annoyed when I recite them over again, wahaha!) Feast your eyes on these superdupertinklewinkledubblybubblycutieputieteenyweeny children :D
Haha, if only I had more photos, I'll recite the whole skit to you too. In fact, I was so tempted to do so just typing the snippets of what the photos captured. The voice of 2H chanting "Pulling weeds, Raking Leaves, Cutting grass" resounds melodiously in my head. So lovable, please? is taking way long to upload a video of my rahrahrahcute kids. I dont think I have time to wait for it to be done so I can put it here. Tragic!
I feel like going on and on repeating that I really love my kids in retrospect, but its so pointless. Anyway.
Ohyes, I killed a lizard in an estimated record time of 45mins. Record time, because I've never killed a lizard. I think Rachel (Teo) is going to flip if she sees this, haha! I didn't know how to remove it from the house, so dad did it. He left it outside, along the walkway, which is really silly. So its still there now, cause no one clears the walkway since we're supposed to have moved out already. Rah, I witness the process of decomposition daily. Day 8 now, yuck.
I gotta run now, am leaving to fulfill a certain internal family duty. Goodbye people in computerland! :D
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