keep wanting to blog cause so many nice things happened! i passed my lifesaving 1,2 & 3 test & like everyone said,it wasnt hard to fail.yay! oh yes, i must thank jac for being my victim cause it was rly brave of her to take up the role of MY victim.

performing deep water ressuccitation on jac (who's hair was very ticklish)
i love lifeguards! really! okay, photos. (credits: jac + coach)

think xiaojie & i were talking about leg hair \:

supposedly formal, non-smiling shot

we girls are very into gossip! haha, not. i was actually planning with lejing to squeeze xiaojie who was inbetween us, but it didnt occur to me that xiaojie could hear everything i say.

i seriously have no idea why aiyun is pinching my cheeks

very unglam candid

wet exco peopl!

me, aiyun & xiaojie gossipping again. haha, not (again).anw, xueyuan's face looks exactly the same!

meet Jimmy our examiner & Edward our coach!
would post about crescent canoeing camp 2006 & outing with zhixin soon! ;D
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