decided to cancel out alot of things in my LIST.
anw,chinatown with elaine and ari tdy.not our hangout place,bt we had some
the whole trip was a bore except for lunch at some rly good jap restaurant (beside macdonalds at chinatown point) whr i spoke in english to the china waitress who at the end of my sentence went, "huh?".they played techno music which we demanded volume to be lowered.haha!strange as it seems,but elaine somehow seemed to like techno music.hmm.
and thn ari and i didnt know how to go home so we decided to go to zara at great world since elaine said thr was a shuttle bus to great world.and we are so going to
so we boarded the bus, filled with golden-headed ppl excpt for this 1 prbly mexican man.we pretended to be tourists too.she, indonesian & i, malaysian.we acted as if the old caucasian couple who boarded the bus with us were our parents.strange thing is,we spoke in (what we considered) chinese.
it was hilarious,the whole journey! we tried to say everything in chinese only to realise tht thr was no need to cause nobody would be listening to us anw. oh, thr was this once the driver askd a few ppl whr they were going & i was so afraid he'll ask me.if he did,i'll probably say "great world city" & if it didnt work, i'll go, "i mean, grand copthrone."
haha,the whole journey ari and my heart skipped at least 3212903 beats i swear.bcs the bus kept turning here and thr, opp direction of whr great world was.fortunately,it went to grand copthrone whr we alighted,whr our temporary parents alighted too (thank God).oh,the caucasian old man was rly nice and cute.he supported us as we alighted.he was so smiley!it made it more convincing tht they were our parents.
thn ari and i had to think of a way to pretend to walk into the hotel but not walk in the we deliberately walked slowly, behind the smiley old caucasian couple until they went into the hotel and we made a smooth turn out.hahahahaha!
finally, low & behold,we arrived at great world city.oh yes,prior to that,we jay-walked to kimseng bowling shop which ari thought was uncle richard's shop,which was not in the end.sry if that sounded confusing.u didnt have to knw.haha!
and thn i had dinner with my sis.
(this is a highly boring entry and i have seriously no idea why)

meridian's chicken rice

is quite nice

but nellie and i were just uncomfortable at the guy behind us who kept staring at us like we were freaks.oh well.
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