yoyoyo! ytd din blog. too tired. reached hm at arnd 10.20++. was out for more thn 12hrs. frm morning. hahaha. morning went sch. so fun. got our class performers!!! cool right. n i braided most of their hair. i left esp early ytd morning to go sch. cuz jamie asked me to go early to braid all the dancer's hair. n when i reached, no one was there. reached at abt 6+++ liddat. thn had this um... weird experience. if i write it out here... thn some ppl will be too freaked out.
had our ACES exercise too. we did kick-boxing. hahaha. but thn me n sherilyn were REALLY boxing each other. n stepping on each other's foot. hahaha. thn i went to "kajiao" zhixin also. steppd on her foot. n thn she beat me. haha. thn went on to attack maznah, maxie, yiyuan, yi ling, xiao min... n who else? um. huixian and jq. n basically, those ppl in front lah. thn sherilyn n i got 2 times went bonkers. n we started to punch the air... with real strenght. thn i swing swing swing... n zx was in front of me... n *arbish!* i really punched her. accident. hahaha. so she hit me back. n i tell u.... i think sherilyn n i sweat the most in the whole sch. some ppl not even sweating. sherilyn's whole shirt bcame wet. n her beautifully braided hair(by me) became all mess like some mad woman. hahahaha. in the end all those whom i attacked came back to attack me. hahahahahahahaha...
after tt had some dumb house leader erection. whoops. i meant. election. thn the concert. thn went back. zx, lydia n i took taxi back to rv cuz zx was late. hahahahaha. cuz our sch supposed to let us off at 11.30. delay until 12.15++.
thn visited teachers. n waited for yenbing. she so late lor! her sch supposed to let thm off at 12.30. but... hahah. delayed. thn went for another round off visitation with yb. hahaha. n "kajiao"-ed ms teng's class. n i pretended to teach her p5 class. n they started shouting BOOO....!!! hahahaha. n ms teng so mean. she said this:"tt's the spirit, 5B. chase off all unwanted ppl! hahahaha" n i was like... "aye! aye!" after tt i continued to pretend to teach... ignoring all their protests! hahaha. thn ms teng pulled me out. hahahahahahaha. so yb n i went in by the back door and sat at the back of the class. cool eh? n thn the ppl arnd so mean. keep trying to chase me out. yb n i were determined to sit there until ms teng notices us. haha. so i went :"MS TENG!!! HAVE U NOTICED US?!?!?!" n she said:"no..." n i said:"SO I SHALL SIT HERE UNTIL U DO SO..." n she said:"ah....now tt u've mentioned. i noticed u....!" ahahahha. thn yb n i decided it was time for us to leave. so we left her class. n looked for other tchers. thn went canteen to sit a while. thn lydia n i went field. n did some exercise. HAHAHAHAHA. oh yah. b4 tt, we went to run around the track. but run awhile only. cuz got some police there... dun noe doing wad. thn kenneth chua n kelvin chong were so extra. EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA. arghs! kelvin sucks! nvm. kenneth... the idiotic moron. hahaha. thn i was like... chasing him... to kick his cock. i did so in the end. hahahahahahaha. he cut hair liao. the NS sort of hairstyle. nearly bald. hahaha. looks good on him. makes him look like wad he really is- an idiot. hahaha. oh yah. he's in NCC. so cool right? but an insult to NCC. he should just quit n join choir. since he has such a big mouth. nvm.
after tt, me lydia n benjamin went orchard. hahaha. benjamin like... matured alot liao. last time he like little boy liddat... very childish. got one time...frm the other side of the road, he crossed over the overhead bridge just to tell me tt michael got stomachache. wow. thn he cross back. hahahaahahahaha. thn now he like.. talk very matured liddat. behaving crazily in front of him makes me feel weird. hahahahahaha. nvm. so anw, he left for tuition. thn left lydia n i. hahaha. we stayed in town until 9.50 liddat. hahaha. actually wanted to stay until 10. but number one, too tired. number 2, lydia's bus came alrdy. hahaha. we did alot of stupid things. but i cannt say wad we did... lydia warned me not to. haahhaahahahhahaha. but it was really really stupid. fun though. doubt anyone ever did it before. n we took neoprint at heeren. arghs! the stupid machine. we see no one use so we went to use! lousy machine. we did know tt i was taking the pic liao. so we were not ready. and all the pics... but very fun lah. spent alot of money. made another anklet. made one for lydia too. oh yah. we met sherilyn at 'flash splash'. b4 tt i heard her voice calling to me. but dun noe where she was. hahaha. there now got sale. got this very very very very very nice wallet... $26. got 50% sale. only $13 ok... i want to buy...!! but ytd forgot to bring atm card out. HRMPH! thn want to buy alot alot of things ytd. but. oh well. n lydia n i gained alot of fats ytd. hahahahahahaha. n we saw irene gan at centrepoint. n i saw what a girl wants the VCD at cine. arghs. nv bring card out. no money!! sob sob. thn at taka mac, we saw germaine n her jerome, jan n ena. thn we walked arnd... n walked n walked. lydia's leg very tired. but i not. hahaha. lydia kept complaining tt she v tired. hahahahaha. she like jq n my sis liddat. everytime go out will complain leg tired. hahahaha. thn walk walk walk walk. n walk. n did alot of fun things. hahahaha. thn after tt went home. nearly fell aslp in the bus. too tired. fianlly felt tired. thn i walked extra slowy whn i got off the bus. was smsing lydia. first sms i sent, i just got off the bus... at one end of tbp. 2nd sms, i was only barely walking out of tbp. thrid sms... was at about 15metres away frm tbp. thn hp batt died. hahaha. walked really slowly. normally took 3-5mins to walk hm. ytd night took abt... 15-20 min. like dead man walking. hahahahaha. got home. bathed n went to slp. this morning 2pm thn wake up. hahahahahahaha. wanted to go town with lydia today. but thn my whole body aching. n abt feverish too. hahahaha. oh btw. my bro's back frm ns. cool eh? hahahahaha. he gg back tonight i think. so sad. dun miss him tt much now. cuz i know i'll be seeing him every week. kekeke. ok. tt's all for now. bye bye!
Saturday, August 30, 2003
Thursday, August 28, 2003
hm... today was fun. kind of. wad ms chia said during class might seem like crap to everyone. i think if i write out what i'm gg to write out now... u ppl are gg to hate me lots! hahaha. but i shall still say it. i feel tt ms chia is very "wei da". honest! ok... well, she DOES discrimate us. but she does it out of concern. its like... in a way, to motivate us. i feel tt our class doesnt respond the right way. nvm. but what she said... really made me feel guilty. i'm gg to work hard for test 6. i swear.
hahaha. bfore sch today went gym with huiqin to train. after sch, went zx's hse gym again. hahaha. see... i so dedicated to canoe. =X . kekekekkeke. thn we spent the after sch time in the gym... exercising. n watching tv. hahaha. oh! i love zhixin's hse security guard! he rocks man! love him lots! he's so cute... the things he say. n everything! n he looks comical too! haahahahahahha. n best of all, he REMEMBERS me!!!! cool eh? hahahahahahahaha. so after tt, jq n i went to tbp the kfc. i wanted to drag zx... but she unwilling to go. so sad right? hahahahahhaa. thn jq n i ate. after tt i went to buy xiao min n yiyuan's presents. hahaha. still thinking of wad else i can add to their presents. gave thm each one can of hershey's choc (the can so cute!!! i'm gg to buy one for myself. haha).. n one kit kat... n i just made one frenship band for them each... n the ice-cream stick with macaroni alphabets... spelling:"Happy Birthday XiaoMin/YiYuan"... n a miserable scrap of paper with contains my miserable msg. which is not very miserable afterall. hahahaha. not funny. keke. wad else...? thinkng of making thm a anklet. the problem is... where can i get the materials now...? hahaha. nvm. oh well. anyway. my sis need to do some stuff on the com liao. bye bye!
hahaha. bfore sch today went gym with huiqin to train. after sch, went zx's hse gym again. hahaha. see... i so dedicated to canoe. =X . kekekekkeke. thn we spent the after sch time in the gym... exercising. n watching tv. hahaha. oh! i love zhixin's hse security guard! he rocks man! love him lots! he's so cute... the things he say. n everything! n he looks comical too! haahahahahahha. n best of all, he REMEMBERS me!!!! cool eh? hahahahahahahaha. so after tt, jq n i went to tbp the kfc. i wanted to drag zx... but she unwilling to go. so sad right? hahahahahhaa. thn jq n i ate. after tt i went to buy xiao min n yiyuan's presents. hahaha. still thinking of wad else i can add to their presents. gave thm each one can of hershey's choc (the can so cute!!! i'm gg to buy one for myself. haha).. n one kit kat... n i just made one frenship band for them each... n the ice-cream stick with macaroni alphabets... spelling:"Happy Birthday XiaoMin/YiYuan"... n a miserable scrap of paper with contains my miserable msg. which is not very miserable afterall. hahahaha. not funny. keke. wad else...? thinkng of making thm a anklet. the problem is... where can i get the materials now...? hahaha. nvm. oh well. anyway. my sis need to do some stuff on the com liao. bye bye!
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
ok. yesterday fell aslp. din blog. hahaha. anw. yesterday had training. felt extremely diff yesterday. bcuz of wad zx said... sounded familiar... "its not the first time... it happened many times alrdy...". sigh. nvm. i shant type for in case someone who is not supposed to read it reads it. but. nvm. decided to type it out afterall. since things are as bad as they are now. it makes no diff whether she reads it or not.
things between us cannot never get better again
n before i type anything. let me say this loud n clear. i m straight. totally straight. n she means to me alot as a fren. just. a...fren...
i cried during canoe training. i had been thinking abt wad zx said the whole day. n until canoe training... i couldnt help it. n went to the toilet to stop crying... n when i came back.... n mr josef asked what happened... somehow or another. i broke down again. i miss her. i shouldnt have been so mean. n bad. i shouldnt have said 'sorry' when i didnt mean it. n... i shouldnt have made her cry. does she mean tt she hates me when she cried? or did she mean... tt.. no. nvm. forget it.
you don't know how much i cried because of this. i'm sorry. for the hundreth time. the thousandth time. the ten thousandth time. i dun know how many. but. i m sorry. i really am. n this time, i mean it.
ppl frm canoe must have thot tt i went to the toilet to thrash things out with huiqin. cuz i dragged her there. n not jiaqi. but no. i dragged huiqin bcuz i din know her well. i dun want to cry in front of someone i know well. esp if tt person is ur best fren. n i DID NOT cry bcuz of huiqin being vice captain. n i DEFINITELY did NOT quarrel with huiqin.
sigh. nvm. anw. so after training. went to mobil to eat. n after tt went home. i bathed. n went out with my sister. n did alot of shopping. bought alot stuff. went home. bathed again. n slept.
as for today. after sch went jq's hse to watch Anastasia. again. liked it so much. love it love it love it love it. i think i can break world record liao! for watching anastasia for more then 10 times in 2 days. hahaha. nvm. anyway. i gtg liao. bye bye!
n before i type anything. let me say this loud n clear. i m straight. totally straight. n she means to me alot as a fren. just. a...fren...
i cried during canoe training. i had been thinking abt wad zx said the whole day. n until canoe training... i couldnt help it. n went to the toilet to stop crying... n when i came back.... n mr josef asked what happened... somehow or another. i broke down again. i miss her. i shouldnt have been so mean. n bad. i shouldnt have said 'sorry' when i didnt mean it. n... i shouldnt have made her cry. does she mean tt she hates me when she cried? or did she mean... tt.. no. nvm. forget it.
ppl frm canoe must have thot tt i went to the toilet to thrash things out with huiqin. cuz i dragged her there. n not jiaqi. but no. i dragged huiqin bcuz i din know her well. i dun want to cry in front of someone i know well. esp if tt person is ur best fren. n i DID NOT cry bcuz of huiqin being vice captain. n i DEFINITELY did NOT quarrel with huiqin.
sigh. nvm. anw. so after training. went to mobil to eat. n after tt went home. i bathed. n went out with my sister. n did alot of shopping. bought alot stuff. went home. bathed again. n slept.
as for today. after sch went jq's hse to watch Anastasia. again. liked it so much. love it love it love it love it. i think i can break world record liao! for watching anastasia for more then 10 times in 2 days. hahaha. nvm. anyway. i gtg liao. bye bye!
Monday, August 25, 2003
didnt blog yesterday. too tired. kk. yesterday went with my sis to my cousin's hse to give tuition. my sis give lah. not me. *keke* thn ate alot there cuz my aunty think i'm not fat enough. n she cannt live seeing the table without food. so she kept refilling the potato chips n doritos. *kekekekekeke* thn after tt my cousin treat us to pizza hut. cool eh? she only Pri 5 leh... can qiao zha her. but i din lah. i was too nice. okok. so anw, had a great time at pizza hut. laughed until i sink down my chair n got stuck under the table. hahaha. actually i cld push myself up... but thn i was laughing so badly tt i dun have any strength. thn came this waitress who asked:"can i help?" so malu!! hahahahaa. but fun. really. thn got ppl take photos behind us... so i raise up my hand n did a Victory sign. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAA. i think only after they develop the photo will they notice my extra hand in the background. HAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHA. alot of damn funny as well as gross things happened at pizza hut. n let me quote my cousin:"Jie Jie, i think u are the most disgusting eater on earth!" HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAA. n becuz we were not shuang tt the pizza hut stuff gave us the wrong pizza, we wasted their cheese. we added alot alot alot alot alot alot of cheese. n the cheese pizza became really CHEESE pizza! hahahahaha. the whole entire thing was like... a snowy mountain. can barely see the crust or the fillings. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA. n the cheese 'shaker' was initially 3/4 full... we shake until left... nearly nth liddat. so u can imagine lah huh. my cousin said she'll nv ever treat me to pizza again. hahahaha. thn when we paying... we kept rushing the counter. so tt we could ZOOM off before anyone clears our messy n gross table. hahaha. lucky enough, we were fast. *kekekekekkekeekeke*
anyway. today was kinda unlucky. after sch went Great World with zx n jq. thn walked arnd. n jq got her doggy stuff. after tt went home. thn jq reminded me tmr got canoe training. so i went to buy my towel. thn i had this pain in the stomach. not the stomach ache sort... but like tt sort which ended me in hospital. n it hurt so much thn i was walking half way... n i stopped... n started to bend my body to a comfortable position. i really looked like an idiot. really. n alot of eyes on me. very very embarassing. but i cldnt help it. hahaha. so after tt the pain was gone. but not for long lah. its like... on, off, on, off liddat. so anw, i made my way to the shop tt sold the towel. n the towel was SOLD OUT. so i had to pay extra 40cents for the Dove one. thn i bought 2 lah. walk half way, i din see the curb n sprained my ankle. i din fall cuz i caught hold on to this outram girl walking pass..she was with her fren. n they were kinda shock. *kekekeke* i think they sec one only. felt very very malu. imagine. spraining ur ankle... n u know... when u sprain ur body will kinda... "swoosh"... n bend... like a wave liddat. so i looked like a complete moron. the outram girls must be thinking :"HAHAHAHAHHA! wad an idiot!". yuck! hate tt! after tt... as if i not sway enough... i saw this dead bird... on the road... n when i saw it... n car went ZOOM... across the bird. gross lor! sick sick sick. all the blood splattered out like some splattering splatter. ok tt's crap. n [best] of all, I STEPPED ONTO ONE OF THE BIRD'S WINGS WHICH FLEW OUT!!!!!! YUCK YUCK!!! gross.... really gross....!!! lucky the wing is like.. not blood n no disgusting substances. very very unlucky. n now my sis got fever. she seen a doctor. doctor say wad virus... i think spread frm my brother. cuz yesterday she was kinda feverish liao. today rose up to 37.9degrees. so she has MC tmr. cool lah. my immune system supposedly very weak one. so should be very prone to catching the virus. n my sis immune system is very strong. everything's so diff. sigh. wish i was the one with the MC. anw. tt made the day. yep. bye bye!
anyway. today was kinda unlucky. after sch went Great World with zx n jq. thn walked arnd. n jq got her doggy stuff. after tt went home. thn jq reminded me tmr got canoe training. so i went to buy my towel. thn i had this pain in the stomach. not the stomach ache sort... but like tt sort which ended me in hospital. n it hurt so much thn i was walking half way... n i stopped... n started to bend my body to a comfortable position. i really looked like an idiot. really. n alot of eyes on me. very very embarassing. but i cldnt help it. hahaha. so after tt the pain was gone. but not for long lah. its like... on, off, on, off liddat. so anw, i made my way to the shop tt sold the towel. n the towel was SOLD OUT. so i had to pay extra 40cents for the Dove one. thn i bought 2 lah. walk half way, i din see the curb n sprained my ankle. i din fall cuz i caught hold on to this outram girl walking pass..she was with her fren. n they were kinda shock. *kekekeke* i think they sec one only. felt very very malu. imagine. spraining ur ankle... n u know... when u sprain ur body will kinda... "swoosh"... n bend... like a wave liddat. so i looked like a complete moron. the outram girls must be thinking :"HAHAHAHAHHA! wad an idiot!". yuck! hate tt! after tt... as if i not sway enough... i saw this dead bird... on the road... n when i saw it... n car went ZOOM... across the bird. gross lor! sick sick sick. all the blood splattered out like some splattering splatter. ok tt's crap. n [best] of all, I STEPPED ONTO ONE OF THE BIRD'S WINGS WHICH FLEW OUT!!!!!! YUCK YUCK!!! gross.... really gross....!!! lucky the wing is like.. not blood n no disgusting substances. very very unlucky. n now my sis got fever. she seen a doctor. doctor say wad virus... i think spread frm my brother. cuz yesterday she was kinda feverish liao. today rose up to 37.9degrees. so she has MC tmr. cool lah. my immune system supposedly very weak one. so should be very prone to catching the virus. n my sis immune system is very strong. everything's so diff. sigh. wish i was the one with the MC. anw. tt made the day. yep. bye bye!
Saturday, August 23, 2003
feeling much better now. hahaha. still sad bcuz of the rain. but happy. cuz.... my mum just gave me a Hello Kitty sweet. keke. in front got 2 hello kitty pics. aye....wait...nononono....one is um... called Mimmy? i think tt's hello kitty's sister. hahahahahahha. keke. *opens sweet wrapper n eats the... * wait a min! its not a sweet. keke. its marshmallow. kekeke. just as good.
feeling so sad now. one moment ago. i was sitting by the window... arms crossed on the window sill... chin rested on the back of my palm n starring out at the grey dull sky. raining. sigh. no fun. no mooncake. no birthday.AYE WAIT! CHOI! wad no birthday?! hahahahahahha. oh well. raining... raining...
its raining its pouring
the old man's snoring
rain rain go away
come again another day
its raining man hallelujah
its raining man amen
wait. remove the last song. hahaha. lamer. okok.
the old man's snoring
rain rain go away
come again another day
its raining man hallelujah
its raining man amen
wait. remove the last song. hahaha. lamer. okok.
i've decided to put a MANUAL countdown to my birthday since those tt i've found are B I G and U G L Y . keke. n as for e wishlist. sigh. cannt find a proper place to add it in. keke. anyway. let me dedicate a NICE song to you. keke. whoever you are. kekekekekek
Aaliyah (Anastacia) - A Journey To The Past
Heart don't fail me now
Courage dont desert me
Don't turn back now that we're here
People always say life is full of choices
No one ever mentions fear
Or how the world can seem so vast
On a journey to the past
Somewhere down this road
know somone's waiting years of dreams just cant be wrong
Arms will open wide
I'll be save and wanted finally home where i belong
Well starting now im learning fast
On this journey to the past
Home, love, family there was once a time i must have had them too
Home, love, family i will never be complete until i found you
One step at a time
one whole then another
Who knows where this road may go
Back to who I was
Own to find my future
Things my heart still needs to know
Yes let this be a sign
Let this road be mine
Let it lead me to my past
And bring me home at last
hehehe. nice right? love this song. from the wonderful fantastic fabulous incredible movie called Anastacia. keke. hm. today went to sch for AAW. not aww but AWW. yep. Arts Awareness Week, that is. keke. quite fun. jq ponned sch. hahaha. zx n lydia did the hair spray. so cool. i wanted to do... the germaine one. germaine's one was very chio!!! but thn. hahaha. anyway, it was very fun in sch lah. after tt went town. n jq joined us. kekekeke. thn went heeren. walk walk. bought my clips n hairband. thn went cine. met jamie there. thn went heeran aGaIn. kekeke. n i helped jamie plate her chio hair. kekeke. n i got a comb. helped zx plate also. but zx only did four. jamie did alot. hahaha. i think 20. thn came germaine. did 2 for her. thn jamie n mainey left. zx n i went Beads etc. to buy beads n string. n zx helped me make this chio chio anklet. geeeee!!! love it! actually got 6 beads one. but at the bus stop, i dropped one. wow! keke. sigh. should have got the translucent purple or pink hairband. or maybe the orange one. hot pink doesnt suit me. hahaha. nvm. still love it. i'm over with pink liao. my new color's orange. keke. still like pink lah. but not THAT much like last time. hehx. ok... zx n lydia must be getting rdy to go for their campfire now. oops. lydia SHOULD b doing guides duty in sch now. hahaha. but thn...i dun noe la. n i should be at jq's hse now staying over. but i decided not to go anw. cuz 1.) i wasnt really keen staying at her hse and 2.) Lydia's not gg. no one gg. keke. hm... brother came back again. kekeke. so happy. he sick. got fever. n the dumn NS ppl say wad got doctor... shit. complete crap. keke. but i still love NS. oh. on our way hm, zx n i took same bus as usual. n i was laughing in the bus again. hahahahaha. tt time laugh frm outram all the way to zx's hse... still laughing. keke. hm. so... rounded up the day. yep. bye bye!
Aaliyah (Anastacia) - A Journey To The Past
Heart don't fail me now
Courage dont desert me
Don't turn back now that we're here
People always say life is full of choices
No one ever mentions fear
Or how the world can seem so vast
On a journey to the past
Somewhere down this road
know somone's waiting years of dreams just cant be wrong
Arms will open wide
I'll be save and wanted finally home where i belong
Well starting now im learning fast
On this journey to the past
Home, love, family there was once a time i must have had them too
Home, love, family i will never be complete until i found you
One step at a time
one whole then another
Who knows where this road may go
Back to who I was
Own to find my future
Things my heart still needs to know
Yes let this be a sign
Let this road be mine
Let it lead me to my past
And bring me home at last
hehehe. nice right? love this song. from the wonderful fantastic fabulous incredible movie called Anastacia. keke. hm. today went to sch for AAW. not aww but AWW. yep. Arts Awareness Week, that is. keke. quite fun. jq ponned sch. hahaha. zx n lydia did the hair spray. so cool. i wanted to do... the germaine one. germaine's one was very chio!!! but thn. hahaha. anyway, it was very fun in sch lah. after tt went town. n jq joined us. kekekeke. thn went heeren. walk walk. bought my clips n hairband. thn went cine. met jamie there. thn went heeran aGaIn. kekeke. n i helped jamie plate her chio hair. kekeke. n i got a comb. helped zx plate also. but zx only did four. jamie did alot. hahaha. i think 20. thn came germaine. did 2 for her. thn jamie n mainey left. zx n i went Beads etc. to buy beads n string. n zx helped me make this chio chio anklet. geeeee!!! love it! actually got 6 beads one. but at the bus stop, i dropped one. wow! keke. sigh. should have got the translucent purple or pink hairband. or maybe the orange one. hot pink doesnt suit me. hahaha. nvm. still love it. i'm over with pink liao. my new color's orange. keke. still like pink lah. but not THAT much like last time. hehx. ok... zx n lydia must be getting rdy to go for their campfire now. oops. lydia SHOULD b doing guides duty in sch now. hahaha. but thn...i dun noe la. n i should be at jq's hse now staying over. but i decided not to go anw. cuz 1.) i wasnt really keen staying at her hse and 2.) Lydia's not gg. no one gg. keke. hm... brother came back again. kekeke. so happy. he sick. got fever. n the dumn NS ppl say wad got doctor... shit. complete crap. keke. but i still love NS. oh. on our way hm, zx n i took same bus as usual. n i was laughing in the bus again. hahahahaha. tt time laugh frm outram all the way to zx's hse... still laughing. keke. hm. so... rounded up the day. yep. bye bye!
Friday, August 22, 2003
ok. for a moment. i was looking for a countdown timer. but. hahaha. to no avail. help??? sigh. nvm. i found a few. but they were really big n weird. haha. i want sth smaller. like my "mood" icon. keke*. n my wishlist. dun noe where to put also. keke*. dun think will ever get it done. my blog is so horribly organied tt i cant find a place to put my wishlist. n the LARGE countdown timer (which i think i wun out evn if i can). keke*.
i wanna correct a wrong quote.
ppl say:"Dun change becuz of other ppl. tt makes u fake"
its correct in a sense n wrong in a sense. the correct way to put it is:
"if u change for the better bcuz of others, its ok. if u change to BE LIKE others, tt makes YOU fake."
see the difference? dun be someone u are not. dun be someone YOU ARE NOT. u've changed at least 70% to be like someone else. n u keep insisting tt u have ur OWN style. wow. u act like u're the greatest. but in time to come.... goodbye,the great one.
okok. the above was only for someone. a paticular person. hope others dun read it n think its thm. hahahaha. anyway. today was kinda good. went swimming. yay! tan tan tan tan tan. =P. smiles. kekekekeke. n today is xiaomin's birthday.
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to xiao minnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
haaaaa-ppiiiiii birthday toooo youuuuuuuu!!!
keke. =P. smiles. kekekekekkeke. anyway. today went swimming at zx's hse. after tt went to gym. yay! hahaha. at least got train... for the sake of canoe! canoe rawkx! seriously. i really love canoe. but... hahahaha. okok. no buts. no buts. kekekekeke. =P. smile smile! keke. okok. zx in the pool tell me alot of lame things. hahaha. n at the gym. she so miseranble. too skinny liao. dun have ALOT of muscles. but still have anyway. keke. hehehehe. okok. bye bye!
ppl say:"Dun change becuz of other ppl. tt makes u fake"
its correct in a sense n wrong in a sense. the correct way to put it is:
"if u change for the better bcuz of others, its ok. if u change to BE LIKE others, tt makes YOU fake."
see the difference? dun be someone u are not. dun be someone YOU ARE NOT. u've changed at least 70% to be like someone else. n u keep insisting tt u have ur OWN style. wow. u act like u're the greatest. but in time to come.... goodbye,
okok. the above was only for someone. a paticular person. hope others dun read it n think its thm. hahahaha. anyway. today was kinda good. went swimming. yay! tan tan tan tan tan. =P. smiles. kekekekeke. n today is xiaomin's birthday.
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to xiao minnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
haaaaa-ppiiiiii birthday toooo youuuuuuuu!!!
keke. =P. smiles. kekekekekkeke. anyway. today went swimming at zx's hse. after tt went to gym. yay! hahaha. at least got train... for the sake of canoe! canoe rawkx! seriously. i really love canoe. but... hahahaha. okok. no buts. no buts. kekekekeke. =P. smile smile! keke. okok. zx in the pool tell me alot of lame things. hahaha. n at the gym. she so miseranble. too skinny liao. dun have ALOT of muscles. but still have anyway. keke. hehehehe. okok. bye bye!
Thursday, August 21, 2003
not in a paticularly good mood today. i hope yiyuan stops reading my blog. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop. stop.
i thot there was still at least 1% of hope. but its all gone now... all gone... no more.
and for a moment i was jumping with joy... tears nearly flowing out bcuz i was too happy. but covered by my insane laughter. nv felt any better. but. just after one lesson. one D&T lesson. all gone.... all gone....i didnt know y too. y did i feel so sad. i didnt even understand what was going on. tears flowed down... they just did. n i allowed them to. one drop by one drop, the crystals flowed to my maths textbook. there was no reason for me to cry. bcuz i din even know anything. maybe its just another of my cunning ways to attract other's attention. i didnt need attention. but i wanted it. for once. for someone to really care. like in other cliques. where everyone is bonded. like some shitty sticky glue. where everyone knows ach other well. n no one has to bottle up their feelings in fear of being ignored. [to a paticular person] i'm sure u have felt tt way too. n i know how it feels now.... i'm sorry. i'm really sorry. i swear i will never be that bitch again... ok. getting out of point. n thx sherilyn n jan. i dun noe wad u did. but u cheered me up. thanx. really.
sigh. bad things just keep happening today. zhiying came. we went out. to tbp. wanted to take picture. n i pressed the wrong button. n there goes $6. nvm. sigh. n wad happened in school. i dun wanna talk abt it. i cant. bcuz i'm so confused now. if i say another word. things will get worse... worse... i should have just shut my mouth n not shared anything with grace... n bring back all the memories.....
not exactly in the mood to blog today. yep. end of story. =P
she's not angry with me
i thot there was still at least 1% of hope. but its all gone now... all gone... no more.
and for a moment i was jumping with joy... tears nearly flowing out bcuz i was too happy. but covered by my insane laughter. nv felt any better. but. just after one lesson. one D&T lesson. all gone.... all gone....i didnt know y too. y did i feel so sad. i didnt even understand what was going on. tears flowed down... they just did. n i allowed them to. one drop by one drop, the crystals flowed to my maths textbook. there was no reason for me to cry. bcuz i din even know anything. maybe its just another of my cunning ways to attract other's attention. i didnt need attention. but i wanted it. for once. for someone to really care. like in other cliques. where everyone is bonded. like some shitty sticky glue. where everyone knows ach other well. n no one has to bottle up their feelings in fear of being ignored. [to a paticular person] i'm sure u have felt tt way too. n i know how it feels now.... i'm sorry. i'm really sorry. i swear i will never be that bitch again... ok. getting out of point. n thx sherilyn n jan. i dun noe wad u did. but u cheered me up. thanx. really.
sigh. bad things just keep happening today. zhiying came. we went out. to tbp. wanted to take picture. n i pressed the wrong button. n there goes $6. nvm. sigh. n wad happened in school. i dun wanna talk abt it. i cant. bcuz i'm so confused now. if i say another word. things will get worse... worse... i should have just shut my mouth n not shared anything with grace... n bring back all the memories.....
not exactly in the mood to blog today. yep. end of story. =P
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
he bloggie. i've got reasons to explain y i din update. yep. hahaha. 18082003 din update bcuz the dog came n i was scared outta hell. n i was tormented for the whole evening n didnt go online. but anyway. the dog's gone again. sigh. kinda misses it. kinda like it somehow... it seems so especially happy whenever it sees me. it wags its tail n chases after me happily whenever i go into the room [of cuz i would run away n close the door lah]... n it only does tt to me. even my sis can see tt it really likes me alot. n i like it too... but... there are just inconvinience. especially when u have a fucking asshole as ur dad. sigh. my mum's fren took it away. i guess its just fate. cuz my mum's fren's dog just died. n its name was chocolate. n my dog's name...happened to be chocolate too. i gave it the name. becuz it was all golden brown... n its fur was so soft.. n the nose. so cute. button nose. a really handsome dog. sigh. oh well.
ok. yes. yesterday. 19082003.
jiaqi's birthday. a bit too late ah.. but...
haha. so after sch. we ponned canoeAGAIN. [which was a mistake anyway]. all went home to change. thn jq went to jp to meet her kamilah n nicholas guan. n me, zx, n lydia met at tbp. thn we went jp. met jq. walked arnd a while. thn left for IMM. thn jq went to Shannon's hse downstairs to meet kenny. thn we all went IMM. including the guy. yeps. n we walked n talked. n after a while, left for JEC. n walked again. n thn went home. thn i went jq's hse. go there n um. do nothing in paticular again. hahaha. thn left at dun noe wad time. hahaha. when Singapore's Brainiest started. yep. rushed home to watch Cheryl Fox. YAY! she's so chio. the LOVELY Cheryl Fox. hahahaha. i love Cheryl Fox!!! thn after tt bathed n slept. yep. so din go online again. hahahahaha.
today. after sch went to library @ orchard. thn walked arnd taka. ate at Mos Burger. thn went to get Grace's dad's birthday present. haha. thn... um. went home. yep. so here i am! hehehehehehehehehe. today was a nice day. for once, mr chan was nicer, n can joke... n he smiled for the first time. hahahaha. mrs rama was also nicer [i think]... at least she din scold us [i think again]. hahahahhaha. n PBL was another.. um. disaster. hehehehe. ms chia expression shows it all. hahahaha. her reaction. sigh. hehehehehehehhe.
during recess had to go find josef tan bcuz of not gg for canoe meetings. just bcuz we din go 2 times.. n it was not DeLiBeRaTeLy, he had to specially come n talk to us. not as if we wun go next week. n lace also din go for 2 sesssions. n he din breathe a word. wad ajerk. n he had to say until so yan zhong liddat. seriously. he's not even the teacher in charge. arghs! nvm.
ok for now. yep. alot more to type. but hand very tired. yep. bye bye!
ok. yes. yesterday. 19082003.
jiaqi's birthday. a bit too late ah.. but...
haha. so after sch. we ponned canoe
today. after sch went to library @ orchard. thn walked arnd taka. ate at Mos Burger. thn went to get Grace's dad's birthday present. haha. thn... um. went home. yep. so here i am! hehehehehehehehehe. today was a nice day. for once, mr chan was nicer, n can joke... n he smiled for the first time. hahahaha. mrs rama was also nicer [i think]... at least she din scold us [i think again]. hahahahhaha. n PBL was another.. um. disaster. hehehehe. ms chia expression shows it all. hahahaha. her reaction. sigh. hehehehehehehhe.
during recess had to go find josef tan bcuz of not gg for canoe meetings. just bcuz we din go 2 times.. n it was not DeLiBeRaTeLy, he had to specially come n talk to us. not as if we wun go next week. n lace also din go for 2 sesssions. n he din breathe a word. wad a
ok for now. yep. alot more to type. but hand very tired. yep. bye bye!
Sunday, August 17, 2003
i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat must see this everyday to implant it in my mind... to motivate myself. haha. let's go thru wad i ate today:
-2 bowls of tom yam flavored instant noodles
-1 bowl of chicken flavored instant noodles
-1 bowl of chilli flavored instant noodles
-2 bowls of red bean soup
-3 egg sandwiches
-4 sardin rolls
-2 apples
-2 hashbrowns
-1 bowl of cereal
-1 bowl of yan ice-cream. (one BIG bowl to be exact)
-1/2 can of pringles
-1 packet of fried carrot cake (black one)
wad else...? i think there sth else.. i rmb i ate one more thing in the morning... just cant rmb wad is it! arghs! was it a pizza? i dun think so. arghs! but anw. just know tt there's one more thing. k. y m i listing these? bcuz i wanna see wad i eat everyday n freak myself out... thn finally decide to go on a seirous diet. honestly. i dun think this will work. i wanna go on a diet. really want to. but... cant find the determination. arghs! wish i was living in the pri sch days. where we all ate alot n nv seemed to grow fat at all. arghs!
nvm. anyway. i went to visit my bro today. WOAH. THE NS MILITARY CAMP IS WAY COOL! my brother is at the wad SAR 42 sth sth sth armor one lah. hahahaahha. omg. tt place is sooooooooooooooo cool! really. i felt so attached even though i was there for only 2 hrs. once in a lifetime event u know. cuz tt place is "prohibiited". arghs! n cannt bring camera somemore. the worse part. n i love the tanks!!!!! i was like... standing in front of all the tanks... with my jaws wide open... n eyes glittering like... um.. glitter? n my mum had to pull me all the way to the building. hahahahaha. n the big big cannon at the entrance. WOAH!!!! COOL!!! REALLY COOL! n i love that place. really. i love everything there. i even love the way my brother (n all his platoon mates) stink. HAHAHAHAHAHHAA. i couldnt bear to leave when time was up. n i went into the army... some sort of weird car lah. hahaha. bcuz they were chaffuering ppl to the bus stop... e route to the bus stop was very long. n the car was so low tt i banged my head when coming out of it. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. so malu. n now i got a bump on my head. so painful... BUT COOL! i love the bunks! (not bungs) even though air-con-less. still cool. 28 beds n a room. cool eh? hahahahahahahaha. n everything so neat one. ok. one thing tt i hate abt the ppl there. they are all so organised n neat... i cant stand thm. hahahahaha. but when i join thm 4 yrs down the road... heheheheeheh! when i left. i nearly cried. bcuz 1.) i miss my kor 2.) i'm nv going back again. NEVER! bcuz its a prohibited place. n evn when i'm 18... i wun be gg there. bcuz tt's a guy's camp. n bsides.. we're not allowed to choose where we wanna go. so if they put me in NAVY or sth else... not armor... thn. its goodbye forever there. i will nv ever go in there again! can u imagine?!?!?!?! ok. one way is to ask someone... anyone... who's gg to be recruited there... to put me on his visitor's list. thn on e day of visitation... hehehehehehhe. but. sigh. nvm. I LOVED THAT PLACE! i felt really attached the moment i stepped in there... n i was like :"this is it...this is it... this is it..." hahahahhahahaha. oh...n i know how to wear their uniform liao. they dun tuck their pants in their boots one. it just looks like. its the trick of the gutters. i think tt's how u spell it lah. the gutter is this "rubberband" thing tt u hook around the top of ur boots. thn u roll ur pants inwards n tuck them behind the gutters. hahahaha. cool right? n the sleeves. it takes abt 15mins to fold their sleeves. its not as easy as rolling up a normal sleeve. they have a special way of folding it up so tt u dun have to unroll everything when u want back the long sleeve. u just have to pull it. SO COOL RIGHT? n i learnt many many things. oh yah. my brother told us abt this guy who he can really relate to. his name was Captain Kelvin Cheong. he was like... whooooosh! grace asked me to take a pic of him. so she can see tt whoosh cutie. hahaha. but cameras not allowed lah... ok. he's good-looking, especially in his uniform (which seemed to big for him, haha!), n he's nice... n my brother can really talk to him when he has problems... n he's frenly... n like... gift from heaven. hahahahaha. anw. he's really nice. n HE HAS NO PIMPLES AT ALL! NO PIMPLES NO ACHNE ANYTHING LIDDAT! flawless face. i dun think even got oil lor. n he's really shuai. okok. i tell u ah... the bung so clean n neat lor. even the tooth brush. tooth paste all these parallel to each other one k. HAHAHAHAHHAHA. my brother say usually is very messy one. but today special. u know y lah huh. hahahahahahahahaha. thn the sirs all also very kind. today only lah. hahahahha. sigh. dun say so much good things... make me miss it evn more... knowing tt i'll nv go back. sigh. but anyway. i really wanna join NS. REALLY WANT TO! n i smsed grace n zx... keep on telling thm I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! hahaha. zx very anti-climax one. hahaha. somemore call me siao. n grace. whole mind thinking abt maznah. hahaha. but she told me to live up to my dream... she nicer thn zx so far. tt wet blanket. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. ok. I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!!
whoopx. sorry for the madness. no. its not madness. i'm serious. hahaha. oh well. going going.. gone!
-2 bowls of tom yam flavored instant noodles
-1 bowl of chicken flavored instant noodles
-1 bowl of chilli flavored instant noodles
-2 bowls of red bean soup
-3 egg sandwiches
-4 sardin rolls
-2 apples
-2 hashbrowns
-1 bowl of cereal
-1 bowl of yan ice-cream. (one BIG bowl to be exact)
-1/2 can of pringles
-1 packet of fried carrot cake (black one)
wad else...? i think there sth else.. i rmb i ate one more thing in the morning... just cant rmb wad is it! arghs! was it a pizza? i dun think so. arghs! but anw. just know tt there's one more thing. k. y m i listing these? bcuz i wanna see wad i eat everyday n freak myself out... thn finally decide to go on a seirous diet. honestly. i dun think this will work. i wanna go on a diet. really want to. but... cant find the determination. arghs! wish i was living in the pri sch days. where we all ate alot n nv seemed to grow fat at all. arghs!
nvm. anyway. i went to visit my bro today. WOAH. THE NS MILITARY CAMP IS WAY COOL! my brother is at the wad SAR 42 sth sth sth armor one lah. hahahaahha. omg. tt place is sooooooooooooooo cool! really. i felt so attached even though i was there for only 2 hrs. once in a lifetime event u know. cuz tt place is "prohibiited". arghs! n cannt bring camera somemore. the worse part. n i love the tanks!!!!! i was like... standing in front of all the tanks... with my jaws wide open... n eyes glittering like... um.. glitter? n my mum had to pull me all the way to the building. hahahahaha. n the big big cannon at the entrance. WOAH!!!! COOL!!! REALLY COOL! n i love that place. really. i love everything there. i even love the way my brother (n all his platoon mates) stink. HAHAHAHAHAHHAA. i couldnt bear to leave when time was up. n i went into the army... some sort of weird car lah. hahaha. bcuz they were chaffuering ppl to the bus stop... e route to the bus stop was very long. n the car was so low tt i banged my head when coming out of it. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. so malu. n now i got a bump on my head. so painful... BUT COOL! i love the bunks! (not bungs) even though air-con-less. still cool. 28 beds n a room. cool eh? hahahahahahahaha. n everything so neat one. ok. one thing tt i hate abt the ppl there. they are all so organised n neat... i cant stand thm. hahahahaha. but when i join thm 4 yrs down the road... heheheheeheh! when i left. i nearly cried. bcuz 1.) i miss my kor 2.) i'm nv going back again. NEVER! bcuz its a prohibited place. n evn when i'm 18... i wun be gg there. bcuz tt's a guy's camp. n bsides.. we're not allowed to choose where we wanna go. so if they put me in NAVY or sth else... not armor... thn. its goodbye forever there. i will nv ever go in there again! can u imagine?!?!?!?! ok. one way is to ask someone... anyone... who's gg to be recruited there... to put me on his visitor's list. thn on e day of visitation... hehehehehehhe. but. sigh. nvm. I LOVED THAT PLACE! i felt really attached the moment i stepped in there... n i was like :"this is it...this is it... this is it..." hahahahhahahaha. oh...n i know how to wear their uniform liao. they dun tuck their pants in their boots one. it just looks like. its the trick of the gutters. i think tt's how u spell it lah. the gutter is this "rubberband" thing tt u hook around the top of ur boots. thn u roll ur pants inwards n tuck them behind the gutters. hahahaha. cool right? n the sleeves. it takes abt 15mins to fold their sleeves. its not as easy as rolling up a normal sleeve. they have a special way of folding it up so tt u dun have to unroll everything when u want back the long sleeve. u just have to pull it. SO COOL RIGHT? n i learnt many many things. oh yah. my brother told us abt this guy who he can really relate to. his name was Captain Kelvin Cheong. he was like... whooooosh! grace asked me to take a pic of him. so she can see tt whoosh cutie. hahaha. but cameras not allowed lah... ok. he's good-looking, especially in his uniform (which seemed to big for him, haha!), n he's nice... n my brother can really talk to him when he has problems... n he's frenly... n like... gift from heaven. hahahahaha. anw. he's really nice. n HE HAS NO PIMPLES AT ALL! NO PIMPLES NO ACHNE ANYTHING LIDDAT! flawless face. i dun think even got oil lor. n he's really shuai. okok. i tell u ah... the bung so clean n neat lor. even the tooth brush. tooth paste all these parallel to each other one k. HAHAHAHAHHAHA. my brother say usually is very messy one. but today special. u know y lah huh. hahahahahahahahaha. thn the sirs all also very kind. today only lah. hahahahha. sigh. dun say so much good things... make me miss it evn more... knowing tt i'll nv go back. sigh. but anyway. i really wanna join NS. REALLY WANT TO! n i smsed grace n zx... keep on telling thm I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! hahaha. zx very anti-climax one. hahaha. somemore call me siao. n grace. whole mind thinking abt maznah. hahaha. but she told me to live up to my dream... she nicer thn zx so far. tt wet blanket. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. ok. I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!! I'M GG TO JOIN NS! I'M GG TO JOIN NS!!
whoopx. sorry for the madness. no. its not madness. i'm serious. hahaha. oh well. going going.. gone!
i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat
arghs! i cant seem to go on a diet. i ate alot this morning again!!! ma meeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! cannt list out everything. cuz i forgot wad i ate liao. btw... btw... i suddenly rmb sth. i forgot to add on my dinner on yesterday's list... hahaha. i ate 2 bowls of rice for dinner.. hahaha.
later gg to see my brother at the dun noe wad camp there. hahaha. so ma fan... but alot of ppl will be wearing the army uniform. i think. so cool. hehehehehehehe. things to do for my dear brother:
1.) buy KFC
2.) buy black tape
3.) buy torchlight
4.) buy batteries
5.) record love hina every week
6.) bring my photo!!! (he din ask me to do tt... but i figured he would miss me alot. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. okokokok)
wad else? guess tt's all. anw... gg to get ready to go now... need to bath n change. yep. bye bye!
*cross fingers-tmr common tests!!!!!!*
arghs! i cant seem to go on a diet. i ate alot this morning again!!! ma meeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! cannt list out everything. cuz i forgot wad i ate liao. btw... btw... i suddenly rmb sth. i forgot to add on my dinner on yesterday's list... hahaha. i ate 2 bowls of rice for dinner.. hahaha.
later gg to see my brother at the dun noe wad camp there. hahaha. so ma fan... but alot of ppl will be wearing the army uniform. i think. so cool. hehehehehehehe. things to do for my dear brother:
1.) buy KFC
2.) buy black tape
3.) buy torchlight
4.) buy batteries
5.) record love hina every week
6.) bring my photo!!! (he din ask me to do tt... but i figured he would miss me alot. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. okokokok)
wad else? guess tt's all. anw... gg to get ready to go now... need to bath n change. yep. bye bye!
*cross fingers-tmr common tests!!!!!!*
Saturday, August 16, 2003
so i guess i can forget about watching "The Wedding Banquet". so can those CGS peepz who are interested. sigh. false hope. arghs! only ppl above 18 can watch tt play. arghs. sob sob sob sob sob...
hm. i have decided to go on a diet. ok. i'm alrdy "on a diet". hahaha. for those sua-kus who dun noe y i alrdy "on a diet"... its bcuz my mum cut my allowance so tt i dun spend so much on food. she wants me to be 45KG or less. close to impossible. somehow. i still continued eating... n eating... n frm today onwards.. i'm serious abt going on a diet. sigh... i wanted to be serious a long time ago. but there r just too many temptations!!! n i just keeping eating. n somehow... i nv feel full when eating!!! if sth tastes nice... i just keep putting it into my mouth... until all's gone. THEN, i realise tt... i feel so bloated. i dun feel bloated at all during the proccess of eating. dun noe y. i can eat for 24hrs non-stop n dun feel full at all... n when i stop on the 25th hour... realize tt i'm so full n bloated tt i can hardly move. ARGHS! take for example... i was eating a watermelone just now. at first. i told myself. i'll just eat one slice. BUT after the first slice... somehow i went on to the second slice and then to the third.... n so on. so... i ended up eating the ENTIRE watermelon. n i din feel full at all. it was until i realized i finished the whole watermelon did i feel bloated. sigh. same for the apples. i ate 3 apples today. n 3/4 a papaya. n alot alot alot alot of popiahs. uncountable... hahahaha. n one egg sandwich. 5 kit kats. 2 bowls of red bean soup... bcuz tt was all left. arghs! a little here n there... adds up to ALOT!!!!
so back to my main point. i'm gg to resist temptation. i'll try. i'm not gg to think about food... try not to anyway. n if i do over-eat... um... i... will be punished. yes. will be punished. arghs!
reasons for dieting:
-over eating is bad... bcuz u feel like vomitting later on n cannt vomit. all tt happens is: the vomit reaches ur throat... u gg to vomit it out... n somehow...u swallow it back in. YUCK! ok. i know this sounds gross... hahahahahahaha.
-when i reach 45kg (finally)... i can get back my original allowance frm my mum
-rmb how i always say i dun care abt my weight anymore? ok... i'm starting to care abt it now. hahahaha.
-simply bcuz zhixin's hip size.... is my waist size. hahahaha. ok. i AM fat. everyone should tell me i AM fat to motivate me to diet. stop saying tt i'm not so tt i will not stop eating. i swear. even if u shout out loud in public tt i'm EnOrMoUs... i wouldnt mind... n i wouldnt starve myself. at most... i'll cut down on fatty stuff.. i wun torture myself. i promise!!! n ppl always have this thinking tt dieting is unhealthy. its not true. its only when u bcome aneroxic!!! dieting is just keeping a healthier diet.... IT DOES NOT AFFECT SOMEONE'S HEALTH! so tell a person who needs a diet badly tt he/she is fat. its for his/her own good. n stop telling me i'm not fat!!!
maybe i should do a chant to motivate myself... hm...
hahaha. chills.
before i end my entry....
i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat
ok. end. bye!!!
hm. i have decided to go on a diet. ok. i'm alrdy "on a diet". hahaha. for those sua-kus who dun noe y i alrdy "on a diet"... its bcuz my mum cut my allowance so tt i dun spend so much on food. she wants me to be 45KG or less. close to impossible. somehow. i still continued eating... n eating... n frm today onwards.. i'm serious abt going on a diet. sigh... i wanted to be serious a long time ago. but there r just too many temptations!!! n i just keeping eating. n somehow... i nv feel full when eating!!! if sth tastes nice... i just keep putting it into my mouth... until all's gone. THEN, i realise tt... i feel so bloated. i dun feel bloated at all during the proccess of eating. dun noe y. i can eat for 24hrs non-stop n dun feel full at all... n when i stop on the 25th hour... realize tt i'm so full n bloated tt i can hardly move. ARGHS! take for example... i was eating a watermelone just now. at first. i told myself. i'll just eat one slice. BUT after the first slice... somehow i went on to the second slice and then to the third.... n so on. so... i ended up eating the ENTIRE watermelon. n i din feel full at all. it was until i realized i finished the whole watermelon did i feel bloated. sigh. same for the apples. i ate 3 apples today. n 3/4 a papaya. n alot alot alot alot of popiahs. uncountable... hahahaha. n one egg sandwich. 5 kit kats. 2 bowls of red bean soup... bcuz tt was all left. arghs! a little here n there... adds up to ALOT!!!!
so back to my main point. i'm gg to resist temptation. i'll try. i'm not gg to think about food... try not to anyway. n if i do over-eat... um... i... will be punished. yes. will be punished. arghs!
reasons for dieting:
-over eating is bad... bcuz u feel like vomitting later on n cannt vomit. all tt happens is: the vomit reaches ur throat... u gg to vomit it out... n somehow...u swallow it back in. YUCK! ok. i know this sounds gross... hahahahahahaha.
-when i reach 45kg (finally)... i can get back my original allowance frm my mum
-rmb how i always say i dun care abt my weight anymore? ok... i'm starting to care abt it now. hahahaha.
-simply bcuz zhixin's hip size.... is my waist size. hahahaha. ok. i AM fat. everyone should tell me i AM fat to motivate me to diet. stop saying tt i'm not so tt i will not stop eating. i swear. even if u shout out loud in public tt i'm EnOrMoUs... i wouldnt mind... n i wouldnt starve myself. at most... i'll cut down on fatty stuff.. i wun torture myself. i promise!!! n ppl always have this thinking tt dieting is unhealthy. its not true. its only when u bcome aneroxic!!! dieting is just keeping a healthier diet.... IT DOES NOT AFFECT SOMEONE'S HEALTH! so tell a person who needs a diet badly tt he/she is fat. its for his/her own good. n stop telling me i'm not fat!!!
maybe i should do a chant to motivate myself... hm...
hahaha. chills.
before i end my entry....
i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat i am fat
ok. end. bye!!!
hey bloggy! right now at jq's house again. stuying science. hahaa. came here all drenched... bcuz it was rainng. n y did i walk in the rain when there was direct bus frm my hse to jq's hse??? bcuz i went to TBP to buy HER breakfast. i'm so wei da. hahahahahaha. but. seriously. i promised to help her buy breakfast yesterday night... n i din wanna disappoint her. HAHAHHAHA. yuck. i sound like a pl. nvm.
so hungry. ate alot again today. shant list out. bcuz i dun wanna freak ppl up with my insatiable appetite. hahaha. okok.
jq now watching Love Hina. hahaha. when she realized it was 2pm... she went:"oh f*ck f*ck"... so vulgar. tt girl. hahahaha. n her mum was like:"what is that? wad happened to her?" n i said:"orh. she wanna watch TV" n her mum was like :"sheng jing bing". hm. must concentrate. must jiayou. n most of all... MUST GET A SCIENCE TUTOR BEFORE TUESDAY!!! hahahaha. okok.crap. =P hahahahahhaha
so hungry. ate alot again today. shant list out. bcuz i dun wanna freak ppl up with my insatiable appetite. hahaha. okok.
jq now watching Love Hina. hahaha. when she realized it was 2pm... she went:"oh f*ck f*ck"... so vulgar. tt girl. hahahaha. n her mum was like:"what is that? wad happened to her?" n i said:"orh. she wanna watch TV" n her mum was like :"sheng jing bing". hm. must concentrate. must jiayou. n most of all... MUST GET A SCIENCE TUTOR BEFORE TUESDAY!!! hahahaha. okok.crap. =P hahahahahhaha
Friday, August 15, 2003
yoyo! din blog yesterday. i accidentally fell aslp. i'm so [cute] lorh...i slept for 14 hrs... wow. after sch went tbp with zx n germaine to buy lunch at KFC. thn went home at 1430. thn went to bath. until 1515 liddat. thn studied history on my bed. COSTLY MISTAKE: on my bed. so of cuz... i fell aslp at arnd 1600 liddat. wow. n i slept all the way until the next morning. n woke up late at 0600. hahaha. so din study much of history. panicked like crazy this morning. but dun think anyone noticed... cuz 1.) i was pretending to be calm... 2.) i isolated myself to study. hahahahaha. k. so anw. tt's for yesterday. today hist n eng test. shan't talk abt it. cuz if i do, i have too much to say. oh yah. my history qn 20c. i know my answer was wrong. but din bother to change. cuz 1.) i only needed 7 out of 20 marks in tt section to pass everything. 2.) i was too busy drawing on the back of my qn paper tt i cant be bothered to change.... regretting now. if i really do fail... i'm gonna hate myself like madddddddddddd. arghs. lets just keep MY fingers crossed.
k. thn after tt went home. bathed. changed. went to tbp for 'grp revision' with zx n jq. sigh... really meant to study. but thn... nearly half the time was wasted cuz jq n zx were explaining wad was a short circuit to me... sounds really dumb... but. i just din understand... we spent more thn one hour on tt... n jq n zx asked every single person they could ever think of... wad was a short circuit. n i... somehow... hahaha. arghs. shan't talk abt wad happened to me. n honestly. i'm really thankful for thm... very patient. k lah. jq not tt patient... but still... hahaha. patient enough. zx more patient... but she keep explaining wad was resistance instead of short circuit. hahaha. ok. so anw... with the help of both of thm.. i finally understand wad was a short circuit. call me dumb. wadever. hahahaha. wanted to say tnx to thm on the spot. but was too paiseh to do so. hehehehe. so publish it here. THANKEW!!! hahahaha.
sigh. nth much to add on. hehehe. my birthday coming soon.... wahahahahaha. in the middle of my sis's prelims... so i most prob wun get anything frm her. but... *grins*
k. thn after tt went home. bathed. changed. went to tbp for 'grp revision' with zx n jq. sigh... really meant to study. but thn... nearly half the time was wasted cuz jq n zx were explaining wad was a short circuit to me... sounds really dumb... but. i just din understand... we spent more thn one hour on tt... n jq n zx asked every single person they could ever think of... wad was a short circuit. n i... somehow... hahaha. arghs. shan't talk abt wad happened to me. n honestly. i'm really thankful for thm... very patient. k lah. jq not tt patient... but still... hahaha. patient enough. zx more patient... but she keep explaining wad was resistance instead of short circuit. hahaha. ok. so anw... with the help of both of thm.. i finally understand wad was a short circuit. call me dumb. wadever. hahahaha. wanted to say tnx to thm on the spot. but was too paiseh to do so. hehehehe. so publish it here. THANKEW!!! hahahaha.
sigh. nth much to add on. hehehe. my birthday coming soon.... wahahahahaha. in the middle of my sis's prelims... so i most prob wun get anything frm her. but... *grins*
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
oh my goodness. i cant believe what i saw about 15mins ago. i went out to NTUC with jq just now... on our way their... we saw this top naked guy jogging. n guess what? HE WAS ALLAN WU. not sure how to spell his name lah...Germaine... hahaha. she must be so jealous. HAHAHAHAHHA. oh well. he's hot. whoopx. *horny* HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA. okok. enough. bye bye!
yoyo bloggie! hahaha. now at jq's house studying history.... I REALLY STUDIED OK. learnt chap 7 and half of 6 now. taking a break. hahahahaahahha. kewl. learnt alot of things. tt old farty darty mrs rama.... YUCKS! I DISLIKE HER K!!! i din say 'hate' ah.... hehehehe. seriously. i dun understnad a single thing she says during lessons. i promise i really tried to pay attention... tried to absorb... but everything she says... just seem like crap to me. HAHAHAHAHA. oh well. guess its better for me to do self revision. yeps.
hm.common tes in 2 days time. sis's birthday... just tomorrow. sigh. dun noe wad to get her. i asked her what she wanted... n she said nothing. n she meant nothing. she just seems so contented. but of cuz... i dun believe that anyone can ever be THAT contented... doesn;t want anything at all on her birthday. ni mean... things... that can be bought lah. hahaha. all she wants is to pass her o levels... which is crap becuz her intelligence does not allow her to fail. yep. hahahahaha. oh well...
hm. nth much to blog abt. alot f strange ppl adding me in msn nowadays. hahahaha. these days... alt of funny things happened. like receiving a letter from a primary sch frn which i have not talked to since the last day of pri sch. HAHAHAHAHHAA. oh well.
n i was dying to be vice-captain................................
hm.common tes in 2 days time. sis's birthday... just tomorrow. sigh. dun noe wad to get her. i asked her what she wanted... n she said nothing. n she meant nothing. she just seems so contented. but of cuz... i dun believe that anyone can ever be THAT contented... doesn;t want anything at all on her birthday. ni mean... things... that can be bought lah. hahaha. all she wants is to pass her o levels... which is crap becuz her intelligence does not allow her to fail. yep. hahahahaha. oh well...
hm. nth much to blog abt. alot f strange ppl adding me in msn nowadays. hahahaha. these days... alt of funny things happened. like receiving a letter from a primary sch frn which i have not talked to since the last day of pri sch. HAHAHAHAHHAA. oh well.
n i was dying to be vice-captain................................
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
hehehehe. now in jq's hse. ponned canoe today. whoopx. supposed to be a secret. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
today sch so boring. zx whole day very sian... cz she wanna slp. so ke ai. HHAHAHAHAHA. sigh. nth much to blog. ate alot today. zx was like... lyn... u eat how many biscuits ah? hehehe. really ate alot today. hahahhaa. feel so bloated. hehx. =P
jq watchin holland v now. so sian. leave me all alone in the room. i nv go n watch bcuz her parents are out there. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. i got 'parents-tophobia'. n zhixin-tophobia. hehx. =P. sigh... nvm. can use com... bleahx. =) . hm... ah lalallalalalla.
sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian
oh well. nvm. hehehe. was in bed with zx just now. we din do anything lah. hahaha. summore both of us v cold... s we were under the same blanket. so obscened. i'm getting horny. HAHAHHAA. today put my hand under jq's shirt... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. but she shook me off in time.... yucks! hahahaha
today sch so boring. zx whole day very sian... cz she wanna slp. so ke ai. HHAHAHAHAHA. sigh. nth much to blog. ate alot today. zx was like... lyn... u eat how many biscuits ah? hehehe. really ate alot today. hahahhaa. feel so bloated. hehx. =P
jq watchin holland v now. so sian. leave me all alone in the room. i nv go n watch bcuz her parents are out there. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. i got 'parents-tophobia'. n zhixin-tophobia. hehx. =P. sigh... nvm. can use com... bleahx. =) . hm... ah lalallalalalla.
sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian sian
oh well. nvm. hehehe. was in bed with zx just now. we din do anything lah. hahaha. summore both of us v cold... s we were under the same blanket. so obscened. i'm getting horny. HAHAHHAA. today put my hand under jq's shirt... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. but she shook me off in time.... yucks! hahahaha
right now in sch...
ultimate so nice.... so nice!! SO NICE!!
u're it... u're my ultimate...yay! maybe i should just copy the whole lyrics here. wait ah.
Ultimate- Lindsay Lohan (Freaky Friday)
You're the kind of friend
Who always bends when I'm broken,
Like remember when...
You took my hear and put it back together again.
I've been wasting time with clueless guys but now it's over.
Let me tell you why...I'm through...I've got someone new who's just like you!
You're it, You're the Ultimate,
It's automatic I'm sure of it.
No lie, So don't even try
To tell me that you're not the guy.
Cuz I've been waiting all my life for someone just like you,
But you're it..You're the Ultimate you.
You're the kind of guy whos hand's in mine..
Sends shivers, up and down my spine.
You took my heart and put it back together again.
You're the kind of guy that blows my mind..
But now it's my turn, You've been right in front of me.
Everything I kenw why didn't I feel?
You're it, You're the Ultimate,
It's automatic I'm sure of it.
No lie, So don't even try
To tell me that you're not the guy.
Cuz I've been waiting all my life for someone just like you,
But you're it..You're the Ultimate you.
You're it, You're the Ultimate,
It's automatic I'm sure of it.
No lie, So don't even try
To tell me that you're not the guy.
You're it, You're the Ultimate,
It's automatic I'm sure of it.
No lie, So don't even try
To tell me that you're not the guy.
Cuz I've been waiting all my life for someone just like you,
But you're it..You're the Ultimate you.
You're it...you're the Ultimate YOU!
the lyrics so meaningful right? n the tune... JUST ROCKS! hahahahahaha. n i just realized tt lindsay is so chio n cute. HAHAHAHAHHAHA. n Aaron Carter once asked if they could be tgt. HAHHAHAHAHA. kewl right? show u their pic...
got alot of thm tgt... in her website. hehx.
hahahahahaha. oh well. yesterday so funny. sigh. now zx, jq, lydia n grace bside me... viewing mazzie's blog. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. n grace getting all jitty. HAHAHAHHAHA. oh well. sigh. cant think of anything to blog now. blog when i think of sth. hehx. checking out lindsay now. n btw, i have link her, amanda and brenda, and the olsen twins. yep check out my links. hehex. go lindsay one!! her intro flash got a part of ultimate. hahaha. try listening. very nice. shucks/ i talk alot.... hahaha. someone shoot me!! HEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHHE
ultimate so nice.... so nice!! SO NICE!!
u're it... u're my ultimate...yay! maybe i should just copy the whole lyrics here. wait ah.
Ultimate- Lindsay Lohan (Freaky Friday)
You're the kind of friend
Who always bends when I'm broken,
Like remember when...
You took my hear and put it back together again.
I've been wasting time with clueless guys but now it's over.
Let me tell you why...I'm through...I've got someone new who's just like you!
You're it, You're the Ultimate,
It's automatic I'm sure of it.
No lie, So don't even try
To tell me that you're not the guy.
Cuz I've been waiting all my life for someone just like you,
But you're it..You're the Ultimate you.
You're the kind of guy whos hand's in mine..
Sends shivers, up and down my spine.
You took my heart and put it back together again.
You're the kind of guy that blows my mind..
But now it's my turn, You've been right in front of me.
Everything I kenw why didn't I feel?
You're it, You're the Ultimate,
It's automatic I'm sure of it.
No lie, So don't even try
To tell me that you're not the guy.
Cuz I've been waiting all my life for someone just like you,
But you're it..You're the Ultimate you.
You're it, You're the Ultimate,
It's automatic I'm sure of it.
No lie, So don't even try
To tell me that you're not the guy.
You're it, You're the Ultimate,
It's automatic I'm sure of it.
No lie, So don't even try
To tell me that you're not the guy.
Cuz I've been waiting all my life for someone just like you,
But you're it..You're the Ultimate you.
You're it...you're the Ultimate YOU!
the lyrics so meaningful right? n the tune... JUST ROCKS! hahahahahaha. n i just realized tt lindsay is so chio n cute. HAHAHAHAHHAHA. n Aaron Carter once asked if they could be tgt. HAHHAHAHAHA. kewl right? show u their pic...

got alot of thm tgt... in her website. hehx.
hahahahahaha. oh well. yesterday so funny. sigh. now zx, jq, lydia n grace bside me... viewing mazzie's blog. HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. n grace getting all jitty. HAHAHAHHAHA. oh well. sigh. cant think of anything to blog now. blog when i think of sth. hehx. checking out lindsay now. n btw, i have link her, amanda and brenda, and the olsen twins. yep check out my links. hehex. go lindsay one!! her intro flash got a part of ultimate. hahaha. try listening. very nice. shucks/ i talk alot.... hahaha. someone shoot me!! HEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHHE
Monday, August 11, 2003
went to sch. missed one 51 bus. din miss lah. but i got down the bus bcuz there as a Commonwealth Sec girl in the same bus. so i got off at the next stop. hahaha. reached ltr thn usual. poor jq. today came so early.. n no one was there. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.
thn after tt sch went to do sume important PRIVATE stuff. thn went to library with jq n zx. went Bukit Merah Library. zx wanted to borrow a paticular book. so went to Central Library. yea lor. very proud of myself. borrowed 3 books. returned my "Does My Bum Look Big In This" and "The Enchanted Mirror". i nv complete the "Does My Bum Look Big In This"... only read 82 pages... haha. i slow reader lah. since i nv liked reading. n nv even read one page of "The Enchanted Mirror". thn. cannt find the "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit". the three books that i borrowed:
-"Does My Bum Look Big In This?" haha. again. cuz i din complete mah. bleahx. =P
-"Wild Child"
-"Off The Record"
hahaha. all of funny funny ones. wanted to borrow "The Bloody English Woman of Maison Pruce". i think tt's the name lah. but thn. seemed very boring. wanted to borrow "Stupid Cupid" also. but thn jq borrowed liao. n besides, i dun think i can finish reading so many. HAHA! another book. forgot the title.... nv borrow becuz on the VERY FIRST page, VERY FIRST paragraph... there were three "F-U-C-K"s. i'm trying to be innocent lah... HAHAHHAHAHA. so anw. thn went tbp awhile with jq cuz zx had to go home. thn after tt sent jq to busstop... n left to meet my mum. went shopping with my mum. reached home at 7.30. went to bath. missed holland v. so sad. hahahahahahahha. thn came online lor. yeps. hehehe.
went to sch. missed one 51 bus. din miss lah. but i got down the bus bcuz there as a Commonwealth Sec girl in the same bus. so i got off at the next stop. hahaha. reached ltr thn usual. poor jq. today came so early.. n no one was there. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.
thn after tt sch went to do sume important PRIVATE stuff. thn went to library with jq n zx. went Bukit Merah Library. zx wanted to borrow a paticular book. so went to Central Library. yea lor. very proud of myself. borrowed 3 books. returned my "Does My Bum Look Big In This" and "The Enchanted Mirror". i nv complete the "Does My Bum Look Big In This"... only read 82 pages... haha. i slow reader lah. since i nv liked reading. n nv even read one page of "The Enchanted Mirror". thn. cannt find the "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit". the three books that i borrowed:
-"Does My Bum Look Big In This?" haha. again. cuz i din complete mah. bleahx. =P
-"Wild Child"
-"Off The Record"
hahaha. all of funny funny ones. wanted to borrow "The Bloody English Woman of Maison Pruce". i think tt's the name lah. but thn. seemed very boring. wanted to borrow "Stupid Cupid" also. but thn jq borrowed liao. n besides, i dun think i can finish reading so many. HAHA! another book. forgot the title.... nv borrow becuz on the VERY FIRST page, VERY FIRST paragraph... there were three "F-U-C-K"s. i'm trying to be innocent lah... HAHAHHAHAHA. so anw. thn went tbp awhile with jq cuz zx had to go home. thn after tt sent jq to busstop... n left to meet my mum. went shopping with my mum. reached home at 7.30. went to bath. missed holland v. so sad. hahahahahahahha. thn came online lor. yeps. hehehe.
Sunday, August 10, 2003
woke up early in the morning today. went to church with my cousins again. after tt follow thm home. thn my sis came n gave thm tuition. thn until 6.50pm i followed my sis home. hahahaha. on our way home so funny. i received about 14 smses. all from my mum. all the sms is the same:"what time are u coming home?" hahahahahah! my mum so dumb. cuz u know after u sent the msg right, the msg will still be there right? she thot if the msg still there means not sent yet. somemore i nv reply mah.....so she sent n sent n sent. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.
back. ok. zx has changed it. hahahahahahaha. her nick now is:
~zHiXiN~< i hereby declare that SHE is siao woman > o_O~
hahahaha. at least its not so obvious now. hahahahahaha. oh well
anw. i dun wanna blog in detailes today. so this is roughly wad happened lah:
-go church
-go esther's house
-ate alot. ate mac the porridge, hasbrown, 1 pancake. for lunch, sliced fish noodles, half a bowl of chicken rice, 2 jellys, 3 yakults, one pack of fries, 1 small pack of crackers... n um... i dun think have anymore liao. for dinner, mian xian, i whole 'bottle' of pringles, 1 jelly, 4 yakults, 2 french toast and 1 half boiled egg.
-thn went tbp with sis
-thn went home. yep. hehehehehe
okok. nth else liao. finally ate alot. starved for too long. feeling hungry again. hahaha. bye!
back. ok. zx has changed it. hahahahahahaha. her nick now is:
~zHiXiN~< i hereby declare that SHE is siao woman > o_O~
hahahaha. at least its not so obvious now. hahahahahaha. oh well
anw. i dun wanna blog in detailes today. so this is roughly wad happened lah:
-go church
-go esther's house
-ate alot. ate mac the porridge, hasbrown, 1 pancake. for lunch, sliced fish noodles, half a bowl of chicken rice, 2 jellys, 3 yakults, one pack of fries, 1 small pack of crackers... n um... i dun think have anymore liao. for dinner, mian xian, i whole 'bottle' of pringles, 1 jelly, 4 yakults, 2 french toast and 1 half boiled egg.
-thn went tbp with sis
-thn went home. yep. hehehehehe
okok. nth else liao. finally ate alot. starved for too long. feeling hungry again. hahaha. bye!
Saturday, August 09, 2003
ok. today is national day. yep. whoopx. forgot. i'm a patriot. i should say...
hehehe. enthu enough? today very boring. woke up late. very very late. woke up at like.. um... 3pm? yep. heheheh. thn wash up. thn stayed in the room for a while. n sat on my bed. n the thots came... to disturb me again. hahahahhaa. so anw. did my conscious a favor by doing some soul searching again. hahahaha. thot abt some funny n happy moments... n suddenly thot abt other things. n started to cry. some sad stuff. n my brother came into the room. n talked to me. n told me not to cry over spilt milk... wad's done cannt be undone. so i got over it.. actually. even if my bro din talk to me... i would have bounced back also. hehehe. since i'm such an optimistic person. =x. heheheehehehehehhehehehehehe.
yuck. eating a pear now. the pear... doesn't seem o be ripe. brb....
ok. back. just threw the pear away. its... really not ripe. hahahahaha. yuck. i think i will have food poisoning later. ok. stop bloggin now. need to get rdy to go toilet. HAHAHAHAHHA. okok. crap. anw. gtg. yep. bye!
hehehe. enthu enough? today very boring. woke up late. very very late. woke up at like.. um... 3pm? yep. heheheh. thn wash up. thn stayed in the room for a while. n sat on my bed. n the thots came... to disturb me again. hahahahhaa. so anw. did my conscious a favor by doing some soul searching again. hahahaha. thot abt some funny n happy moments... n suddenly thot abt other things. n started to cry. some sad stuff. n my brother came into the room. n talked to me. n told me not to cry over spilt milk... wad's done cannt be undone. so i got over it.. actually. even if my bro din talk to me... i would have bounced back also. hehehe. since i'm such an optimistic person. =x. heheheehehehehehhehehehehehe.
yuck. eating a pear now. the pear... doesn't seem o be ripe. brb....
ok. back. just threw the pear away. its... really not ripe. hahahahaha. yuck. i think i will have food poisoning later. ok. stop bloggin now. need to get rdy to go toilet. HAHAHAHAHHA. okok. crap. anw. gtg. yep. bye!
Friday, August 08, 2003
my brother is back form NS cuz of national day. ok. he's gg back tmr but i'm glad he's back anw. so i can officially bid him goodbye tmr. I LOVE MY BROTHER!!!!! HE ROCKS! HE ROCKS! NS life is tough k. MY BROTHER ROCKS! anw. he got free stuff like the ns bag, water bottle bla bla bla. n he gave thm all to me. hahaha. cuz he know i like army stuff. too bad he cannt give me the uniform n the boots.... n the back pack.... hahahahahaha. I LOVE MY BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!
today sch national day celebration. let us off at 10am. went home. bath... bla bla bla. thn went out. met zx n lydia at GWC. as usual, they were late. no. zx was on time. lydia late. hahahahaha.thn jq came with her dada. thn went to watch pao ba hai zhi (homerun). hahaha. i think the show is nice. but lydia they all say not nice. hahahaha. n lydia keep saying tt i cried. HAHAHAHAHA. i din... i din... i really din. hahahahahaha. nvm. ok lah. maybe juat a little... but... oh well. hahaha. nvm. i dun make any sense here. hahahaha. too excited abt my brother liao.
after tt kenny went home. jq, lydia n i went zx's hse. played UNO. thn went swimming in our clothes again. saw pamela in the pool too. n she kept shooting water at me. hahahaha. oh well. kids. MY BROTHER ROCKS.whoopx. hehex. thn went for dinner at BK. ate until so full. hahahaha. thn walked around. saw this converse shirt n shorts. so nice. wanted to buy. but... hahahahahahaha. cannt be materialistic. yep. i'm a good girl. n not only tt... I'M ANTI LESBIAN! hahahahahahaahaha. oh well.
thn went home. n went out again. n came back. AND SAW MY BROTHER!! N I THOT HE WAS A BUGLAR! HAHAHAHA. after his new botak hair style. hahaha. n his uniform, socks, boots, back pack etc. ROCK! ROCK!!!!! hahaha. n he gave me his free stuff. aye. i think i just said tt above. haahha. nvm. no harm repeating. HAHAHAHAHA. I LOVE MY BROTHER! MY BROTHER ROCKS!
my brother is back form NS cuz of national day. ok. he's gg back tmr but i'm glad he's back anw. so i can officially bid him goodbye tmr. I LOVE MY BROTHER!!!!! HE ROCKS! HE ROCKS! NS life is tough k. MY BROTHER ROCKS! anw. he got free stuff like the ns bag, water bottle bla bla bla. n he gave thm all to me. hahaha. cuz he know i like army stuff. too bad he cannt give me the uniform n the boots.... n the back pack.... hahahahahaha. I LOVE MY BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!
today sch national day celebration. let us off at 10am. went home. bath... bla bla bla. thn went out. met zx n lydia at GWC. as usual, they were late. no. zx was on time. lydia late. hahahahaha.thn jq came with her dada. thn went to watch pao ba hai zhi (homerun). hahaha. i think the show is nice. but lydia they all say not nice. hahahaha. n lydia keep saying tt i cried. HAHAHAHAHA. i din... i din... i really din. hahahahahaha. nvm. ok lah. maybe juat a little... but... oh well. hahaha. nvm. i dun make any sense here. hahahaha. too excited abt my brother liao.
after tt kenny went home. jq, lydia n i went zx's hse. played UNO. thn went swimming in our clothes again. saw pamela in the pool too. n she kept shooting water at me. hahahaha. oh well. kids. MY BROTHER ROCKS.whoopx. hehex. thn went for dinner at BK. ate until so full. hahahaha. thn walked around. saw this converse shirt n shorts. so nice. wanted to buy. but... hahahahahahaha. cannt be materialistic. yep. i'm a good girl. n not only tt... I'M ANTI LESBIAN! hahahahahahaahaha. oh well.
thn went home. n went out again. n came back. AND SAW MY BROTHER!! N I THOT HE WAS A BUGLAR! HAHAHAHA. after his new botak hair style. hahaha. n his uniform, socks, boots, back pack etc. ROCK! ROCK!!!!! hahaha. n he gave me his free stuff. aye. i think i just said tt above. haahha. nvm. no harm repeating. HAHAHAHAHA. I LOVE MY BROTHER! MY BROTHER ROCKS!
Thursday, August 07, 2003
Reflection - Christina Alguilera
Look at me
You may think you see who I really am
But you'll never know me
Every day
It's as if I play a part
If I wear a mask
I can fool the world
But I cannot fool my heart
Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me?
When will my reflection show
who I am inside?
I am now in a world where I have to hide my heart
And what I believe in
But somehow I will show the world
What's inside my heart
And be loved for who I am
Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection someone I don't know?
Must I pretend that I'm someone else for all time?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
There's a heart that must be free to fly
That burns with a need to know the reason why
Why must we all conceal
What we think
How we feel?
Must there be a secret me
I'm forced to hide?
I won't pretend that I'm someone else for all time
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
Look at me
You may think you see who I really am
But you'll never know me
Every day
It's as if I play a part
If I wear a mask
I can fool the world
But I cannot fool my heart
Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me?
When will my reflection show
who I am inside?
I am now in a world where I have to hide my heart
And what I believe in
But somehow I will show the world
What's inside my heart
And be loved for who I am
Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection someone I don't know?
Must I pretend that I'm someone else for all time?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
There's a heart that must be free to fly
That burns with a need to know the reason why
Why must we all conceal
What we think
How we feel?
Must there be a secret me
I'm forced to hide?
I won't pretend that I'm someone else for all time
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
ok. chill. haha. today's lydi's bday.
haha. zx, jq, nat, grace n i shared money to buy the purple "MOGU" (aka muo gu- mushroom) for her. hahaha. i not supposed to tell lydia how much it cost. but... it slipped off my tongue. i thot she knew alrdy. mameee! feel so guilty. zx STARED at me when i accidentally said out the price. hehehe. oh yah. forgot to include another info yesterday. I CUT JQ'S HAIR!!! ok. din cut really well. did a bad job. cuz i haven finish yet she ask me to stop liao. hehx. cut it during PBL. took leave to got to the toilet. n later zx went toilet... hahaha. she saw all the hair on the floor. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. oh well
anw. today was fine. ms chia din come. ms chan let us have 5min break... hm....got mass run. din feel enthu. losing my running touch. sigh. like... normally 2 rounds... i'll b like,"no sweat!"... n now... sigh. dun noe wad's wrong. keep feeling uneasy inside. weird feeling. just dun feel right. sigh. dun noe wad's wrong.
after sch library got sec 4 farewell party. i din go. cuz it starts at 3. sigh. feel so guilty. nv go for a single library duty since sch reopened. neglecting library bcuz of canoe. but. seriously. i'm really tired. maybe i should give up library. but.... i have a commitment there.. i mean. sigh. u wun understand. nvm
went to suntec with jq after sch. she need to collect her U2 jeans. thn ate. sigh. dun talk abt eating. i can't seem to lose any weight at all!!!! tt means... i'll have to wait longer before i get my allowance. i feel so broke. nvm. if the need be, i'll go begging again. HAHAHAHHAHAHA. begging is fun. thn she came my hse. n bla bla bla bla bla....
haha. watched my 1995 K2 graduation tape. SO FUNNY!! SAW MYSELF DANCING THE HAWAIIN DANCE IN THE DUMB HOT PINK SPAGHETTI STRAP TOP N RAFIA STRING SKIRT!! HAHAHAHAHHAA. suddenly missed my kindergarden sch yrs. tt time everyone so young. dun noe anything. so innocent... so.... pure...oh well. k. anw. so saw myself. SO MALU! jq was laughing too. i laughed so much i was rolling on the ground. thn realized tt 1995 ppl... spectacles.. um.. abit... 'nice' lah. hehx. my goodness. i'm mean. i'm mean.
anw. lazy to blog so much. yep. bye bye!
haha. zx, jq, nat, grace n i shared money to buy the purple "MOGU" (aka muo gu- mushroom) for her. hahaha. i not supposed to tell lydia how much it cost. but... it slipped off my tongue. i thot she knew alrdy. mameee! feel so guilty. zx STARED at me when i accidentally said out the price. hehehe. oh yah. forgot to include another info yesterday. I CUT JQ'S HAIR!!! ok. din cut really well. did a bad job. cuz i haven finish yet she ask me to stop liao. hehx. cut it during PBL. took leave to got to the toilet. n later zx went toilet... hahaha. she saw all the hair on the floor. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. oh well
anw. today was fine. ms chia din come. ms chan let us have 5min break... hm....got mass run. din feel enthu. losing my running touch. sigh. like... normally 2 rounds... i'll b like,"no sweat!"... n now... sigh. dun noe wad's wrong. keep feeling uneasy inside. weird feeling. just dun feel right. sigh. dun noe wad's wrong.
after sch library got sec 4 farewell party. i din go. cuz it starts at 3. sigh. feel so guilty. nv go for a single library duty since sch reopened. neglecting library bcuz of canoe. but. seriously. i'm really tired. maybe i should give up library. but.... i have a commitment there.. i mean. sigh. u wun understand. nvm
went to suntec with jq after sch. she need to collect her U2 jeans. thn ate. sigh. dun talk abt eating. i can't seem to lose any weight at all!!!! tt means... i'll have to wait longer before i get my allowance. i feel so broke. nvm. if the need be, i'll go begging again. HAHAHAHHAHAHA. begging is fun. thn she came my hse. n bla bla bla bla bla....
haha. watched my 1995 K2 graduation tape. SO FUNNY!! SAW MYSELF DANCING THE HAWAIIN DANCE IN THE DUMB HOT PINK SPAGHETTI STRAP TOP N RAFIA STRING SKIRT!! HAHAHAHAHHAA. suddenly missed my kindergarden sch yrs. tt time everyone so young. dun noe anything. so innocent... so.... pure...oh well. k. anw. so saw myself. SO MALU! jq was laughing too. i laughed so much i was rolling on the ground. thn realized tt 1995 ppl... spectacles.. um.. abit... 'nice' lah. hehx. my goodness. i'm mean. i'm mean.
anw. lazy to blog so much. yep. bye bye!
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
ok. i din blog when i got back to my seat bcuz i suddenly became i nice person n went to talk to gwen. sigh. i guess. being good frens are hard bcuz once u know the person well, u not only see the person's good side, but the bad sides as well. gwen and jan, u two.. should just thrash things out. i mean. talk things out nicely. n i apologize if there's anything i shouldnt have said. i dun think i've helpd much bcuz i can't help u two. u two have to decide for urself yah. but anw. i hope u t wo quickly patch up n once again. sorry for anything i've said. n sorry sherilyn too.
so anw. on fri. after sch had to stay back for this canoe briefing thing. n i was desperately looking for grace. she din turn up. but i'm sure she was in sch. turned out tt she was talking to maznah. ok. i admit. i felt reallt pissed n hurt. bcuz after all i did to try help her stay in canoe... she told me:"wad's the point?" actually. actually. i have my doubts... but well. shall not write it here. yeps. anw. its over liao. n i'm ok now. so nvm. hahaha. thot abt how i cried like a maniac for the whole day on fri... so dumb! wad the hell was i thinking of?????
but anw. in the end. her mum dun allow lah. so. oh well
sat morning went for breakfast at tbp mac with grace n jq. wow. we supposed to meet at 7. i reached at 6.40am. waited 20mins. thn after tt.. grace at 7am smsed me n tell me tt she just woke up. double wow. ok. so she was late by abt 20mins. thn... at abt 7am liddat also. i asked grace to call jq. interestingly, she was sleeping. SLEEPING, i repeat. so grace woke her up. she called me. asking me wad she has to bring. haven evn packed bag. so smart. so nvm. in the end. she came at aroun 7.35 liddat. all in all. i waited for 50 mins liddat. wow. my legs nearly broke n i nearly turned into a stone. hahaha. thn after tt grace dun noe go where n meet maz. dun noe if i'm allowed to publish this in my blog. but haha. grace also nv say cannt. so nvm. thn me n jq went canoe course. talk abt tt later. after canoe course went to eat at redhill market. thn went jq's hse. slept there. her room no blanket. so cold. she gave me 2 shirts n 2 sch skirts to cover myself. smart. brilliant. fantastic. left at abt 9.40pm.
sunday. as usual. woke up early. supposed to meet jq for breakfast at redhill market at 7.30am. n she reached at 8.10am. wow. again. if i nv called her at 7.20, she wudden have woke up. hahaha. when i called her she still slping lor. genius manx. so we ate. thn went to redhill mrt station to wait for the rest. josef tan wore a "holy" shirt. full of holes. hahahahaha. thn went for course. talk abt it later again. haha. thn came back. jq din wanna eat. so we went home. yeps.
facts about josef tan:
1.) likes pink. HE IS A SISSY!!!!
2.) scared of heat/sun. HE IS A GAY!!! A SISSY! WHATEVER. we all sit under the sun n he was like... taking shade under the trees.
3.) has pink shirts, bink BOXERS??!!, pink pen... yucky yuck yuck
4.) quite nice lah. the fact tt he treated us to drinks. haha. BUT NO NASI LEMAK!!! so sad. the famous changi nasi lemak. sigh.
5.) his track pants.. sigh. ppl wear until reach the shoe... his is about 10cm above ankle. WOW!!!! trend-setter. hahaha
6.) lamer. lamer. lamer. lamer. lamer. lamer. lamer
7.) likes to walk around with tt DAMNED camera of his. hahahaha
8.) for the moment, de zhui his gf. haha. cuz he sacrificed his weekend for canoe mah. so his gf is angry
(dun belief tt. i made it all up. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
9.) cancelled tues training to spend time with his gf
(whoopx. hahahaha. dun belief tt either. but if u wanna belief, no one's stopping u)
10.) HE LIKES OUR INSTRUCTER, LANCE! his ex gay partner
okok. as u know. tt was made up too. hahahahahaha. cannt b verified.
anw. canoe training was kinda fun. except for the capsize drill. our instructers, lance and laiman, were very nice. laiman is a chio chio vicki zhao look-a-like who's 26 this yr. so for those who r interested... she's working at the changi sea sports complex. omg. wad m i thinkng? she's with lance liao. aye. no. lance with josef tan mah. but. josef tan also with laiman. oh no! this triangle so complicated. dun bother figuring it out. cuz anw... u wun get any conclusion. simply bcuz, ITS ALL MADE UP!!!
capsize drill was terrible for the first time. ok for the 2nd time. 3rd time was fun. excpt tt on the 3rd time, we were at the deep waters liao. so i cldnt touch the grnd. so scary. i got phobia of water mah. n i cried like another maniac. sigh. i'm so useless. hahaha. but evn thou i cried... i still completed the whole drill. YAY! clap for me leh!
after the course, realized tt the seniors are not dao anw. SOME LAH. paticularly... nvm. those tt we thot we dao.. are actually quite frenly. namely, kong lam, qi qi, joanne. NIHAT rocks. dun noe if tt's the spelling but. haha. she very nice. n jq is obsessed with qiqi. her new idol. haha. qiqi very cute one. tt time got bumboat (right now i'm laughing) gg to bang her canoe. thn we shouted "BOAT! BOAT!" n she was like:"where? where?" n she kept paddling despite the fact tt she dun evn noe where the bum boat is. haha. thn when she saw it, she was like:"OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG........" HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA. so funny right? may not seem funny to u but. haha. i laughed for dun noe how many days bcuz of this. my goodness. i;m really infected. oh yah, did i tell u? jq the sotong capsized. half way while canoeing. hahaha. it wasnt a drill. tt sotong... HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. so funny.
along with us, our classmates lah were:
1.) this 58 yr old man. haha. dun noe his name. but 58. woah
2.) edison. aka MACHO MARY.HAHAHAHHA.dun noe how old. in poly now.
3.) zhihao. edison;s fren. act macho buai macho one lah. tt guy. so horny. HE SUCKS!
4.) xiao hei. chi who looks like indian and has 7 piercings on his left ear. woah. haha. but nope. he's mr-nice-guy. who said ppl with many piercings are bad?
can refer to jq's blog lah. she got some stuff abt the course also. anw. i got the cert! I GOT THE CERT! hehehehe. smsed alot of ppl to tell thm. CONGRATULATE ME EVERYONE! HAHAHAHAHHAA. i'm a born genius.
ok. monday went to lydia's hse. made a mess out of her hse. alot of dumb n funny things happen. cannt list thm out. will flood my blog. since i typed alot liao. hahaha. me grace zx n lydia herself. yeps. haha.
tusday. stayed in sch for counselling. pft. thn PBL. sch com lab closing. so went to grace's hse. everyone went there. wow. hahaha. her dogs. ok lah. they were cute n nice. but... i'm kinda afraid. hahaha. thn left at 7.30 liddat. reach home. do PBL. until very late. haha. it was all rubbish
today PBL presentation. no class. so shuang. haha. but pbl was horrible. before presenting... i was so nervous tt i cried. after tt i was so disspointed, still nervous, hurt n sad tt i cried again. I'M CRAZY! why did i even cry? siao siao siao siao. i dun noe lah. look down on my 10hrs ago self now. wad was i doing? i messed up the whole presentation. if i din get angry n rehearsed yesterday. nth would have gone wrong. n jan. n gwen. n i dun noe! i'm just. sigh. mixed up. n recieved the most bad comments frm mrs neo. she's biased one k. she see who she like one. i wanna publish this in my blog:
oh well. din make me feel better. but hah. nvm. i wanna let the whole wurld know. ok. anw. i bounced back so quickly after the PBL thing. hahah. one moment i was sobbing like a loser...a pathetic one.... n the very next, lauhing n chatting with peeps. hahaha. finally found sth good abt myself. HEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHE.
k. today morning my bro go for NS. yesterday night i was still thinkng abt wad to tell him. i din manage to say anything to him. i din know he was gg in the morning. so i call hm after sch n my dad told me he left. i was so shocked. i know he'll be back soon. got NDP mah. but somehow. there's this funny weird feeling inside me. i just felt like crying everything out. thot abt alot of things in the bus while gg to town with zx n jq. held back my tears. no tears flowed down. YAY! hahaha. rubbed thm off before they even rolled. hahahahaha. i'm smart. ok. anw. i got over it liao. i guess so. since i'm able to bounce back so quickly. hahahahahaha.
now got holland v. go n watch liao. bye bye!
so anw. on fri. after sch had to stay back for this canoe briefing thing. n i was desperately looking for grace. she din turn up. but i'm sure she was in sch. turned out tt she was talking to maznah. ok. i admit. i felt reallt pissed n hurt. bcuz after all i did to try help her stay in canoe... she told me:"wad's the point?" actually. actually. i have my doubts... but well. shall not write it here. yeps. anw. its over liao. n i'm ok now. so nvm. hahaha. thot abt how i cried like a maniac for the whole day on fri... so dumb! wad the hell was i thinking of?????
but anw. in the end. her mum dun allow lah. so. oh well
sat morning went for breakfast at tbp mac with grace n jq. wow. we supposed to meet at 7. i reached at 6.40am. waited 20mins. thn after tt.. grace at 7am smsed me n tell me tt she just woke up. double wow. ok. so she was late by abt 20mins. thn... at abt 7am liddat also. i asked grace to call jq. interestingly, she was sleeping. SLEEPING, i repeat. so grace woke her up. she called me. asking me wad she has to bring. haven evn packed bag. so smart. so nvm. in the end. she came at aroun 7.35 liddat. all in all. i waited for 50 mins liddat. wow. my legs nearly broke n i nearly turned into a stone. hahaha. thn after tt grace dun noe go where n meet maz. dun noe if i'm allowed to publish this in my blog. but haha. grace also nv say cannt. so nvm. thn me n jq went canoe course. talk abt tt later. after canoe course went to eat at redhill market. thn went jq's hse. slept there. her room no blanket. so cold. she gave me 2 shirts n 2 sch skirts to cover myself. smart. brilliant. fantastic. left at abt 9.40pm.
sunday. as usual. woke up early. supposed to meet jq for breakfast at redhill market at 7.30am. n she reached at 8.10am. wow. again. if i nv called her at 7.20, she wudden have woke up. hahaha. when i called her she still slping lor. genius manx. so we ate. thn went to redhill mrt station to wait for the rest. josef tan wore a "holy" shirt. full of holes. hahahahaha. thn went for course. talk abt it later again. haha. thn came back. jq din wanna eat. so we went home. yeps.
facts about josef tan:
1.) likes pink. HE IS A SISSY!!!!
2.) scared of heat/sun. HE IS A GAY!!! A SISSY! WHATEVER. we all sit under the sun n he was like... taking shade under the trees.
3.) has pink shirts, bink BOXERS??!!, pink pen... yucky yuck yuck
4.) quite nice lah. the fact tt he treated us to drinks. haha. BUT NO NASI LEMAK!!! so sad. the famous changi nasi lemak. sigh.
5.) his track pants.. sigh. ppl wear until reach the shoe... his is about 10cm above ankle. WOW!!!! trend-setter. hahaha
6.) lamer. lamer. lamer. lamer. lamer. lamer. lamer
7.) likes to walk around with tt DAMNED camera of his. hahahaha
8.) for the moment, de zhui his gf. haha. cuz he sacrificed his weekend for canoe mah. so his gf is angry
(dun belief tt. i made it all up. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
9.) cancelled tues training to spend time with his gf
(whoopx. hahahaha. dun belief tt either. but if u wanna belief, no one's stopping u)
10.) HE LIKES OUR INSTRUCTER, LANCE! his ex gay partner
okok. as u know. tt was made up too. hahahahahaha. cannt b verified.
anw. canoe training was kinda fun. except for the capsize drill. our instructers, lance and laiman, were very nice. laiman is a chio chio vicki zhao look-a-like who's 26 this yr. so for those who r interested... she's working at the changi sea sports complex. omg. wad m i thinkng? she's with lance liao. aye. no. lance with josef tan mah. but. josef tan also with laiman. oh no! this triangle so complicated. dun bother figuring it out. cuz anw... u wun get any conclusion. simply bcuz, ITS ALL MADE UP!!!
capsize drill was terrible for the first time. ok for the 2nd time. 3rd time was fun. excpt tt on the 3rd time, we were at the deep waters liao. so i cldnt touch the grnd. so scary. i got phobia of water mah. n i cried like another maniac. sigh. i'm so useless. hahaha. but evn thou i cried... i still completed the whole drill. YAY! clap for me leh!
after the course, realized tt the seniors are not dao anw. SOME LAH. paticularly... nvm. those tt we thot we dao.. are actually quite frenly. namely, kong lam, qi qi, joanne. NIHAT rocks. dun noe if tt's the spelling but. haha. she very nice. n jq is obsessed with qiqi. her new idol. haha. qiqi very cute one. tt time got bumboat (right now i'm laughing) gg to bang her canoe. thn we shouted "BOAT! BOAT!" n she was like:"where? where?" n she kept paddling despite the fact tt she dun evn noe where the bum boat is. haha. thn when she saw it, she was like:"OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG........" HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA. so funny right? may not seem funny to u but. haha. i laughed for dun noe how many days bcuz of this. my goodness. i;m really infected. oh yah, did i tell u? jq the sotong capsized. half way while canoeing. hahaha. it wasnt a drill. tt sotong... HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. so funny.
along with us, our classmates lah were:
1.) this 58 yr old man. haha. dun noe his name. but 58. woah
2.) edison. aka MACHO MARY.HAHAHAHHA.dun noe how old. in poly now.
3.) zhihao. edison;s fren. act macho buai macho one lah. tt guy. so horny. HE SUCKS!
4.) xiao hei. chi who looks like indian and has 7 piercings on his left ear. woah. haha. but nope. he's mr-nice-guy. who said ppl with many piercings are bad?
can refer to jq's blog lah. she got some stuff abt the course also. anw. i got the cert! I GOT THE CERT! hehehehe. smsed alot of ppl to tell thm. CONGRATULATE ME EVERYONE! HAHAHAHAHHAA. i'm a born genius.
ok. monday went to lydia's hse. made a mess out of her hse. alot of dumb n funny things happen. cannt list thm out. will flood my blog. since i typed alot liao. hahaha. me grace zx n lydia herself. yeps. haha.
tusday. stayed in sch for counselling. pft. thn PBL. sch com lab closing. so went to grace's hse. everyone went there. wow. hahaha. her dogs. ok lah. they were cute n nice. but... i'm kinda afraid. hahaha. thn left at 7.30 liddat. reach home. do PBL. until very late. haha. it was all rubbish
today PBL presentation. no class. so shuang. haha. but pbl was horrible. before presenting... i was so nervous tt i cried. after tt i was so disspointed, still nervous, hurt n sad tt i cried again. I'M CRAZY! why did i even cry? siao siao siao siao. i dun noe lah. look down on my 10hrs ago self now. wad was i doing? i messed up the whole presentation. if i din get angry n rehearsed yesterday. nth would have gone wrong. n jan. n gwen. n i dun noe! i'm just. sigh. mixed up. n recieved the most bad comments frm mrs neo. she's biased one k. she see who she like one. i wanna publish this in my blog:
oh well. din make me feel better. but hah. nvm. i wanna let the whole wurld know. ok. anw. i bounced back so quickly after the PBL thing. hahah. one moment i was sobbing like a loser...a pathetic one.... n the very next, lauhing n chatting with peeps. hahaha. finally found sth good abt myself. HEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHE.
k. today morning my bro go for NS. yesterday night i was still thinkng abt wad to tell him. i din manage to say anything to him. i din know he was gg in the morning. so i call hm after sch n my dad told me he left. i was so shocked. i know he'll be back soon. got NDP mah. but somehow. there's this funny weird feeling inside me. i just felt like crying everything out. thot abt alot of things in the bus while gg to town with zx n jq. held back my tears. no tears flowed down. YAY! hahaha. rubbed thm off before they even rolled. hahahahaha. i'm smart. ok. anw. i got over it liao. i guess so. since i'm able to bounce back so quickly. hahahahahaha.
now got holland v. go n watch liao. bye bye!
ok. great. i'm retyping this all over again. now in MONET. sch art com lab. went over to jamie's n.... when i came back! whoosh! there goes my long entry. nvm
anw. really sorry. haven been blogging for a long time. went online on fri but din have the mood to blog. on saturday, went for canoe one star course and after tt went jq's hse. reached home at abt 10.30. so went to slp. sunday din go online bcuz i was too tired. monday... meant to go online. but while waiting for my sis to be done with the com, i accidentally fell alsp... tuesday, yesterday, went online. but no time to blog. was doing my pbl. whoops. just came back frm jan's... she crying. sigh. anw. germaine chasing me off liao. i using her com. hahaha.blog when i get back to my seat. yeppie. bye bye!
anw. really sorry. haven been blogging for a long time. went online on fri but din have the mood to blog. on saturday, went for canoe one star course and after tt went jq's hse. reached home at abt 10.30. so went to slp. sunday din go online bcuz i was too tired. monday... meant to go online. but while waiting for my sis to be done with the com, i accidentally fell alsp... tuesday, yesterday, went online. but no time to blog. was doing my pbl. whoops. just came back frm jan's... she crying. sigh. anw. germaine chasing me off liao. i using her com. hahaha.blog when i get back to my seat. yeppie. bye bye!