when all i will do is forever, forever worship You
ilovemyJesus!!warning to readers: this is a loong, draggy, pointless post.but i guess its good entertainment? -ponders-guess what? i'm not typing 2 posts in a day, because its the NEXT day alrdy! -beams- okay, what kinda crap am i talking now?
i'm feeling super hyper.for what reason,i really dun knw.the net is not vry interesting (excpt neopets!) and thr's only
2 inactive ppl online now.
besides, this is really surprising for someone like me, who sleeps at about 8pm everyday.oh dear me, this tells me my body clock is spoilt.and THAT is the last thing i want.its now 4:30am!!
I FORGOT TO SEND MY GAME SCORE TO GET MY NEOPOINTS!i spent 20 mins on tht game alright.it was my highest score and i forgot to send it.
what to do, praise the Lord lor!! :D
i'm plain bored.if only i could see the Holy Spirit, thn we can play scissors-paper-stone.HMMM.nvm, i'll just ask Him what He's going to show.well.. =/
let me entertain you (or myself,really) with some nonsence.
fungusFANG, my
kougra(actually, its a tiger la!the ppl at neopets dunno what they're talking about.they nvr seen a tiger i think..)

little fungus (for short) is 3hours old only.
he stands at 71cm and weighs 12lps (pounds?)
health: 15/15
mood: happy (very very very happy)
hunger: very full (ahh, see how good i am?)
strength: quite strong (its a 3hrs cub alright!!)
let's not talk about the rest which are lies..
fungusFANG is the best.fullstop.
p.s: named after lovely yifang who reignited my neopets craze! :D
ohyes.i must tell u, the smoothie shop owner is a cheat.i paid 1000++np for a kiwi smoothie.HMM.and now when i look at it, its est value says 319np.CHEAT. -sulks-
may i also introduce the
Mossy Rock i got
free from the
Money Tree?
yes, this is ALL my possession.pathetic huh? its ok.i have GOD :Dahhhh.this is getting boring.let's look at something more interesting xD

here are three girls who think they are mother hens in the hen-hut (?) uh, whatever you call that.
actually, its the bottom cupboard in the AVT which
I opened on the last day of sch(literally) and discovered that it could fit 3 people, just like the mother hens in their hen-hut!! cool huh?=/
ohyes, if u ever see a pic of me, chihui and a hamster in my hand, be very angry with the hamster.because it shitted/shat (?) on my hand right after we took the pic.so, be VERY angry.
no, i'm just kidding.i mean, it did shit.but u dun have to be angry.
aiyah! i am very irritated now, because stupid daddy come into the room and on the light.doesnt he know that korkor will wake up? now i have to get up of the comfortably-warm seat to off the light.oh, if u didnt knw, my bro is sleeping right next to me now.because the stupid laptop is in his room.stupid hor? mm.maybe i should tell u about my korkor(brother, DOH!) he took a pic of his nacked chest (he claims its sexy/macho) in my handphone and used it for his photo caller id.he wants me to keep it that way.i find that very disgusting, but i must respect him.okay, maybe if i look at it from another perspective, its quite funny.imagine mellimoo looking through my pictures one day..HAHAHAHAHA.yes, i think its quite funny :D
and then korkor is kinda like a soreloser (?). before i continue, let's bow our heads and pray that he doesnt read my blog. UH.JUST KIDDING OKAY. but i guess, nobody really likes to lose huh? we were playing
Hotel (all-time fav!) just now and my sis and i were winning obviously.and he wanted to stop the game.when we cont, he shook the board.reminded me of a spoilt little kid.so jiejie(sister, DOH!) and i restarted and play ourselves.after a while, korkor apologized for behaving like a soreloser.
AMEN AMEN AMEN! :Dahhh.why is tdy thursday only? and why was a few hours ago wednesday? when is it saturday? when is it sunday?
God says: "
maybe now i'll show you the girl who bears my nonsence all the time in sch.
wait, she doesnt do that.i bear her nonsence.but i still love her lah. :D
see that, yukee?oh yes, and her name if foo yukefong.
sherilyn trying to get in the pic Part I:
sherilyn trying to get in the pic Part II:
okay, sherilyn is successful.3/4 of her face is inside. :D
well done!ahahahaha! i just saw a very funny pic of gwen in my picture file.but we should always leave good things for the end, so i'll post it one sec before
Jesus comes!! okay?
i'm laughing really hard, gwen! i think tht's ure most unglam pic!
ohohoh! u knw wht's the funniest thing? THERE ARE 2
ha! this one's a classic:

now u know what i mean when i say sherilyn is cute/small/doll-like? ;D
(btw, no one does the twist anymore, doh! we were just trying to look spastic.)
ahh.maybe this post is getting too long because blogger seems to be lagging.i have to wait 1sec before the letters i type appear, when the usual is 0.0001 sec.tht's a big diff alright. x(
in Jesus' name, we say, AMEN!